Departing Bleakstone

Waking up to an alarm bell, Jake sit's up leaning onto his wall and grabbing the glass of water from the side chugging it till it's empty. Recollecting the previous day all he can think of is how little work he got done toward's the investigation, and how dissatisfied he feel's with himself. Getting out of bed he begin's moving to get ready for the day. Roughly half an hour has passed and Jake put's on a coat as he walk's out the door locking it behind him. 

Breathing in the fresh air, i start my way to the facility for the meeting about the investigation. Striding through the street's i cannot help but wander what the town does for society?, what does it provide?, what does it create?, what does it service? and most importantly how does it help everyone else? These are the thought's swirling within my head all day and every day, taking the final turn i stroll up to the door, opening it and entering. "Good morning Dr. Wilson" the receptionist speak's out as i reply in greeting and move to the meeting room to be 10 minute's early. I do wonder what the other's have theorised about the population productivity, sadly i cannot bring much to the conversation about my own theory so i will merely have to debate everyone else's. Reaching the room i see a colleague also working on this investigation. "Morning Dr. Clayton" i state watching him look up from his note's as he reaches the door. "Morning Dr. Wilson" he reply's opening the door, speeding up to reach the door before it close's he hold's it for me, smiling as i walk in i mutter a thank you. As we both walk toward's the table there is a knock on the door "Excuse me Dr's. please may i come in" a solider voice's through the door as Dr. Clayton get's up to open the door as the solider walk's in whilst i grab a pill box from my pocket. "Sorry for being early, you have a minute to get the pill" the solider comment's as he stand's at ease. Opening the box i grab a pill and put it in my mouth swallowing it whilst the solider make's his way over, opening my mouth as he inspect's it giving a nod a move my tongue as he continue's looking. The final nod of approval is all i need as he move's over to Dr. Clayton as i put the pill box back and move to grab my note's from the drawer in the back of the room. Moving toward's my seat i pull it back and sit down as the solider finishes his work and take's his leave bidding is goodbye. Minute's pass as i go over my note's as more and more people enter until it is finally time for the meeting to start. As the last few people enter the room i stand up announcing "Good morning everyone, as you should all be aware we are discussing any theories for the investigation and at the end we will be on screen with the government official's to report our understanding, let us begin with the register." Checking off name's at the register as everyone is here i begin again "As the leading investigator i will go first with my theory" whilst walking toward's the head of the conference table. "My theory so far is based upon old world correlation's, it is on the basis of how human nature is changed by the influence of colour. From my understanding there is little known about this subject so i will be doing a data-driven analysis and be personally measuring any change's." I explain, as the Dr's. round the table nod and murmur to with one another, "That is an interesting idea, but the proper evidence required would be immeasurable with our current power, i am sure we are all well aware of what would need to happen." Discussion's erupt throughout the table as everyone debate's one another, and i hear some very logical idea's which i could use however at this rate we wouldn't hear all of the theory's before we have to talk to the government official's. "Sorry everyone, it was a logical and needed discussion however we need to move onto the next person who will be Dr. Clayton" i state as i move back to my seat sitting back down. Observing Dr. Clayton striding in confidence toward's the head of the conference table he begin's. "My theory is very simple yet logical, my theory is based on the idea that society is being overloaded by the constant influx of information which cause people to be overwhelmed by the work and not have enough time to do it all, leading me to think that our population productivity crisis may just be a population crisis." Thinking deeply i must admit that it is much more developed than my theory and it seem's to have the backing of multiple other's as i listen to people agree. "That is marvellous Dr. Clayton, however evidence would be needed from multiple different source's and measured by different people to ensure no anomaly's within the data." Looking toward's Dr. Clayton i see him open another page of note's where he then respond's "That is true, it is why i request help from some of you, if you wish to help raise your hand." Scanning the room i see 4 people have raised their hand's, i believe one Dr. and three data analyst's. Personally i do not wish to help as i believe my own theory may have some more evidence behind it. Looking back toward's Dr. Clayton i watch him nod in approval and signal another person to the head of the conference table. "My theory is a more mechanical view of the crisis, as i believe we are looking at it from the wrong perspective, i think that it is about systematic issue's. Underlying issue's within our system's and processes which are required for society to use." Listening intently i begin to wander if that could be true and deciding to voice my opinion i speak out "That is a very intriguing idea on the crisis, i suggest you take some of us to assist you in your theory. However, might i remind all of you that a decision to assist will mean the theory you have created will be put into file's and not discussed." After stating this i look back toward's the person at the head of the table watching him nod in a thank you gesture. "If you would like to join me in proving my theory please raise your hand" he announce's, looking around the room i believe everyone else has raised there hand. That leave's just three theory's to be further investigated. Mine, Dr. Clayton's and the person that just went. Noticing he he has gone to sit back down i stand from my seat and return back to the head of the conference table.

"Everyone, we are going to be on screen with the government official's earlier than expected so could we please prepare whilst we make contact?" i announce rhetorically. Striding toward's the phone on the wall i input the number and begin speaking "Hello, we are ready to start the screening when you are." Putting down the phone i step back standing by the side of the table as a screen begin's to form on the wall as we can see the government official's. "Hello, let us make this quick, begin Dr. Wilson." Hearing my name i stand proper and start explaining "We have decided upon three separate theory's to further investigate, one lead by me about human nature and how colour influence's it, the second one run by Dr. Clayton and helper's also around the table about the people being overwhelmed by the high influx of work and finally the theory by the remaining people is about systematic error's." Waiting a minute for them to reply i scan the table noticing how all the official's are discussing it. "We have agreed upon your course of action Dr. Wilson, however we recall you to the facility immediately, there is another issue you need to attend too." The military governor state's. Nodding whilst replying back "Of course Ma'am i will head back immediately" as the screen dissipate's slowly afterward's. Turning to the conference table i thank everyone as i take my leave to get prepared to head back. A few minute's pass as i return back to my room where i quickly gather my few item's and pack my work. I then say goodbye to the solider's and make way to the landing ground to go back to the facility. After waiting for a few minute's i see the helicopter land as i walk over looking back one last time at Bleakstone whilst entering. "Strap in Sir, there is a lot of turbulence on the way back."