
7. HIM


"you look more nervous than I do." Sung-hoon said with a slight chuckle as Alice fixed his shirt for the hundredth time.

" This is major it will break your non-existent career or make it." She said nervously as she looked through the notes the show provided once again.

"remember-" before she could continue, he cut her off.

"I remember you have read me the whole script, and plus, I watched the show a few times." He said, looking in the mirror.

He had worn a white t-shirt written blue in front of it. Alice had called in one of her friends who did some makeup on him. He didn't know his skin could glow so much and look so healthy. His shirt was tucked in at the front into some slightly baggy leaned and finished it off with blue sport shoes.

He had to hand it to her she did an amazing job.

Before Alice had agreed to join Mae-rin, she was involved in drag, which explained her wide list of friends and long contact list while also studying law. That was before she changed to Alice fully. She went into drag because she was afraid of disappointing her parents, who still had a conservative mindset. After fully changing to Alice, only her mother kept in touch with her..it was during that dark time she met Mae-rin who helped her in more ways than she can ever thank her for.

Due to her outspoken nature, she had helped Maerin in many ways and had proven to be an irreplaceable asset to the company.

The door swing open, and one of the assistants called out for them.

Alive took a bottle of water on the table, opened it, and gulped down the whole bottle of water before leading the way.

They followed the assistant to the main studio. There were already a lot of people ranging from the audience to the staff along with the guests.

Suddenly, Alice let out a silent scream as she painfully squeezed Sung-hoon's hand. He felt like she was ripping it off. He tried to pry it off but she was surprisingly stronger than he had expected.

"it's kim ji-hoon" she whispered loudly. While fanning herself.

Just as she was about to let her go, she spotted a woman at the corner talking to her staff. "it's Min-ji," she gasped, grabbing Sung-hoon once again.

Sung-hoon felt like his hand was about to go numb with every celebrity that she spotted. Luckily for him, one of the staff walked towards them, forcing Alice to compose herself as if she didn't just cut of Sung-hoon's blood circulation a while ago.

"um..." The staff started before looking through her notepad and looking back at him."Park Sung-hoon, please follow me." She said before leading him towards a place in the audience to sit down.

The celebrities would sit among the audience and try to blend in before they were called out one by one by the host. They would them proceed to their stands where the host would ask them some questions while also interviewing them tactfully from time to time.

The staff explained to him where he would go if he was called along with the stand which he would use. Another staff member also came by holding a small wired microphone and helped him put it on.

"If it wasn't unprofessional, I would go ask for her autograph. " Alice said with a sigh as her eyes trained on Min-ji. "her role literally changed my life. She was so mother in it." Alice said with a pout.

Just then, a buzzer went off signalling for everyone to be prepared.

"Good luck!" Alice said, snapping out of her reverie and heading towards the other staff.

"welcome back everyone to today's show!" the host started. "today we have some special guests for you, but before that, GUESS THE STAR!!!"

Since the show was live, they would have the watchers play a game where they would win prizes. The show had a total of five guests. If anyone was able to guess, three of them they would win. Since the show was so popular, none of the celebrities had to encourage their fans to watch. Thus, none of their fans would know they were appearing. The show would show five silhouettes and have the watchers guess to make it fair.

The winners would be announced at the end of the show.

After that segment was done, the host started announcing the names of celebrities who would come up to the stage and take their stand.

"Today we have someone special. A new face that will pull your heartstrings. I know I was definitely emotional!" The host laughed " Put your hands together for park Sung-hoon." The audience started clapping as he went down the steps to take his place.

Despite laughing at Alice earlier for being too nervous, he could feel his body slightly shaking. Every step he took, he felt like a weight had been lifted but at the same time become even heavier.

He was the last to get introduced, so after he took the stand, the quiz game started.

Depending on the number of questions you got right, the host would ask you an interview question from fans. Sung-hoon had just answered the second question correctly when the host asked him a question.

"is having shaved hair going to be your signature style?"

SSung-hoon felt his heart beat drop, and his palms became sweaty and cold at the question.

"Yes! I tried long hair, but it's much easier to use shampoo with shaved hair." Laugher erupted in the studio at his answer. It wasn't the truth, but he would rather divert it to make himself comfortable. "

The host continued asking questions, and soon it was Sung-hoon's turn once again.

"Are you planning on dramas or movies in the future."

"It depends on the script. If the script is good, i will be open to either of them."

"We are looking forward to seeing you on our screens." The host said with a smile.

After some breaks and a few more rounds, it was finally time to end the show.

"That is it for today. I hope you have a lovely time. See you next time," all of them started waving as the closing song and credits started rolling.

Just as he was about to get down from the stand, the host approached Sung-hoon.

"My daughter is a big fan." The host said, shaking Sung-hoon's hand with a smile." Can I have your autograph. " The hosts assistant emerged from behind him with a notebook and handed it to Sung-hoon. Sung-hoon took the notebook and signed it before handing it back.

"it was a pleasure meeting you." The host said.

Sung-hoon bowed as the host started walking to the exit. Immediately, Alice was beside him, jumping with excitement.

"oh my gosh, you gave him an autograph," Had it not been for the vast number of people Alice would have screamed, but she held it in.

Many of the celebrities also greeted him before they returned to their makeup room..

"It's like a dream, right?" Alice said happily.

"Yes!" Just then, Alice hugged him.

"I am so happy for you. We have to celebrate your first official appearance. "

She said as she started texting.

"Let's go they are already waiting for us." Alice said as she walked out of the makeup room.

They had just gone a corner when they noticed a figure leaning against the wall.

Alice didn't recognise her, but Sung-hoon did.

"if it isn't the prodigal son!" Se-hee said before Sung-hoon could answer, she gave him a hug.

"se-hee?" He exclaimed.

"it's like you are a ghost. No one can find you." Se-hee teased as she patted him on the shoulders.

"who are you?" Alice asked, cluelessly looking at either of them.

"I am se-hee " she said with a wide smile as she bowed in front of Alice.

"Alice." Alice introduced herself although cautiously.

"I am his friend." Alice shook her head in understanding. "Where are you going? I can give you a ride." She said cheerfully.

"It's okay..." Before he could finish, Alice cut in.

"crab and grab,"

SSung-hoon glared at her as Alice only smiled.

"that's good. I was feeling so hungry anyway." She suddenly grabbed Alice's hand, and they both walked towards the exit like they were long-time friends.

Sung-hoon looked at them flabbergasted.


The car ride was silent for Sung-hoon but not for the two girls. They talked nonstop, complementing each others hair clothes and blasting music.

The fact that they were both re-draft fans further elevated the situation.

Finally they arrived at the restaurant it was almost twelve so the restaurant was almost empty.

As soon as Sung-hoon walked in, he was treated with a loud round of applause.

The restaurant owners and their daughter who protested until she was allowed to join but could only drink soda. Two staff members. Mae-rin and Jong-suk were all present.

"who is this?" Mae-rin asked as she spotted Se-hee.

"Hello, my name is Se-hee " she said, bowing in respect.

"Come on, join us." Alice said, pulling Se-hee beside her on the large table.

"I have never met any of his past friends." Maerin asked after everyone had settled in. Jong Suk was busy preparing the meat as everyone talked.

"Wr only met briefly." Se-hee said as she drunk some soju.

Mae-Rin nodded, her eyes panning to Sung-hoon's direction.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter and happiness. They sang karaoke until it was too late.

Mae-rin had gone home earlier to relieve the babysitter, and Se-hee was waiting outside for her driver.

Alice and Jongsuk had gone up to Sung-hoon's house, and everyone else had dispersed.

There was only silence between them.

"How could you not say goodbye." She said, her voice chocking slightly as tears threatened to fall.

"I am sorry." Sung-hoon whispered he knew it was only a matter of time before she asked, but he didn't have a concrete enough answer, so he just apologised.

"I thought we were at least friends. I thought something had happened to you. Do you know how hard I looked for you." She said, grabbing fistful of Sung-hoon's shirt and hitting him slightly.

"All these years, not a message." She sobbed.

She wasn't usually the type to cry so easily, but the alcohol had done a number on her.

"I just wanted to be alone for a while."

She looked up at him and then went silent.

Just then, the driver arrived.

"if you think you are getting rid of me this time, you better think again." She said angrily, wiping her tears as she got into her car before driving away.

Sung-hoon watched as the car disappeared with a smile before walking up some steps to his room.

He had just closed the doors when he let out a sigh as he looked at the two figures on the bed.

"now where am I supposed to sleep!"


Zen was seated in front of the TV eating popcorn with Grry as they watched the golden quiz.

"I knew it you have to pay up" Grey echoed as he took a fistful of popcorn.

"Why do I keep losing! "He sighed dramatically.

"Because you are dumb." Zen quickly sat up and punched him as Grey tried to move away.

"I am not dumb!" Zen pouted." Ray, tell him!" Zen protested as he looked at Ray seated on the kitchen counter, eating some snacks.

Laugher filled the room as Ray stayed silent. Mark also didn't answer when Zen asked him.

"i am not dumb!" Zen pouted as he crossed his hands and sunk into the sofa. Seeing that Zen was upset, Mark started tickling him together with grey.

Finally, after some time, things settled down just then the door opened.

Raiven walked in with a dufflebag.

" What are you watching?" He asked, staking some popcorn.

"The golden quiz wanna watch?" Zen asked, his eyes still on the TV.

Raiven looked up at the TV just when Sung-hoon was answering his question.

"I like this guy he is very funny!" Zen said, laughing at how Sung-hoon answered another question.

"What's his name?" Mark asked. He hadn't been there when they were being announced.

"Park Sung-hoon. "

Raiven felt like the world had stopped.

After what happened between them, he had thought he would never have seen him again.

But there he was laughing on the screen.

It was HIM.