Hope in Shadows: Cassian’s Resolve

"I honestly thought you were just some weirdo getting a kick out of cutting up these clones," Amina said, watching as Cassian presented his latest finding from the clone he'd just killed—a tall, burly boy who had put up quite a fight.

"Yeah, not that kind of weirdo," Cassian replied, placing a still-bloody but remarkably intact heart on the ground in front of her.

Larick grimaced, his face twisting in disgust as he eyed the organ. Meanwhile, Amina leaned in, her expression shifting to one of confusion as she examined it closely. "Okay... and what exactly am I supposed to be looking at here?" she asked, glancing back at Cassian with a raised brow.

Cassian gestured for them to look more closely at the heart. "Just... trust me for a second and really look at it," he said, his tone serious. Amina leaned in further, her curiosity piqued despite the unease in her expression. Larick hesitated but eventually stepped closer, his disgust giving way to cautious intrigue.