My head got slammed against my desk making a loud sound, and the attention all went to me as the class fell silent. I slowly lifted my head looking pissed. "Kuro, are you okay?" The teacher asked hesitantly. "Yes, sir,"
I replied quickly with a slight smile trying to avert all attention that was on me. Even though I could hear people murmuring calling me "deranged" and "weird."
I closed my eyes trying to get in contact with the "voices," living in my head. Literally, "Stop messing around!" I yelled, my voice echoing around my mind. "Oh come on we wanna have some fun..!" "Yeah, lighten up a little will you?"
The two voices came from the shadows in front of me, "Ugh! You two need to stop doing that when I'm at school," "Fine, fine," the two voices replied.
You might be wondering, like.. "Who are those people?" Or, "Can they control you?" I'll tell you how everything starts.
First of all, my name's, Kuro Ito.
My parents left town for a few years leaving the house to me. They thankfully at least give me money for the house, and other things, like food, books, supplies, all those necessities. My only friends are Lini Yasuda, and Daizo Rimpo, although we aren't popular in high school, we still have each other.
But now.. This is how it starts.
When I was 15, me and my friends, and Lini, Daizo, and I decided to explore a haunted house and play some games in there like an Ouija Board, Bloody Mary, The Candyman Challenge, and more. You know, all those scary games you see in WeTube, of course, we played around and lost track of time.
When we finished all the scary games we had in mind, we wanted to play more, but when we grabbed our phones to search for more games, all of our phones were dead. "Hey, this isn't funny," my friend, Daizo said, "Lini, did you do this?" "No way! Why would I even do this!" She bursted out.
"Hey, hey! Calm down..! We can't go home since our phones are dead, we have no clue of where we are!" I tried changing the topic. "Stop being such a smartass all the time, Kuro!" "Yeah! What she said!" I scowled under my breath. We started hearing whispering surrounding us.
"Who's there!" Daizo yelled out. The whispering only got louder until suddenly. "..." It stopped then a deep voice sounding in all directions said, "Three alive, then one alive, two dead," It somewhat made sense, but why was whoever this was telling us this? I was about to speak when I felt a sharp pain in my head making me fall to the ground.
Before I fell unconscious I saw two figures standing in front of me and my friends, I tried to lift my head but I had no strength left inside my body.
I passed out. When I "woke up" I was in pitch darkness, I heard whispering, and they said, "Bad luck has been planted on you and your friends. Start with three alive, then one alive, two dead."
It all made sense to me now. Me and my friends were cursed, only one of us would survive while the only two would die. I shuddered at the thought that I might die first, or see the sight of losing my friends.
"Wake up."
"Wake up..!"
"Wake up!!"
I jumped up awake seeing my friends beside me, yelling at me to get up, "W-wait.. Did you guys see that to..?" I questioned them, "See what?" Lini replied, "You saw something?" Daizo added in.
"N-nevermind.." I was a stuttering mess right now! I'm pretty sure my friends knew something was up, but I couldn't just tell them like that! What if they freak out? What happens if they isolate themselves from the outside wor-
I got cut off, "Hey are you okay, Kuro? You look a bit pale," I know that Lini and Daizo were just concerned about me but I couldn't tell them. The sun rose as golden light filled the room,
"How do we find our way back now?" Daizo shrugged, "Are we going to die?!" Lini panicked I scoffed, "Of course not are you crazy?"
"No, I'm not crazy! We're in the middle of the forest in a haunted house with no way to find the time, and how to get back to town!"
I noticed Lini was starting to hyperventilate, and I guess Daizo noticed too since he was looking at Lini concerned. "Lini, calm down, please. Relax!" "How am I suppose to relax when we might actually die here?! I don't wanna die!"
I looked at Daizo, basically asking for help through my eyes, "Lini, come on we can find our way to town. Let's go," apparently that calmed Lini down, "Really?"
Her mood changed almost immediately when he said that. I helped by adding in, "Yeah, let's go!" We then left through the doors of which we entered.
Soon enough, we managed to find our way back to town after going the way we came back home.
Lini bursted into tears and fell to the ground, "W-we did it.. We're finally home..!" She sobbed, we were on top of a hill looking down onto the town, and Daizo was comforting Lini. I heard whispering again. I felt a cold, freezing touch graze my arm, I snapped my head back to see nothing there.
But I could hear the whisperings. They kept getting louder again, was I going to pass out like last time? I could see two faint transparent silhouettes in front of me.
I hesitated if I should try and reach out to them. But I was reminded of what the whispers said, I retracted my hand not wanting to die just yet. I had to be cautious.
I turned back around towards where Daizo and Lini used to be, they were gone. "This isn't funny you guys, come out," I called out thinking that they were just pranking me, "Kuro.." "Who's there?! Show yourselves!" I yelled out. "You're being to loud. Shut up will you?"
I turned my head around to who was speaking to me, there were two slightly transparent figures standing next to each other.