One Day Before Death Pt.1

Mumbai is called the financial capital of India. Every day many individuals come to this city to achieve their big dreams and desires.

Most young and talented individuals come to Mumbai to fulfill their dream of being actors as the northern part of Indian cinema which is known as Bollywood exist in this city.

There is also a saying about this city is that, "This city never sleeps." Many young and aspiring individuals of any age relentlessly runs after their dreams or making their families happy.

But this city is not only all glow and shine with goodness and happiness. This city too has it's own share of darkness and history.

A history that is soaked in blood and violence. A history of Underworld and the crimes committed by the people of Underworld.

This city has seen everything that you can imagine. From the great riches to the history great violence and crimes.

But with that this city has also seen the rise of capable and powerful police officers who had suppressed the Underworld.

But this story is not about any police officer but rather this story is about a man who has great riches that a common aspires to have and also a dark and violent Underworld side which a common man tries to avoid.

Yes this is the story of a man who singlehandedly took the small territory his father left for him and created a bit empire from it.

And this man is Aryan Singh the owner of Singh Internationals which is the biggest company of India expertising in many fields including power, sugar and even heavy vehicles manufacturing.

But just as I have said, Aryan also has a dark side of his which has kept a very big secret that Aryan has kept hidden from the entire world that secret or you can say hidden identity of Aryan is that he is an Underworld Don.

Don't be confused in India the Underworld is referred to the crime world and in the past Mumbai was the prime capital of the Underworld and now Aryan has somewhat managed to revive that Underworld.

But as you all know there is no one yours true kithe and keen in the world of crimes and the same goes for Aryan as well.

In thr process of reviving the Underworld for his own gain, Aryan has angered many rival gangs who now wants his blood but due to him being the top most figure they can't touch him.

But those rivals of Aryan didn't knew that soon a chance would walk into their door steps with an offer which they can't turn a blind eye towards.

Date - 7th September 2024

Night - 10 PM

Mumbai dockyard...

The Mumbai dockyard is one of the most iconic places used by the people of Underworld as it is place from where they used to smuggle their illegal items like gold, drugs and even weapons.

And right now at this place something big is about happen that this city had seen many years. A full fledged Gang War.

As to why it will happen, well the answer to this lies in this very same dockyard inside the large containers that are placed in this dockyard.

Unknown Man #1: "We have taken control of this dockyard and with this that thing in the dockyard is also ours."

Unknown Man #2: "You are right. That bastard Aryan will now fall on his knees and will beg for mercy from us. But we will make the food for the fishes and let him die in the sea."

In the dockyard a large consignment of gold is stored in the containers which belongs to Aryan Singh.

But some Unknown men have captured this dockyard and along with that they have also taken those gold consignment under their control.

"Vroom... vroom... vroom... vroom..."

Just as the those Unknown men got into the mood of celebrating this victory of theirs, they all heard the loud revering sound of a car that is speeding up towards them.

And soon breaking the barricades set up by those Unknown men, that car entered inside the dockyard and after coming into some distance it stopped.

The Unknown men immediately surrounded that car and pointed their guns towards that car and then one of them roared, "Aryan, we all know that you are inside that car. Come out now. Tonight we are going to kill yo----"


That man couldn't speak anything further as he felt a very painful burning on his forehead and then that man fall down on the ground and when the other men went on to check on that man they all saw a wound to be specific a bullet wound on that man's forehead.

Seeing this the rest of the men became alerted but then one after another, five more men fall on the ground in the same.

They all also died by the bullets that pierced their foreheads. This created a sense of fear and terror in the hearts of those men.

Sniper: "Boss everything is under our control now."

At good height in the same dockyard a sniper is placed who took out those six men under the order of his boss who is present inside the car.

And soon the door of the car got opened and from the driver side a tall, muscular and handsome man came out wearing an expensive suit.

And while this man was tidying his suit those Unknown men have gone into hide behind the containers saw him and one of them said, "Aryan you despicable mother fucker. We will kill you."

Looking at that man who shouted now, Aryan Singh with a smile on his face said, "You all dared to touch my property. And anyone who tries to touch my property in the slightest is destined to die. Bang"

Unknown Man #3: "Who will die tonight only time will tell ?"

Aryan: "No not time but it will be I who will decide the deaths here. And I have decided that you all will die here."

Unknown Man #2: "Shoot him now."

Just as Aryan heard this, he immediately towards the trunk of his car while bullets began to rain down on him.

Opening the trunk Aryan took out a machine gun that he held in his both hands and then he immediately went to the other side of his car and began to fire at them as well.

"Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang..."

The entire dockyard which was quiet and silent a few moments ago has now turned into a complete chaos and filled with the complete noise of guns and bullets.

The Gang War which Mumbai city hadn't seen in ages has finally began and Aryan tool full charge of this war as he began to hunt down his enemies one by one and began to put bullets right in their heads.

Meanwhile the armed gunmen of Aryan also stormed inside the dockyard while open firing on those rival gang members.

The tides of the war soon turned against the rival gang members while it strongly came in favor of Aryan and soon with this Aryan and his gunmen turned the complete war upside down with a great victory against his enemies.

But the night is still young and many things are destined to happen in this young and bloody night before the dawn arrives.