Clones vs Humans (Part-2)

"How many of these things do they even have?" Larick asked, his exhaustion evident as he took a long drink from a flask of tree sap and chewed on some bark. For hours now, they had been locked in relentless combat against the clones. Larick alone had taken down at least eight, and counting the others, the number of clones killed today had to be in the hundreds.

Despite the brutal onslaught, the group hadn't suffered a single death in days. Their growing experience was paying off, but the unending battles and lack of rest were pushing everyone to their limits. The thirty-strong group, now seasoned warriors, stayed close together, watching each other's backs.

It was easier now to distinguish between real people and clones—the wounds on their bodies told the story. None of the clones they had encountered so far had escaped alive, making the chance of an imposter among them really low.