


The sun shone through the thin windows. Alice turned on the bed slapping jaesuk, who groaned as he turned.

Sung-hoon was sprawled on the floor blanket barely covering him as he shivered slightly but didn't bat an eye instead he wrapped his arms around his chest and brought his legs closer to his chest in a fetal position.

Suddenly, there was loud banging on the door, causing Sung-hoon to sit up right, banging his head on a low hanging cabinet in the process. He winced as he rubbed his face. His chest was beating so fast as he quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

He opened it to see hye-rin in her pyjamas huffing.

Alice sat up as well as Jaesuk cussing under her breath as her feet touched the cold floor.

"What?!" Sung-hoon asked, his voice annoyed. "It's my day off." He said, glaring at her after noticing she wasn't in any hurry to tell him what was happening. He continued rubbing his temple as he let out a huff.


"Just say it!" Alice cussed out coming to the door.

" There are reporters at the restaurant."

Alice pushed Sung-hoon aside as she rushed downstairs in a dysfunctional state. Her bare feat touched the warm metal as she leaned down to peak through the window on the side, and true to Hye-rins words, there were a bunch of people with cameras in the restaurant. Some were seated, and others were walking about.

"Why would anyone come this early." Sung-hoon thinking it was a joke dismissed her remarks after she had played so many pranks on him. He didn't trust a word that came from her mouth.

"What do you mean early?! It's past noon!" She chastised.

On hearing that Jaesuk, who had gone back to sleep amidst the commotion, jumped out of the bed and grabbed his coat.

"I have to go my mother is waiting for me!" He said, not leaving any time for Sung-hoon to speak as he grabbed his shoes and ran past Hye-rin.

"I am not going to fall for your tricks this time!" Sung-hoon said as he grabbed a tube of toothpaste and put it on his toothbrush before shoving it in his mouth.

"I am not lying... you can go...." Before she could finish, she was cut off by Alice rushing back into the room, trying to fix her hair.

"You have to look presentable." Alice said after looking at Sung-hoon's dishevelled state in disgust.

"Wait, it's actually true!" He gasped.

 Hye-rin let out her tongue, mocking him, but he only facepalmed her, pushing her away.

Hye-rin looked at him in shock as her mouth went agape.

"I should have just let you become the trending topic on the definition of hot mess!" She said, sticking out her tongue again as she crossed her hands. " Who sleeps past noon anyway."

"You are still in your pyjamas."

"Re-draft went live. I couldn't miss it. Plus raiven was there choke on that!" She said, swishing her hair in his face before going back downstairs.

When the survival show was recording Hye-rin had won some tickets and since she was a minor she couldn't go alone. She had gone on and on about Raiven, and Sung-hoon had openly voiced his displeasure. Her parents had too much work to do so they couldn't accompany her.

Hye-rins parents had long given up the hope of having children. At least, that was what they thought until Hye-rins mother became pregnant at an older age when her husband had already retired. Luckily for them, they had a restaurant that was doing well and owned the building, but they had to work harder since things had gotten much harder, and their savings could only take them so far. They gave her everything and spoiled her. She was like a miracle to them.

When she won those tickets, they asked Sung-hoon to take her instead much to both their dislike, but Sung-hoon couldn't say no. He went with her but opted to stay outside until the event was over and got her home safely.

But when they got to the event, he decided to stay at a nearby corner and watch her to make sure nothing had happened. After she bleed his ears with stories of how wonderful Raiven was, which only amplified his annoyance with him.

"Okay.... that's good..." Alice said thoughtfully as she placed the final set of clothing on a chair. The bed was full of piles of clothes she nitpicked while complaining every step of the way.

"Wear that. I will wait for you by the steps," She said closing the door behind her.

Sung-hoon looked at the clothes she had picked out. He couldn't believe this was happening. He sat down on the chair the reality of everything setting in. he felt like everything was going too fast. He suddenly went on the show. Reporters were looking for him.

Everything felt like a dream.

he had dreamt of this moment for years but every time he woke up, yet this was real ! They were downstairs waiting for him.

People actually knew him. They watched his work.

Then it set in.

People knew him.

His dream was coming true yet, why did his heart beat so fast and paralyzing fear take over his body?

He wiped off nonexistent sweat from his forehead as he stood up and started walking around trying to calm his nerves.

"Please hurry!" Alice said her voice breaking him from his reverie. He let out a breath and took the clothes remembering the advice Mae-rin told him.

"Finally!" Alice said as soon as the door opened. "Come on!" She said pulling him down the steps towards the restaurant.

Each step he took was like a reality check. He felt like he was still in a dream even when Alice pushed open the restaurant doors and flashes clouded his eyes. Even when. He sat down and tried to answer as many questions as he could his wit and charisma captivating those around him but not calming his own nerves.

The next two weeks his schedule was so busy Mae-rin had to step in and help Alice. They had received numerous script offers. He attended various shows his name slowly but surely becoming a household name. He was getting there.

Se-hee had even offered her car since Bloom was still a small company she made sure he had everything he wanted. Makeup artists waiting on set for him. A car and anything else. When he tried to protest she only said she was investing for the future.

He often wondered why she did this. Helped him so much. They weren't long time friends when They were together they didn't stay together for long before he disappeared. But he didn't say anything.


"Where are you?" She shouted through his phone as the car rode down the highway.

It had been two weeks since Raiven saw Sung-hoon on TV he knew the next step was se-hee calling him nonstop, wanting to meet up.

She had gone to finish her studies abroad,but she suddenly came back when Sung-hoon made an appearance. He may not be as smart as her, but he was no fool either.

She wanted him to meet up with Sung-hoon. Finally, after endless calls, he finally agreed to meet up, but it was only for an hour.

Manager Kim turned back to look at him. The last few days, Raiven had been acting weird. He was looking at his phone more than usual, and he was more distracted. He would zone out while they were talking and seamed like he didn't remember anything. Plus, Se-hee had called him numerous times to ask about Raiven,so he thought it might have had something to do with her.

Manager Kim had only met Se-hee a few times. She was quite a piece of work once you got to know her, but she was still kind and funny. Manager Kim had often wondered if perhaps they were dating, but Raiven dismissed them even going as far as laughing at the mare thought of it.

He said she was like a sister to him and nothing more. Other than her manager, Kim hadn't met anyone else in Raivens family. No one called or anything. It was like he was alone.

The car finally stopped in front of the Crimson hotel.

"Thank you." Raiven said, opening the door." Pick me up at 10." Raiven said to the driver before the car drove off.

He pocketed his hands as he let out a sigh before going in. He was welcomed by an attendant who guided him to where Se-hee was waiting. And just like he predicted, Sung-hoon was seated on the opposite chair to her.

The attendant bowed before leaving.

Se-hee quickly stood up and walked towards him, a bright smile on her face before interlocking her arms with his.

"You remember Sung-hoon, right?" She said her smile so bright as she pulled him towards the table.

"How could I not he is currently trending." Raiven stated his voice a bit harsher than expected.

Sung-hoon glared at him as he sat down. Se-hee looked between them a bit confused by what was happening.

"I thought you resolved whatever issues you had?" Se-hee said, taking a slice of some complimentary bread and dipping it in some sauce before eating it.

"I don't run away now do I." Jae-wook said accusingly.

"If it's about that, we already talked it out." Se-hee said, taking another slice. "This is yummy. You guys should try some."

A few moments of silence followed before se-hee noticed.

"I didn't think you were that close. Why are you so mad?" Se-hee asked, looking at Raiven, who only avoided eye contact and looked away as did Sung-hoon.

"Is there something I don't know...." Before she could ask any further, a few waitresses came in with their order.

They arranged the food neatly before leaving, but no one moved or even made an attempt to reach for the food.

"Okay, this is embarrassing. I can't be the only one eating!" Se-hee complained as she slumped back on the chair.

All that followed was silence.

Sung-hoon reached down for a glass of wine and took a sip.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, at least eat. There are many hungry people in this world, and I am not about to waste food." she said, taking a saucer and putting some food on it.

They finally started eating, but no one said anything.

Finally, it was nine fifty. Sung-hoon felt like he would suffocate if he stayed there further.

Se-hee, having been annoyed enough by their antics, decided to go home.

She stood up and took her purse. Sung-hoon stood up and was also about to leave when Se-hee stopped him.

"Jae-wook is going to give you a ride. " She said before walking out.

Sung-hoon let out a sigh as he sat back down in the chair.

None of them looked at the other. Jae-wook hadn't drunk any of the wine.

"You don't drink?" Sung-hoon finally asked, breaking the ice.

"No, I don't." Jae-wook answered hesitantly. " I see you are getting a lot of work lately. Good for you."

"And you are in every corner, must be nice." Sung-hoon stated none of them had looked at the other yet.

"About what happened. I am sorry." Jae-wook looked up for the first time, his eyes locking with those of Sung-hoon.

"It's fine." He answered briefly as he looked away. "Where are you staying?" Jae-wook asked as he cleared his voice.

" Crab and grab." Sung-hoon answered briefly.

"Is it safe?" Jae-wook asked his voice a bit concerned but still distant.

"I am planning on moving."

Jae-wook looked at his watch and stood up.

"Let's go the car is waiting." Jae-wook said leading the way towards the car.

They got in, and soon the car was driving down the highway.

The surrounding atmosphere was still awkward as they both looked away.

"I want you to know I understand about that night."

Sung-hoon bit his inner cheek his chest tightening at his words.