Chapter 27: The release of "Kara no Kyoukai"

After completing two rounds on TV, the crew of "Kara no Kyoukai" quickly began promoting it in theaters.

However, all this has nothing to do with Nanaya. According to the previous publicity plan of the crew and Linbao Company, all the focus is on Liangyi Ori.

"Orori, you are the core of this movie, so what you need to do now is to appear in public as much as possible! Use the charm of Ryougi Shiki to conquer the audience!"

Although Ori really wanted to punch Nanaya in the face for that weird smile, after Nanaya and others' constant persuasion, he finally agreed to this publicity plan.

"Senior, aren't you afraid that I won't behave like a girl during the promotional activities?"

"Anyway, Ryougi Shiki sometimes likes to speak in a male tone. As long as you keep the first-person tone and use [私] (a female self-reference), even if there are a few flaws at that time, the fans will only bring you into the role of Ryougi Shiki, so there will be no problem."

"So you're not going to tell the audience that I'm a man?!"

Nanaya answered without a second's hesitation: "How is that possible? I have signed a special confidentiality agreement with all the crew members who know your gender. If they dare to tell anyone, [Lin Bao] will send them directly to the bottom of Tokyo Bay."

[So I shouldn't have nodded my head in the first place! ]o(≧口≦)o

Faced with Nanaya's confident answer, Ori always felt that the whole thing was a long-planned plan by Nanaya.

While Ori was dragged out by the film distributor to participate in various activities, Nanaya himself was working overtime during this period to complete the final production of the theatrical version of "Kara no Kyoukai".

Compared to the previous lonely scene when there were only himself, Shonan Rantaro and a drunkard in the production, this time [Lin Bao] specially arranged a lot of post-production personnel to come and help.

After "Kara no Kyoukai" became a movie that was to be released in theaters on a large scale, Ryutani Nobuyuki finally had a reason to use his power for personal gain in this movie invested by his granddaughter. Not only did he ask the company to give the film a green light in terms of promotion and marketing, he also asked the company to give the "Kara no Kyoukai" crew another sum of production fees, allowing Nanaya to make the final version that would hit the big screen even better.

Otherwise, how could Nanaya, who had to finish the film on the last yen of budget, have the money to shoot additional clips?

Although the post-production staff of "Vacuum" has increased, just like even if you have ten women, they can't give birth to a baby in a month, the theatrical production of "Vacuum" still requires a lot of time to complete.

Fortunately, Nanaya finally came up with the final version in early August, and after countless copies, it was released in major cinemas in Japan.


In most countries and regions, new movies are usually released the day before the weekend, because this not only attracts audiences who want to relax by watching a movie in the evening after a week of work, but also serves as a warm-up for the foreseeable hot weekend box office.

Japan is of course no exception.

Unfortunately, the two-day weekend for Japanese students was not implemented until 2002. Although it is voluntary on the part of the companies, in the high-intensity workplace atmosphere where overtime is taken seriously, it is basically good to have one day off. There are even many unscrupulous companies that nominally have one day off, but in reality the workplace atmosphere only gives you half a day off a week at most.

Therefore, in 2000, most new films were scheduled to be released on Saturdays, and even "Kara no Kyoukai" was no exception. Its large-scale screening was scheduled on August 19th.

In fact, a low-budget movie like this should actually be screened on a small scale first, and then gradually expand the scale of screening after gaining a good reputation.

However, "Kara no Kyoukai" is different from other low-budget movies. First of all, through a series of fancy operations before Nanaya, this movie has gained considerable popularity. On the other hand, as a granddaughter-obsessed person, how could Ryutani Nobuyuki adopt this slow-burning way of screening? For him, "Kara no Kyoukai" must become a big hit.

So due to various coincidences, this movie, which was not supposed to be screened on a large scale, was screened throughout Japan with the treatment of a top-notch masterpiece.

Narita Fuji is a temporary ticket seller at a cinema owned by his employer. As a college student, he takes time out to do odd jobs at the cinema because he can watch movies for free while working at the cinema, and he can even sell very cheap employee tickets to his classmates.

Therefore, Narita Fuji is very satisfied with this job. The only thing that makes him feel helpless is that the workload on Sundays is often several times that of other times, and as a part-time worker, he is often assigned to this busiest shift by the foreman.

"Two tickets for Snowfall, please. Thank you."

A couple came to the ticket office and the man handed Narita a few banknotes.

Narita, who has been working here for two years, was very skilled in receiving money, handing over tickets, and giving change. This big-budget movie starring Oda Yuji and Matsushima Nanako has been released for three weeks, but it is still in hot form.

Although for unknown reasons, Lin Bao moved the release of this movie, which was originally scheduled for August, to July, this action movie imitating Hollywood still lived up to expectations and achieved extremely high box office results.

So far, the film has grossed 2.5 billion yen, making it the highest-grossing film of the summer season.

And based on Narita's past experience, the popularity of this movie is likely to continue for a long time, and it is not impossible that the box office will eventually exceed 4 billion yen.

Of course, if that movie hadn't happened.

As the No. 5 screening room opened, dozens of audience members came out. They gathered in twos and threes to discuss topics such as ghosts and magic. Many people who originally planned to leave and go home also joined the discussion after hearing what was happening around them.

Narita is no longer surprised by this situation. This situation occurred after almost every show of the movie that was released yesterday.

This new film has become the focus of everyone's discussion, and many movie fans even queued up all night yesterday just to be the first to see the movie.

In fact, this movie called "Kara no Kyoukai" was shown on TV as early as July, and it was even shown again because only half of it was shown the first time. As a movie lover, Narita has seen this movie a long time ago. This movie is very good. Although it may not catch up with "Snowy" in terms of big scenes, it is not inferior to this masterpiece in terms of plot and excitement.

Originally, this movie, which lacks fame and appeal from its director to its actors, is likely not to be a match for "The Snowy Days". Its result may be that it will just struggle in theaters for a few weeks before being taken off the shelves.

However, after two rounds of screenings on TV stations, the film has gained considerable popularity, especially the handsome and beautiful heroine who has won countless fans. Even Narita was deeply impressed by her gorgeous figure under the moon.

Coupled with the overwhelming publicity during this period, this movie temporarily overshadowed "Snow Crisis".

Even before the release, pre-orders for tickets exceeded 70 million yen.

When the movie was released yesterday, Narita secretly went to the theater to watch it during the break. Because the time was short, he didn't see the new plot clips that the crew had advertised, but from the quality of the pictures he saw, it was significantly improved compared to the TV version. At least the special effects of the ghost girls didn't look so cheap.

"I hope this movie can do well." As a fan of Ryougi Shiki, Narita certainly hopes that this movie will be a big hit.

"Feel sorry."

Several young people came to the counter, "5 copies of Kara no Kyoukai."


As time passed, the cinema gradually entered its peak period of work.

"Two copies of Snow Crisis."

"Three copies of Kara no Kyoukai."

"Two copies of Snow Crisis."

"One copy of 'Kara no Kyoukai'."

"Two copies of Kara no Kyoukai."


[Now it seems that the people who watch "The Snowman" are basically couples, while the audience of "Kara" is more diverse. It seems that today's results will be very good. I hope the box office of this movie in other places will be the same. ]

While buying tickets, Narita was silently calculating in his mind. He found that the number of tickets sold for "Kara" was much higher than that for "The Snowy Land", which made him very happy.

"One copy of 'Kara no Kyoukai'."


Narita responded subconsciously, and then he found that the voice sounded familiar.

"Why you again?"

Looking at the young man standing in front of the window, Narita subconsciously stopped collecting the money. He knew this guy, and he had watched two consecutive screenings of "Kara no Kyoukai" yesterday.

"Don't mention it. I didn't mention him when I discussed the setting with others online, so I came to watch it for the third time. I don't believe I can't beat him this time!"

Shiori Kaede raised the notebook in her hand and said this. It was obvious that this guy was planning to take notes while watching the movie.


Narita didn't know what to say about this guy's fanatical behavior. He could only quietly hand the movie ticket to him.