


He had never been in this kind of situation before. Despite his long spreadsheet of work experience, he had never been in the middle of such a large crowd scrutinising him. For the first time, he felt like maybe he should have taken Alice's fashion advice, but it was too late.

After his movie was done, a lot of his fans had tried to look for his social media accounts, but it was like he had fallen out of the face of the earth. Since he was mostly cooped up in the house reading or on schedules with Alice, his fans had to live by the limited content that was available. Since the movies had been released the content he was previously in had amerced quite a large amount of views.

Alice had told him to get official accounts but he had been hesitant to do so and later dismissed her.

He let out a sigh trying to calm himself as he noded at manager Kim reasuring him that he was okay.

"Please everyone just step back!" Manager Kim stated as he tried to put some distance between them and the fans as he continued guiding Sung-hoon through the fans.

He wondered how normal people came to the airport when it was so packed.

He pulled in his sling bag as he held onto it tightly.

Luckily for him they didn't recognise who he was but his bubble was soon bust by someone in the crowd.

"Wait. I remember him that's Sung-hoon! From school terrorists." It was like a shift in the air happened.

Sung-hoon rarely made any public appearances there was hardly any content of him outside his movies aside from rare pictures of fans who spotted him somewhere random.

Screams started renting the air as soon as they heard that piece of information.

Manager Kim felt like he was about to faint. He quickly took his phone out as the cameras shifted towards them excitement at Sung-hoon's unexpected and rare appearance rent the air.

Journalists who normally felt like they would rather be doing anything else at that moment gathered around him in anticipation.

"Get here!" Manager Kim said through the phone and cut it off before the other person could respond as he held Sung-hoon's hand while trying to pull him out of the slowly gathering mass of people.

"Sung-hoon are you travelling with Raiven?"

"How long have you been friends?"

"Are you under Wyde entertainment now?"

"How do you feel about your award?"

"Are you doing any projects?"

"Can we anticipate more projects from you?"

"What kind of projects are you doing?"

The stream of neverending questions filled the air as fans tried to get a glimpse of him causing them to push against each other even to the point of squishing him.

Manager Kim tried his best but he was only one person he couldn't keep the crowd at bay as they tried to get closer to Sung-hoon.

"Everyone calm down!" Sung-hoon shouted but his voice was lost in the screams of excitement. He felt like he was in a swamp getting swallowed up by the water as he stood still.

"Let us through!" A bunch of men with well built bodies pushed through the crowed before finally reaching where Manger Kim and Sung-hoon were stranded.

They quickly circled around them forcing the fans to move back.

"Please be careful." Sung-hoon said as he saw one of the fans fall near him from getting pushed back. She had lost her shoe in the chaos. He quickly bent down and picked up the shoe and handed it to her with a smile.

The girls face turned red from blushing. She nervously took the shoe before one of the men stood between them.

"Please make room." One of the mens voice boomed through the crowd. He seemed to be the leader.

"I should have gotten more bodyguards." Manager Kim murmured under his breath with a huff. Now he understood why Jae-wook had insisted on manager Kim coming with Sung-hoon instead of the assistant. Since she was still and intern and had a lot to learn she probably would have crumbled under the intense pressure.

Soon the airport security came to their aid as they helped regulate the fans until Sung-hoon and manager Kim were standing in a restricted area.

"Sung-hoon please sign an autograph!" One of the fans pleaded.

Sung-hoon felt like it was surreal. The only other fan he had met was when he was delivering his food and since then he hadn't really met fans who had approached him. He had seen some people take pictures of him but didn't approache him maybe because they wanted to give him privacy.

He smiled as he took the pen from her and signed his autograph on her notebook. She looked like she was about to faint from just being at such a close vicinity with him. He signed a couple of more and answered a few more questions before the people from the back started pushing.

"Don't push! I will try to sign as many as possible," He said with a chuckle but concern laced his voice.

He had never met his fans before, he felt gratitude that they were able to recognise him for his work and somehow it warmed his heart.

"Where are you going?" A fan asked.

"England. " He responded with a smile as he continued signing.

"Are you going to hold a fansign?" Another asked.

"I am not sure but probably..."

He reached out to grab two notebooks from the back and signed them before handing them back before grabbing another set.

"How long have you been here?" He asked the fans.

"Two hours!" One of the fans asked as some others shouted different answers.

"That's it." Manager Kim whispered to him. He looked back at him as he nodded.

"That is a long time you guys must really love Raiven." He said with smile as he finished the book he was signing handed it back and stepped back. "You must be exhausted."

"No!" They all shouted in unison causing Sung-hoon to laugh slightly.

"He is here." Screams once again filled the airport as fans attention diverted to where the screams were coming from.

Raiven was coming through the crowd of fans with body guards around him unlike Sung-hoon who had been almost crushed he was cocooned in the middle as bodyguards made a circle around him in a protective stance.

He finally got to where Sung-hoon was standing he waved at the fans before looking back at Sung-hoon.

"Sorry for being late. I had to deal with something. " He whispered while staring at Sung-hoon through his sunglasses.

He had worn casual clothes but he looked so much like a model, probably because he was so handsome anythinghe wore looked good. He wore some baggy jeans and a tight slightly cropped long sleeved shirt which hardly left anything to the imagination. His well defined body was still evident. He had on two silver necklaces and some rings from a brand he endorsed. He had a sling bag slung to his back making his aura even more cool and empowering.

Sung-hoon had heard of idols doing this. Most of the idols who were popular, anything they wore to the airport sold out and so brands would dress them up. And this situation did not disappoint. Immediately his pictures went online fans started ordering the same set of clothes he was wearing by the time they went inside the plane everything he was wearing was sold out.

"It's fine." Sung-hoon said with a smile as Manager Kim led them towards the check in line. Jae-wook stood behind Sung-hoon as they processed their documents they would constantly wave at the fans as the line progressed.

After their documents were checked they were directed towards a secluded area outside of the fans view before being led to the plane.

The flight attendant bowed as she welcomed them into the plane with a big smile before leading them towards the first class seats.

Sung-hoon looked around. This was the first time he was travelling and yet he was travelling so exclusively.

"Were there extra seats?" Sung-hoon asked Jae-wook as he took a seat near the window behind him. He was standing leaning above him as he asked.

"I normally book the whole first class space because of the staff. " He responded as he stood up and took a bag he had placed on the floor and put it in the upper compartment.

One of the attendants wanted to come help but he shook his head and she quickly retracted her movements.

"That's great. " Sung-hoon stated as he looked outside the window. His smile was so big as watched the airport staff riding below them.

"Where have you travelled before?" Sung-hoon asked as he stood over Sung-hoon observing him. He looked like he was excited to be on the plane he thought maybe it was because of the seats.

"I haven't been on a plane before ." Sung-hoon said with a chuckle as a tint of red appeared at the side of his ears exposing him once again. Jae-wook had noticed it was a habit Sung-hoon had. He would laugh or chuckle to hide his feelings.

They were quite similar actually although Sung-hoon was on the brighter side both of them masked their feelings but something tagged in his heart slightly at the thought of that.

She shook off the feeling as the staff started to come in.

The staff included manager Kim, the assistant, hae won and his four body guards whom he travelled with on most occasions.

One of the guards walked towards them.

Jae-wook shook his hand and they bumped their shoulders together. They seemed to be quite close.

Sung-hoon recognised him from earlier he was the guy who got him out of the crowd of fans. He seemed to be the leader.

Sung-hoon stood up and stretched his hand while bowing the man reciprocated his stance.

"Sung-hoon meet chul. Chul - Sung-hoon ."

"Thank you so much for earlier."

"No I should be apologising. When I was informed manager Kim had arrived I should have gone to meet you." They were both still standing in that stance as they both bowed relentlessly to each other.

Jae-wook watched them in amusement up until manager Kim came in between them his face stoic as ever.

"That's enough!" He said his voice hiding his annoyance as he walked towards his seat. The three of them watched him before the two stood up to face each other.

"He is my head of security. I travel with him as much as I travel with manager Kim." Jae-wook informed Sung-hoon. "If you need anything you can just tell him." Sung-hoon nodded as he smiled.

Chul was of heavy build and his face was fierce he didn't think he would be this calm in real life.

"I didn't know you would invite such a famous friend this time, you never did before. "

Hearing the word famous Sung-hoon could feel his ears turn red.

"I am not that famous." Sung-hoon protested.

"Oh please," chul laughed his voice booming through the area sending waves through them. " the fans would disagree ."

"He is receiving his first award soon." Jae-wook added adding to Sung-hoon's embarrassment. He felt like he would sink into the floor. He wasn't used to such compliments.

"Please have your seats the plane is about to take off. " one of the flight attendants informed them.

They all quickly took their seats and fastened their belts. Sung-hoon had to listen attentively to the directions the flight attendant standing in front of them. He looked at her while repeating her actions. Chul who was seating beside him let out a chuckle at his cluelessness.

After that the flight attendant sat down of her designated seat and soon the plane started flying from the tracks. Sung-hoon looked below him his heart filling with joy as the plane went higher and higher.

The plane finally reached a stable rhythm and they were told they were free to move about. Sung-hoon's eyes were still focused on the clouds. He took a picture of it and sent it to Mae-rin.

Mae-rin replied immediately wishing him a good time and for him to relax as much as possible.

They chatted for a while about work before he finally looked up a flight attendant was gesturing for him to choose which wine he wanted.

"He doesn't drink maybe get him some juice instead." Jae-wook interjected before Sung-hoon could answer.

Sung-hoon looked at him in slight confusion but was still thank full he had spoken up for him.

The rest of the ride went smoothly with Sung-hoon just eating, sleeping and watching as the sky changed. The flight would take up approximately fourteen hours before they landed.

Jae-wook most of the time was on his ipad working on something. He was looking through some work files that had been long overdue and also listening to some music ten had sent him.

With him being so busy most of the time when he flew he hardly even had time to sleep with so much things piling up. He also studied a new language. He was fluent in English and his native language korean but he was still studying Chinese and Japanese.

Sung-hoon noticed this about him, he was always so serious about work ,it reminded him of when he went to work sick. Because of that he made sure not to disturb him making sure to make as little noise as possible.

They arrived in England at eight am. After getting everything cleared they walked towards the arrivals area. As soon as the gate opened they were met with a wave of cheers and screams.

Sung-hoon walked behind Jae-wook giving him his spotlight. Unlike previously now he had on a mask and along with the hat he covered his whole face.

Despite being tired Jae-wook waved at the fans as he walked out to the exit. His guards being led by chul covered them preventing any of the fans from getting too close.

Sung-hoon was amazed by how popular Jae-wook was. He had known he was popular previously but he didn't know to what extent.

By the time they arrived at the hotel they were jetlagged and tired beyond anything.

The manager quickly went to great them. His face was slightly red and nervous as he looked at them.

"Is anything the issue?" Manager Kim asked.

"There is an event happening nearby and the room you ordered is not available. "

"It's fine." Jae-wook intervened before manager Kim could speak. " I will just share mine with Sung-hoon. "

He said casually. He was too tired to think of the implications of what he had said given their history. But he just wanted to hit the bed before his schedule started.

Sung-hoon's eyes got wide at his suggestion and his ears tinted red but luckily for him his hood hid it from everyone.