


"Why don't you go on ahead I will come by later." Sung-hoon said to Jae-wook.

Jae-wook looked at him in question he thought he would be tired and would probably rest as soon as they got there. He had noticed throughout the flight he only slept for a while and it being his first flight he must have been jet lagged, with he himself being too tired he didn't think much of it and nodded. The manager led them along with other staff towards the elevator while Sung-hoon remained in the hallway.

The manager had other attendants waiting to show the staff their rooms. Jae-wook was considered a VIP and was likewise treated with priority and the best services.

The Manager led Jae-wook and manger Kim to the VIP room. The room was quite a good size. There was a big bed. A corner with a set of chairs and an artificial fireplace in front of it. There was also a large window that overlooked a beautiful garden.

Jae-wook didn't have much time to examine the room as he dropped on the chair with exhaustion. He removed his bag and let his head fall back.

The manager left them alone. Manager Kim was holding his tablet as usual he looked down at the schedule.

"You have dinner with one of the executives tonight." Manager Kim stated. He knew Jae-wook didn't like this in the slightest so he didn't look up to face his annoyed face.

"What?" Jae-wook asked his voice rusty and tired.

"I know you don't like it.... I tried to refuse, but CEO Min had already agreed to it and set it up."

Jae-wook let out a frustrated sigh. CEO Min was the Ceo to Wyde entertainment. He probably set this up after the executive sweet talked him. He knew Jae-wook would refuse to attend so he had Manager Kim rely this message to him instead.

"I can't go. I am tired."

" the dinner is for tonight. " Manager Kim stated looking up from his tablet his lips pressed together as he looked at Jae-wook.

"And I will be tired then." Jae-wook stated sarcastically which didn't go unnoticed by Manager Kim.

Manager Kim let out a sigh.

"Fine..... I will do what you requested...but only if you go to the dinner." Manager Kim was quite a cunning person. He knew what to do and how to get the results he wanted. He had a lot of bargaining chips and since he himself was stone cold especially when it came to schedules, he had refused to grant Jae-wook's request but now he had thrown it as a bargaining chip on the table for Jae-wook to take.

Jae-wook raised his eyebrow at his statement and he knew he had been played. Manager Kim had been planning this since he made that call that evening. He let out a sigh and stood up.

"Fine." Jae-wook stated with exhaustion as he started removing his jewellery as he headed for the bed.

"Okay I will pick you up at six." He said as he started heading towards the doors.

"Who eats dinner at six?" Jae-wook asked almost shouting as manager Kim closed the doors behind him with a smile.

Jae-wook removed his pants remaining only in his boxer as he jumped on the bed exhaustion taking the better part of him.

As Jae-wook was taking his well deserved nap, Sung-hoon on the other hand was busying himself patrolling the hotel grounds for the second time.

The hotel had quite a lot of amenities. A tennis court, a swimming pool, gym, a sauna which he promised to visit later.

He felt exhausted and sat down in one of the many chairs in the beautiful garden. He was listening to music as he contemplated whether or not to go up to the room. The sun was getting hotter and hotter and there was nothing to do that would not exert his already exhausted body.

"Why don't you do up to rest?" Someone asked taping his shoulder.

Sung-hoon opened his eyes to see Chul standing over him blocking the sun as he held a glass of cold bear.

"Oh I was just looking around." Sung-hoon stated as he sat up straight on the chair.

Chul took the opposite seat as he crossed his leg.

"Oh that's good." Chul said as he placed the glass down on the table and looked at Sung-hoon. The ice was already melting from the sun rays.

"I take it its not your first time here?" Sung-hoon stated as he looked around them.

"Nope." Chul answered but his tone seamed distant as his eyes continued scanning Sung-hoon as if searching for something or how to say it.

"Is everything okay?" Sung-hoon asked sensing that something was amiss.

"No...everything is okay. And you?" Chul took a sip of his drink as he let his back lean on the backrest of the chair.

"Yah." Sung-hoon answered a bit too enthusiastically which gave him away.

"You know Jae-wook is a good person. With the few people I have seen him with he has treated them very well." Chul said his words were ambiguous which caused Sung-hoon confusion. He didn't understand why he brought up Jae-wook being in a relationship. He didn't really care about it in the first place.

He had never really seen Jae-wook in a relationship the few times they met nor, did Se-hee ever mention him being in a relationship but Sung-hoon thought he seamed like he could take care of his partner.

"You know both male and female I have no prejudice. " Chul added as he took a larger gulp of his drink to calm himself. He didn't think talking to Sung-hoon about this would be this exerting.

He had seen Sung-hoon circling the grounds for the second time and had thought that he was nervous to be together with Jae-wook and automatically assumed they were new lovers considering Jae-wook hardly introduced anyone to them except by accident.

"Good for him." Sung-hoon answered taking Chul by surprise by his nonchalant response that he choked on his drink. He had thought he would react differently from this and ask about his past lovers expecially hearing he would probably be bisexual.

Sung-hoon still hadn't caught up to Chuls intention and had just assumed he was trying to make small talk. And since Jae-wook was their common denominator he naturally talked about him. Although he did find it weird that he chose this specific trajectory but he didn't think much of it.

"What?" Chul asked as he wiped his mouth.

"I too have no prejudice with his sexuality. If he wants to date a woman or man it's good either way." Sung-hoon stated. "I haven't met any of his partners before you two must be close?"

Chul nodded absent-mindedly as he looked at Sung-hoon as if he had grown another head. He didn't understand him. Most lovers would be jealous but here he was talking so casually about it like it was an everyday thing.

"Or are they in those woke relationships I have heard about." He thought to himself as he nodded his head. Sung-hoon looked at him with curiosity at his behaviour.

Chul was referring to a relationship he had read about in tabloids that practices open relationships. Each of the partners had the freedom to see other people but he had never pegged Jae-wook to be able to survive or even condon such a thought especially after knowing him for so long. Based on that, he concluded that it was Sung-hoon who had suggested they see other people too. He nodded his head once again as his thoughts sunk in deeper.

" I am going to rest now." Sung-hoon stood up. Chul looked at him and bid him farewell. He watched as Sung-hoon disappeared in a corner while drinking his drink with a smile.

"Manager Kim was right. He has met his match." Chul said as laughter erupted from his throat.

Sung-hoon walked into the hotel and up the elevator. The manager had given him a key card before they left him in the hallway.

The nervousness kicked in when the elevator doors opened. He looked at the buttons on the side and considered pressing the button to go down or even wait for the doors to close.

He hesitated for so long the elevator doors were about to close when suddenly a hand reached through stopping the doors and opening them. The man looked to be in a rush as he breathed heavily. He was wearing tennis shorts and a white t-shirt. He looked to slightly older than Sung-hoon.

"Which floor?" The man asked as he stood beside Sung-hoon wanting to press the button.

Sung-hoon looked at him in confusion not understanding his statement.

The man held the door open as he looked at Sung-hoon. The man's blue eyes stared at him as a smile laced his lips.

"Korean?" The man asked slowly.

Sung-hoon nodded having understand that.

"몇 층으로 가시겠어요? "( which floor are you going?) He asked.

Sung-hoon gestured to the floor they were standing in as he got out he was a bit embarrassed.

"내 이름은 마크야 "(my name is mark) he said with a smirk.

Sung-hoon turned around to look at him.

"Sung-hoon. " He answered before turning to open one of the three doors in the hallway.

Mark watched him as he disappeared with a smile. He found him quite amusing and cute. He pressed the button leading down and the elevator doors closed.

Sung-hoon placed the key card in a slot beside the door as he walked in.

He didn't hear anyone in the shower or the sound of anything playing. He had thought he would consider sleeping on the chairs but the chairs looked uncomfortable to sleep in with it's vintage design.

He saw Jae-wook's bag on one of the couches. He removed his and put it on the other couch before heading towards the bed.

He found Jae-wook fast asleep. He walked on the other side of the bed and stared at him. He thought he looked so peaceful and cute while he was asleep. The bed looked quite big and would be enough for the both of them to share. He removed his shirt and walked into the bathroom.

He filled in the tab with water as he undressed. He wanted to soak his body in some warm water to relax and also prologue his eventually going to sleep on the same bed as Jae-wook.

He could still picture his hands and tongue on his skin, he didn't understand why Jae-wook didn't realise this. Unless this was his plan to get them to sleep together again which would never happen on Sung-hoon's watch.

He let out a breath as he entered the bath. The bath automatically filled in warm water at a set temperature so no matter how long he stayed in he wouldn't have to worry about the water getting cold.

He was so relaxed he didn't notice when his exhausted body gave in to the exhaustion as he fell asleep in the tab.

"Sung-hoon. " He felt someone whisper as their voice tickled his neck and ear. He murmured something about leaving him alone as ye slipped back into his sleep.

"Sung-hoon. " the person called out in a louder voice taking him by surprise as he shot up from his sleep..

Due to the surprise he slipped into the tab forgetting where he had last fallen asleep as he invested some of the soapy water involuntarily. He felt a pair of hands grab him as they helped him to the surface. His face gasping as he held the side of the tab.

He heard laughter beside him making him glare that the person.

How dare they startle him like that.

He gasped as he coughed trying to get the soapy water from his mouth.

"You should see your face." Jae-wook laughed once again as Sung-hoon glared at him.

Sung-hoon suddenly got out of the tab, his body fully bare as he grabbed one of the towels the hotel had provided.

"It's not funny!" Sung-hoon scolded him with an angry pout.

"For me it is." Jae-wook said as he chuckled a bit more his eyes trying to focus on anything other than Sung-hoon's body that looked so inviting at that moment and the fact that he was fully bare at that moment didn't help things.

"What are you doing in here anyway." Sung-hoon asked as he wrapped the towel around his waist and took a new toothbrush from the side of the sink.

"I woke up and wanted to use the bathroom." Jae-wook said a smile still erched on his lips as he watched Sung-hoon. " I didn't think you would be in here sleeping for that matter." He said.

They stood there for a while as an idea formed in Sung-hoon's mind. He was not about to let Jae-wook have the last laugh on this and hold it over his head for the rest of the trip or even his life.

Sung-hoon quickly brushed his teeth and rinsed it off before looking back at Jae-wook who still looked like he was holding in his laughter.

"It's not funny." Sung-hoon said the effects of the shock starting to wear off and jae-wooks face didn't help either as a smile popped up involuntarily on his lips.

"It was." Jae-wook said laughter seeping through as he started heading towards the door.

"What are you shy now?" Sung-hoon asked causing Jae-wook to stand still.

"About what?" Jae-wook turned around to see Sung-hoon undoing his towel a smirk on his lips.

"What are you doing?" Jae-wook asked as he stared at him taken aback by the unexpected development.