Chapter 28: You have to sit until the end when watching a movie~

As the lights in the screening room were turned off, the iconic logo of Lin Bao appeared on the big screen.

Shiori Kaede, who was sitting in the front row, subconsciously twisted her neck and placed her notebook on her knees, ready to take notes at any time.

Because he bought the ticket a little late, Shiori Kaede could only sit in the front seat of the theater. Although this seat, where he had to look up to watch the movie, made his neck feel a little strained, he didn't feel particularly dissatisfied, considering that he had to write something later and that if he sat closer to the screen, the light source would be brighter than in the back seats when the movie was playing.

After watching two consecutive theatrical versions of "Kara no Kyoukai" yesterday, the excited Shiori Kaede immediately couldn't wait to discuss it on 2CH with fans who had also watched the movie.

When Shiori Kaede talked about Ryougi Shiki awakening the [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception], because Aozaki Touko mentioned that "Shiki was dead" in the newly added clip of the movie, he boldly guessed that the real Ryougi Shiki should have died in the car accident at the beginning of the film.

This statement was agreed by many people, but there was an annoying guy who raised a different objection. This guy with the ID [Tono's Bulldozer] told Shiori Kaede that if she watched the movie carefully, she would have noticed that the person Touko used at that time was a male "he".

Considering the meaning of the surname "Ryougi" and the way the director expressed it in the movie script, it is more likely that Ryougi Shiki has two personalities, one male and one female. The male died in the car accident, and the remaining one is Ryougi Shiki, the female personality.

To this end, the other party also showed every detail in the movie to support their point of view.

Kaede Shiori, who considers himself a senior fan of "Kara no Kyoukai", of course refused to give up. He fought with his opponent for five hundred rounds on 2CH. In the back and forth between the two sides, Kaede Shiori gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Although Shiori really likes "Kara", she didn't memorize all the lines in the movie. However, the guy who called himself Bulldozer seemed to have memorized the whole movie. No matter how Shiori refuted, he could find favorable evidence from the movie to fight back.

What's worse is that this guy quoted the original text of the movie, and there were also many new clips from the theatrical version of the movie, which meant that even if Shiori Kaede wanted to take out the videotape to check, she would not know the result.

So today, Shiori Kaede took the opportunity of a day off and sat in the screening room again with a notebook and a pen.

"I'll record all the information later and see how that guy can win against me!"

Shiori Kaede thought viciously in his heart. He had already written down in his notebook the points he wanted to pay attention to while watching the movie this time, so that he could record them according to the instructions after the plot began.

The movie started soon. The opening plot was not much different from the theatrical version and the TV version of Seven Nights. The only added part was that Touko explained some more information about the four major demon-exorcising families.

Nanaya actually planned to shoot this scene at the beginning, but it was deleted in the TV version because he felt that it would affect the overall rhythm of the movie and was not very necessary.

However, Nanaya has now added this plot into the theatrical version, because Nanaya considered that the theatrical version went further than the previous version in laying out the world view, so he added back some of the originally redundant plots.

Shiori Kaede watched the plot on the screen develop to the point where the third high school girl committed suicide by jumping off the building, and his spirits were lifted.

"It's coming." Shiori Kaede put the pen on the notebook and prepared to take notes.

At this time, a plot different from the TV version appeared. A middle-aged man with a distressed expression on his face was walking in the hospital. The gloomy man glanced at the nameplate he passed by with the word "Fujou" written on it.

The man then walked into the ward and started communicating with Fujou Kirie who was living in the room. The real Fujou Kirie, who was supposed to appear at the end of the movie, appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

"How's the new body?" the man asked.

"Very good, Mr. Araya. But I always feel like something is missing." The girl grabbed the bed sheet with both hands and said in distress, "I... want friends, but why..."

"Really..." The man sighed as if he had known this for a long time. He slowly said, "I have a suggestion. Do you want to hear it?"

Shiori Kaede wrote quickly in her notebook. This plot basically didn't have much significance, but there were a few special shots of the man who suddenly appeared - Araya Soren, especially the wound on the back of his left hand.

"It's just as that man said. How did he find such a short shot..." Shiori Kaede found that the shot in the movie was exactly the same as what the bulldozer said, which made him exclaim.

"Be quiet!"

The audience nearby was disturbed by Shiori Kaede, and he immediately turned back and warned with displeasure.

"Feel sorry."

Shiori Kaede immediately clasped his hands together and apologized, then he continued writing in his notebook.

The movie did not change anything because of the little episode in the screening room, it continued to develop according to the plot that had already been determined.

As the story unfolded, the battle between Ryougi Shiki and Fujou Kirie immediately conquered most of the audience.

Even after watching it three times, Shiori Kaede was still impressed by the gorgeous performance: "It's really great. It's completely different from the TV version. Did the director deliberately make the TV version look bad?"

Shiori Kaede actually guessed it right. After deciding to produce two versions, the unscrupulous guy Nanaya deliberately differentiated them in some details.

Audiences watching on small screens are slightly more tolerant of the special effects, but they pay more attention to the excitement of the plot.

Therefore, Nanaya specially produced the special effects of the movie's action scenes twice. The first time was just the animators' rough draft, and the second time was a more detailed finished draft.

The former was directly sent to the TV station on Nanaya, while the latter was chosen to be screened in theaters.

Nanaya's approach is still based on the "wisdom" of future people. In the movie "Wolverine", a film crew once leaked an unfinished special effects version online.

Originally everyone thought that this movie was bound to flop, but thanks to the film company's publicity and the audience's curiosity about the full version after watching the version without special effects, this movie, which was only average in quality, achieved quite good box office.

Nanaya's operation was very successful. Many viewers who originally did not want to go to the cinema to watch "Videotape" a second time after watching it went into the cinema after being recommended by people around them, and then walked out of the cinema satisfied.

All we can say is that Nanaya, a business genius who has seen the future, has exploited the psychology of his fans to the extreme.

Finally, the movie came to an end with Ryougi Shiki's blushing face, and as the slightly sad theme song "oblivious" sounded, the audience also felt a little sad.

Originally "Oblivious" was Kalafina's debut song. This song, which goes very well with "Kara no Kyoukai", made this girl singing group quickly famous and became Aunt Kajiura's standard song singing group.

In this world, because Nanaya was unable to find Yuki Kajiura, this version of "Oblivious" was performed by ZUN, and the singer was changed from Kalafina to another girl idol group.

Although it is not exactly the same as the original version, ZUN still retained the sadness of the original song at Nanaya's request when composing the song so that the audience can immerse themselves in it.

When the big title of "Kara no Kyoukai" appeared on the screen, a man sitting in the middle of the theater prepared to get up and leave. He didn't want to look at the long list of staff members.

However, the audience sitting on his left and right had no intention of standing up. Instead, they seemed to be expecting something.

Just as the man was wondering, the screen, which had originally gone dark, lit up again after showing the list of main staff members.

On the screen, Touko walked by another girl. Based on the plot of the previous movie, the man knew that she was Kokutou Azaka, the sister of Kokutou Mikiya.

"What? Anything else?" The man sat back in his seat in confusion.

There was a group of people gathered in front of the Fujou Building, and from the discussions of passers-by, it could be known that they were watching Fujou Kirie's body.

"Azaka, go away."

Following Touko's shout, Azaka in the curious crowd immediately responded and followed, with a hint of sadness in their departing backs.

The girl named Fujou Kirie eventually left the world.

The screen went black again, but the man who was about to stand up again found that the people on both sides of him still had no intention of getting up.

"That..." The man couldn't help himself and made a sound.

"Wait a little longer!" said the audience member on the left without even looking up. "My friend told me there's another part after the credits."

"This is real, sit down."

The young man sitting in the front row holding a notebook turned around to confirm this statement.


The man sat back in his seat helplessly again. He swore that if these people were trying to make fun of him, he would make them pay.

Sure enough, after the credits ended, the screen lit up again.

In a dimly lit room, the TV was broadcasting news about Fujou Kirie's suicide. The gloomy man who had appeared in the previous movie was sitting on the sofa watching TV, with three chess pieces placed on the coffee table in front of him.

"A person with a double body that floats by clinging to death, a person with existential discomfort that feels pleasure from contact with death, and a person who escapes death and possesses the origin of self."

The man pushed down one of the chess pieces.

"One pawn has played her part, and there are two more."

The male audience member was stunned by the scene. Although he didn't quite understand it, he felt a sense of awe.

"What is this talking about?"

But no one could answer him.

pS1: I would like to recommend the essay "I am a grocery store owner, what's wrong with that?" written by my friend [Soul's End]. If you are interested, you can go and have a look. I feel that this essay contest is very intense. Fortunately, Mi Jiang did not participate. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Introduction: In the vast world of Terra, in the wilderness outside the walls of the mobile city, there is a grocery store...

The grocery store owner sells tempered jerky and also sells solar furnaces that are full of energy.

But most importantly…

"I don't know the biography of this slave Ah Fei. You guys——"

"I can't afford it."

What he wants is not money, but life.