One Day Before Death Pt.2

But the night is still young and many things are destined to happen in this young and bloody night before the dawn arrives.

Soon the forces or Aryan secured the entire Mumbai dockyard and thoroughly searched each and every inch and corner of the dockyard for the enemy gang members.

The forces of Aryan killed all of the gangsters who were hiding in dockyard but then finally they brought five gangsters in front of Aryan.

And once his enemies kneeled down in front of him, Aryan took out his revolver gun which his father had given him.

Soon he began to put the revolver on the head of one of the gangsters and asked him, "You all clearly knew that you can never outnumber me. You all clearly no that dozens of you are no match for me. But still you all dared to go against me on the this auspicious second night of Ganesh Chaturthi. Tell me what was your plan all this time."

The words and tone of Aryan was calm like a silent river and it is clear fact that the more the water is silent the more dangerous it becomes.

And right now Aryan is like a dangerous whirlpool in the water body which is eager and ready to devour anyone who dares to come near him.

Soon he began to move his gun from one head to another head while whistling a melody of a moving song.




After going through those five men Aryan once again came back to the first one and said, "Since you didn't answer my question then don't blame me for this."



Unlocking the safety knot of the revolver, Aryan shot down the first one in his head from a point blank range which created a hole in head of that man.

And this stroke a cord of fear in the hearts of the rest of the captured enemies. Aryan soon shifted his attention towards the next one.



At that moment Aryan heard a roaring sound of an engine and the moment when he turned his head towards the sound.

He saw that his guards have made a way for that car and seeing it recognized it immediately that this car belonged to his younger brother Abhi.

Soon Abhi's car reached near Aryan and stopping his car there Abhi got out of the car holding a gun in his hand and came near to his elder brother with looks of concern and care dancing on his face.

"Brother are you alright ? Are the consignment alright ?" With care and concern Abhi asked his elder brother about him and the consignment.

Giving a smile to his little brother Aryan put his hand on his head and caressing his hairs, Aryan said, "I am the Invincible Aryan Singh and in the entire India no one can touch a single strand of hair of mine. Everything is under control as you can see with the lying corpses and these small fries kneeling before me."

Hearing his elder brother, Abhi looked around the dockyard where he saw lots of blood and dead corpses and the four kneeling men while the armed guards has took over the entire dockyard.

Seeing all of that a laugh blossomed on the face of Abhi and with that laugh he praised his elder brother very highly.

After receiving this praise from his younger brother, Aryan just bowed his head a little in response and then he turned back towards the four men who are kneeling on the ground.

And seeing them Aryan asked them one last time to reveal all of the secret of the conspiracy about this night but the four of them remained silent for a few minutes and then after a few moments...





Loud sound of maniac like laughter began to echo throughout the entire dockyard and the shocking part of this was that this laughter was not only coming from those four kneeling men but also the armed guards of Aryan also laughed like maniacs.

And when Aryan looked around him, he found all of his men pointing their guns towards him ready to shoot him down.

This shocked Aryan very much as he has not expected something like this to happen all of a sudden with him.

Soon those four kneeling men got up from the ground and laughed loudly hearing which Aryan looked at them and there he saw that those four men have untied themselves and thrown the binding ropes on the ground.

And before Aryan could have understood anything or could have said anything...


Someone hit the backside of Aryan's head with a great force which made him held the exact spot where he is hit.

And then he began to fall on the ground and while falling on the ground before being unconscious Aryan got a big shock of his.

Because he saw the man whom he has trusted the most in his life laughing at him while holding a metal rod in his hand in which the blood of Aryan is present.

And seeing that Aryan fell down and became unconscious. After a few moment a splash of boiling hot water hit the face of Aryan.

And from this burning sensation Aryan regained his consciousness back as the sharp pain of the boiling hot water hit his senses back to consciousness.

After waking up Aryan found himself bound with metal chains with a pole in the dockyard and all of armed guards standing around him with an evil and pitiful smile on their faces.

And between all of them Aryan saw that person who made him unconscious on the first place and betrayed him coming out of that crowd.

And this man who betrayed him soon brought tears in the eyes of Aryan as he looked at that man and said, "How could do this to me ? I have raised like my own son. I have fulfilled all your wishes. I have gave a life full of luxury and riches. How could to this to me Abhi ? I am your elder brother. How could you do this to me ?"

Yes the person who has betrayed Aryan and has bound him with metal chains with the pole is none other than Abhi Singh, the younger brother of Aryan.

Holding the same metal rod is his hand, Abhi began to laugh loudly like a crazy person and making a look similar to psychopath Abhi said, "How could I do that my own elder brother ? Of course I can do that. From my childhood till today morning, everything that I wanted to be mine always went to you. And whatever you have rejected always comes to me be it your clothes or your girlfriend. I have always loved Nabha and wanted to marry her but instead she choose you over me and then I got your so called secretary Neet who is still obsessed with you. I wanted to be the sole heir of Singh empire but that also went to you. From my childhood I have always lived in your shadows. Whenever we both had a race between us I was the one who always won but in reality it was always you who have let me won and for that you always got praised from others. One year ago I tried to enjoy a girl but stating that I was trying to molest her you threw me out of the company which was mine and took away that last bit of respect that those shitty poor had for me."

Abhi: "For all my life I was belittled and ignored only because of you. Whatever I wanted I never got anything. But now everything will change. From this moment of this night forward I will become the only emperor of the Singh empire. I will rule over this world with all of my might. And don't worry I will make Nabha my Mistress and will take a very good care of her. Hahahahahahaha.... Himmat kill him."

Hearing all of these words of Abhi, Aryan had completely broken down. He couldn't believe that the younger brother of his for whom he has sacrificed all of his life and happiness is now standing in front of him ready to kill and is thirsty of his blood.

All the memories of Aryan's childhood from the day Abhi born in this world began to dance in front of Aryan's eyes.

Aryan remembered the first day when he had held the new born Abhi in his embrace and showered all of his love to his younger brother.

Aryan remembered how he has always fulfilled all the demands of Abhi be it reasonable or not without thinking twice.

But then the last straw of hope that was in the heart of Aryan collapsed when he heard the name and saw the person who came out to kill him.

Because Himmat whom Abhi had called to kill his elder brother is the most trusted aide of Aryan whom he also considered as a brother just like Abhi.

And seeing Himmat coming towards him with a gun in his hand, Aryan said, "Himmat how could you do this ? How can you betray me ?"

Himmat: "I am really sorry Aryan. But you see I only work for money and Abhi sir paid me more money than you. Hence I and all of my men are now loyal to Abhi sir and you are our enemy."