One Day Before Death Pt.3

Himmat: "I am really sorry Aryan. But you see I only work for money and Abhi sir paid me more money than you. Hence I and all of my men are now loyal to Abhi sir and you are our enemy."

These words of Himmat pierced the heart of Aryan like a sharpened sword and spear. Because in his entire life Aryan has always treated all of his men equally without any discrimination.

He has done many things for his men so that they all will feel that they all are the family members of their boss which they all should take proud of.

And just as it is said, Himmat was the most trusted aide of Aryan or more than that a second brother for Aryan.

But now Aryan understood one thing that the greed of money has surpassed the good deeds Aryan had done for his own younger brother and his men.

All his life Aryan followed the righteous and disciplined the words of his late father who had always told him to treat his men like his family and treat their family as his own.

But now after getting this great betrayal from his own younger brother and men, the only painful words are coming from his heart for his father which Aryan just uttered in heart for his late father to listen.

"Dad are you seeing this ? You are seeing this I know. This is what your teaching and righteous path has brought for me in this world. The betrayal from my own blood and also from the people whom I thought I have relation thick than blood. For this day you have taught me to be good and do good. If this the result then in my next life I want to become a worthless orphan who only lives for himself."

Soon Himmat pointed his gun straight onto the head of Aryan and then looking at him he said, "My Dear Boss Aryan where do you want me to shoot you ? In your brain or in your stupid heart ? Tell me."

Boiling in anger and filled with rage Aryan just spit on the face of Himmat and said, "You scoundrel. You bastard. You were an orphan and my father brought you into our home. And now you are being ungrateful. You are no human to me."

Wiping that spit from his face Himmat just smiled at Aryan and then making an angry face Himmat shot Aryan in his left eye.

"Bang... Bang..."

Himmat shot Aryan twice in his left eye and the two bullets just pierced through his left eye and even some part of his brain.

At that exact moment Aryan stood on the last step before death where he saw Abhi coming towards him with a big can in his hand.

Soon Abhi opened the lid of the big can and threw some kind of liquid from it on the body of Aryan. And in his very last step when Aryan got the smell of that liquid he found that this liquid is nothing but petrol.

Abhi now wants to burn Aryan till he turns into ashes and for that he put the petrol on the body of Aryan. Soon after this Abhi took out a lighter from his pocket.

Along with the lighter Abhi also took out a cigarette from his pocket. Abhi lighted up the cigarette and smoked it for a few times and then Abhi once again light up his lighter.

And then looking at Aryan and giving him an evil smile he said, "Don't worry my dear Big Brother. Happily go to hell. Don't worry about anything from here. I will take care of everything. Be it business, money, power or my beautiful and sexy sister-in-law. I will take care of everything."

After saying these words Abhi threw his lighted up lighter towards Aryan. This lighter of his soon hit the body of Aryan.

And the moment it hit his body, fire soon caught the entire body of Aryan and engulfed him in burning and painful flames of destruction.

Aryan: "Aaahahhhh.... Abhi, Himmat, you all and those so called Gods sitting in above listen to my words. The betrayal and death that you have given me is unjust and for this you all have to pay. Even if I became a ghost I will not spare a single one of you. And just so you all remember this your death will be much worse than this."

Abhi: "Hahahaha... my dear brother your cursing has no effect on us. Hahahahahaa..."

With this mocking and cursing finished Abhi, Himmat and all of their men went away from there leaving Aryan to burn and die.

Giving this cursing to his betrayers and killers Aryan accumulated a strong desire of revenge and grudge in his heart for all of them.

The fire soon began to melt the body parts of Aryan from all around and when the fire was about to reach at the head of Aryan, he lost all of his consciousness.

His will to live really kicked hard but before the fire it all fall apart but then something happened which stopped the fire immediately.

And the near completely burnt body of the Aryan disappeared from that spot with a light that flashed in that entire area which also cleaned that dockyard.

[Suitable Host Found.]

[System binding with the Host successfully.]

Yep the superior troup of modern day web novel fiction world finally appeared to save Aryan. A system came to his rescue.

[Taking Host into the Healing Space.]

[The vitals of the Host are deteriorating.]

[Applying strong divine herbs and medicines into the body of Host.]

[Scanning the body of the Host for repair.]

[Scanning Completed.]

[Host's body has suffered 4th degree severe burning. Body repair beginning now.]

[10... 20... 40... 60... 80... 100]

[The body repairing of the Host is completed.]

[Due to the burning this repaired can't sustain for much longer.]

[Host needs new body and physiques.]

[Suitable Supreme Yang Body has been found.]

[Providing the Host with the Supreme Yang Body.]

[Supreme Yang Body has been merged with the body of the Host. The body of the Host has now became suitable to receive the Dual Cultivation technique.]

[Transferring all the knowledge of the Dual Cultivation.]

[10... 50... 100]

[Transfer completed. The Host has now became a Dual Cultivator.]

[Final Scanning to check the health condition of the Host.]

[10... 30... 50... 80... 100]

[Scanning complete. The Host is in great condition. It's time to wake up the Host.]

The mysterious system revived Aryan back into his life and not only this but the system also gave a Supreme Yang Body and the Dual Cultivation technique as well making him a cultivator.

But the most important thing is that the system did all of this to save Aryan. As the fire has engulfed much of Aryan's body.

So this new body created a way for Aryan to survive in the world with a new life and this Dual Cultivation technique that the system gave him still remains in the question.

But for now the system began to wake up Aryan by providing the some energy pulses in his body and making him wake up.

And soon this bore the fruits of result as Aryan began to open his eyes and within no time he fully opened his eyes and saw himself completely naked sitting inside a strange surrounding.