Chapter 26 Preparation for offline screening!

"So this is the final ending? The final fight is indeed exciting, but the final ending makes people feel very emotional... It's a pity for the girl named Fujou Kirie." Shiori Kaede sighed with satisfaction.

As the final background music sounded, the last scene of the movie froze on Ryougi Shiki's slightly shy face.

Nanaya did not choose the kissing scene between the hero and heroine as is usually the case in movies as the ending, but chose this scene as the ending just like the original theatrical version.

Although this scene is not very direct, it is very warm. For some Japanese people who have a petty bourgeoisie mentality, such a scene is more in line with their appetite than a passionate kiss.

In addition, Ryougi Shiki, who had been acting cool throughout the entire movie, suddenly made this shy girlish expression. This strong contrast directly touched the hearts of the audience in front of the screen.

At first, in order to shoot this scene well, Nanaya tried many ways to make Ori achieve this effect but failed. So, unable to bear it any longer, Nanaya handed the camera to Shonan, and he kicked Ori in the butt when he was not paying attention. So, when the audience saw Ryougi Shiki blushing, it was not because the actor was shy, but because it hurt.

Afterwards, because of this kick, Nanaya was chased for three blocks by Ori, who still had shoe prints on his butt, but the audience will never know about this.

Just as the audience was still savoring Ryougi Shiki's expression, the movie's ending scene had already begun.

Nanaya learned how to end Hollywood blockbusters. The movie screen showed representative objects of the main characters in the movie continuously with the BGM, and the names of the actors and main producers were added, such as Ryougi Shiki's kimono and short sword, Orange's workbench, Kokutou Mikiya's glasses, etc.

Of course, these object images are not produced by computer special effects, but are presented by Nanaya through adding subtitles after all the real shots.

This novel way of ending made Shiori Kaede, who was originally planning to go to sleep, stop turning off the switch.

"I remember that they said there would be a major announcement after the movie. What should I do? Do you want to watch it?"

Shiori Feng glanced at the clock. It was already early Sunday morning. His eyelids were drooping, but since he had already made it this far, a few minutes later wouldn't hurt.

"Let's see. If it's just an ad or something, we must go to the TV station and complain."

He really couldn't bear to just go to sleep like this and watch the video tape the next day, so Shiori Feng had to force himself to stay awake.

Fortunately, because there are not many staff members, the ending of "Kara no Kyoukai" is not long.

Ding ding ding!

Suddenly, cheerful music sounded, and Shiori Kaede, who was originally drowsy, suddenly perked up - because he was scared.

After the cheerful music ended, two figures, a man and a "woman", appeared on the TV screen. Shiori Kaede immediately recognized that the "woman" in the black kimono was the actress who played Ryougi Shiki.

"Ryougi Shiki? So her name is also Shiki..."

Previously, there were only Kanji characters in the ending credits of the movie. After the nameplate of the TV show appeared, Shiori Kaede realized that the ideal female actor in her mind actually had the same name in real life as in the movie.

That's right, Shiori Kaede has already defined Ryougi Shiki as the goddess in his mind. She is handsome, beautiful, reliable, and can protect boys. What reason is there not to like such a woman?

"Hello everyone, I am the film's director, Nanaya Kiryu." Nanaya smiled and waved to the camera.

"I am the protagonist of the movie...Ryougi Ori."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Shiori Feng always feels that the goddess in her mind's smile seems a little forced.

"Then now is the time for the big news announcement for Kara no Kyoukai!"

Clap, clap, clap.

Nanaya said as he clapped his hands vigorously.

However, unlike Nanaya who kept adding drama to herself, Ryougi Ori seemed very reserved and even a little indifferent.

However, the audience was not too concerned because they were still very impressed by the role of Ryougi Shiki that he had just played. Many even said, "Shiki-san (One-chan) is so cool in real life!"

"Then let's start with the first message!" Nanaya imitated Satoshi who was still alive in this world and made a pushing gesture with both hands.

Soon a trailer for "Kara no Kyoukai" appeared on the TV screen. Although the trailer was very exciting, it did not make much of a difference to Shiori Kaede, who had just watched the entire film.

"What the hell, I stayed up all night and you show me this?!"

Just when Shiori Kaede was feeling extremely disappointed, a subtitle popped up at the end of the trailer saying that the movie would be released in theaters in mid-August.

"Nani?! Is this true?"

Soon, Shiori Kaede's question was confirmed by Nanaya on the screen.

"That's right, that's it! 'Kara no Kyoukai' will be shown in theaters!" Nanaya raised his hands in celebration.

"Oh, really?"

Ori still has the same accent as always.

Nanaya pretended to be angry and said, "Ori, isn't this something worth being excited about? This is your screen debut!"

"well enough."

Ori's eyebrows jumped, he always felt that Nanaya was hinting at something.

"Then the second news is——"

As Nanaya's hand stretched forward, huge subtitles popped up on the screen.

"The theatrical version of "Kara no Kyoukai" will have nearly 10 minutes of new plot, which will be a brand new version you have never seen! Our production team is currently optimizing the theatrical version of "Kara no Kyoukai", hoping to bring everyone a brand new experience different from the small screen!"


Shiori Kaede grabbed the frame of the TV with both hands and asked, but this time no one confirmed with him.

"Well, everyone, see you at the cinema~"

With Nanaya and Ryougi Ori waving their hands, the broadcast ended completely.

"What will the 10-minute plot be?"

With such doubts, Shiori Kaede kept thinking while lying on the bed. His favorite movie will be released on the big screen. This exciting news made him unable to sleep. While thinking about what kind of plot will be added to the theater version, he was also worried about whether the movie "Kara no Kyoukai" can achieve good results.

After all, it is indeed unknown how many people will go to the cinema to watch a movie that has been broadcast on TV.

Of course, Shiori Kaede was not the only one who couldn't sleep tonight. All the viewers who stayed up late to watch the movie and the announcement were curious about this matter.


"Of course someone will watch it." Nanaya said confidently, "Japanese people are the most useless when it comes to limited editions. After I tell them it will be different from the TV version, those die-hard fans will definitely go to the cinema to watch it just for that 10-minute plot."

Ori looked at Nanaya with disdain: "It's just a clip you shot casually in three days."

"At least mine was newly filmed! Unlike a certain movie that directly used old clips without special effects as a selling point and was re-released in less than half a year!" Nanaya argued, slamming the table.

"Don't say things like that that we can't understand! Also, why did you have to drag me along to shoot that presentation? Can't you just go by yourself?" Ori felt a little tired. He found that ever since his senior took up the director's baton, he has been doing his own thing.

"Who would just want to watch a man chatting awkwardly? Those fans stayed up late to read the posts, okay? Without you as a red flower to set off, they would probably rebel."

Looking at Nanaya's self-righteous look, Ori wanted to strangle him to death.

"Hey, big brother, you don't seem to care at all about the fact that the TV station has already broadcast it. Obviously, if it goes directly to the theaters, the box office may be higher."

"Well, there is definitely some impact." Nanaya shrugged, "But compared to the loss of the first week's box office, the popularity gained through the two TV broadcasts is more valuable."

Fortunately, he was in Japan in 2000. If it were China, he would definitely not dare to do this. Even if it was Japan 10 years later, he would not dare to do this.

All I can say is that at this stage, the right time, right place and right people are all on Nanaya's side.

First of all, in this era, Japan's Internet is not as good as India's. Such a poor Internet speed makes it unrealistic to broadcast movies online. Although some people will use videotapes, the speed of offline physical broadcasting is not fast. If it is screened on a large scale, many people who are interested in movies will definitely choose to go directly to the cinema. This is the advantage of "Kara no Kyoukai" in this era.

Another advantage is the location. TBS TV only covers the Kanto region. There are many places in Japan where viewers have only heard of the film but have not seen it! Although there are TV news networks, the lag in information still means that many viewers did not see the film before learning about the popularity of the film.

Although Nanaya heard that some people came to Tokyo on Saturday to watch the movie, such people are only a minority after all. And those who would spend money to come to Tokyo to watch the ending are definitely true fans of the movie "Kara no Kyoukai". How could these people not go to watch the theater-only version of "Kara no Kyoukai"?

As for people and——

"Because the second screening reached 15.6%, the TV station gave us 20 million yen in broadcast fees. Counting the first 5 million yen, the movie "Kara no Kyoukai" is now completely profitable! So we don't have any psychological burden about the theatrical screening. We just need to let it go. Don't have any psychological burden, just do your best."

Nanaya raised his hand and cheered to everyone.

"Oh! Come on!"*N

Everyone in the crew followed Nanaya and raised their hands. Even Illya was infected by the atmosphere and started shouting slogans.

Only Ryougi Ori looked at the deep dark circles under Nanaya's eyes and snorted coldly.

"You said it so easily, but I don't know who is the one who has insomnia on both ends."