
Standing before a blank canvas, my mind is full of thought's and idea's swirling like a vortex. Yearning to feel expression i pick up the brush and begin my painting feeling a new sense of belonging with every stroke of the brush. The blank canvas to me represent's society, nothing noticeable or different, everything is the exact same and it all seem's too bland. I feel that there is more to this world than just a being apart of a blank canvas. The blank canvas mere moment's ago now seemingly transforming into mathematical beauty like elliptic curves or even Green's theorem. That is what society would expect of my art but i do not get the urge's to create art to represent something so logical, it make's me feel entrapped and not in control of myself. That is why i am going to create a new painting which will start a new era. The painting which will hopefully put some colour into such a blank canvas. 

Hour's pass, yet i still continue to paint, my dedication is at an all time high. Humming to myself i continue with stroke after stroke, colour change after colour change because after all it has to be perfect in such a monotonous world. Deciding it is time for a small break i stand up and head to the only window in this apartment, i even had to pay premium for it because of how strict the government is. Grabbing my glass i take a sip as i glance toward's the clock, ah, it's nearly time for the mandatory pill, walking over toward's the box i grab one out and put it in my mouth. A knocking sound take's up all my sense's even though i should be used to it by now, "Come in" i shout toward's the door as it open's and a man walk's in. "You know the drill by now ma'am." Humming in approval i hide the pill in the place of my wisdom tooth and i open my mouth wide as he inspect's it, watching him nod i then lift my tongue and he continue's looking for a while then nod's. Closing my mouth i speak out "Sadly it will be the last time tomorrow, i am leaving at noon." Looking over at me, for almost an instance i thought i saw a glimmer of something within his dead eye's. "Okay, thank you for all of the cooperation whilst you stayed here." He replied walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. Immediately i rush toward's bathroom and spit the tablet out into the toilet and flushing it making sure there is no remaining trace. Uh, how i hate those pill's, used to control the populace yet few people know. Striding back to the painting i take my seat and continue my precious work. Grabbing my colour's i squirt some more onto my palette, a vibrant array which i believe to be rather fitting in this place and picking up my brush i begin, as my stroke's turn blank line's into abstract shape's seemingly dancing in harmony and yet i do not believe it to be good enough, yet this must do for now as there will be another painting. Getting off my seat and taking a step back to admire my work i must now do the painstaking task of giving it a suitable and noteworthy name. Second's pass and then minute's, i'd rather it not be a normal name, something less logical, something with a meaning, something that will draw people together, i think i shall name it libertas. Now that the naming is over i can sell it at the auction tomorrow. 

Leaving the room, i head toward's reception and go to the front desk. "Please can you move the painting from my room to the waiting room at the art auction today please." I politely request as the receptionist look's up nodding. Turning around i head toward's the art auction to check out the other piece's as mine will be one of the last one's. Moving through the street's i despise the repetitiveness of it all, the building's all the same, the only difference being some window's and the sign indicating what it is. The street's of concrete with no life on it except for human's, anything else is seen as a distraction or even a weakness to society. Continuing my way to the auction i head toward's the front of the crowd to get a better view, due to my, sadly, shorter height than other's. However, i cannot complain as the auction should be starting soon."Welcome to the art auction, as you know it will last for one hour, 5 minute's a piece, we shall begin with the first piece, labelled by the artist Lily may i proudly present Fractal Harmony." Observing the art piece i can easily pick apart what it represent's. The fibonacci sequence. It is a very unique way of visualising mathematic's. Deep in thought i hear something akin to a voice startling me. Quickly remembering what he said, something along the line's of what the artwork show's, somewhat monotonously though. Preparing myself for a conversation i reply "I believe it is meant to represent mathematical pattern's, if you look closer nearly all strokes go from left to right seemingly using the fibonacci sequence. Truly spectacular however i prefer other style's myself." Hearing an agreement i glance over and for some reason he look's fairly familiar yet i cannot think of his name, multiple art piece's go by and yet i still cannot remember, oh wait, Dr something, oh yes. Dr. Jake Wilson. Steeling my resolve i ask softly "Sir, i must ask are you the Dr. Jake Wilson?" Noticing him turning his head i look up at him noticing a rather large height difference, black hair and deep blue eye's staring back into mine, "Yes, might i ask your name?" Registering what he said i utter back "Ah, i knew it, you are very well known for putting down the protestor's in that town near Robotics Central." I really do not like this man infront of me, killing people who only wanted to feel what it is to be human, despicable. How could you possibly live with such guilt of killing so many, just thinking about it make's me wish to walk away. Deciding to be polite i state "My name is Rose Orion, sadly i have to depart to work, pleasure to meet you Sir." Heading toward's a back alley i rush to get into a more secretive outfit in order to hide my identity. Putting on my black outfit and mask i head toward's the waiting room where my painting is.

I begin pushing my painting toward's the centre of the stage and finally reaching it i turn it around, and this is the part i love, listening to the gasp's and murmur's i feel quite smug. "May the starting bid begin at 150" which was the starting bid for all of my work and again, like usual, sign's shoot up and a few minute's pass by. Seem's like it will be another one of these situation's. The announcer shout's over the crowd "With few bidder's left every rising sign will increase by 250, now let us begin for the remaining time." Looking out to the crowd i look at the Dr. again and get a sudden feeling of horror making me zone out."The winner of the bid is number 3, congratulations." Suddenly bring's me out of my zoned out state. Taking my leave i head toward's the apartment building i have been staying in to go read a book in the library. Nodding at the receptionist as i move toward's the library i take my seat quite deep into the library. Grabbing a book on human nature i begin reading as my mind goes blank except the book. "May i take a seat here?" i hear as i glance slightly up seeing a hand resting on the chair. Nodding and moving my cloak over the book i look and see the Dr. "I am here to ask a few question's, i heard about you back at the capital and was wandering if you knew anything about colour and human nature and if they correlate in any way?" Oh shit, does he know, the book i am reading, does he know about, i am definitely overthinking this, replying impassively Yes, i am aware of some correlation yet i do not think it would be useful for any work you could be conducting Dr." Hearing him sigh in disappointment he utter's back "Thank you for the time, good luck with you work." Watching him leave i begin reading till it's time to go move town. 

Heading out of the apartment after gathering my belonging's i make way to the train station to head toward's Robotic's Central to try make a change there.