Who Are You?

I let out a gasp by mistake when I saw them. One had blood-red hair, while the other had jet-black hair, "W-who..." "Who are you?! What have you done with my friends?!" The one with jet-black hair answered, "I'm Makito, and he's Akishi. Your friends are fine. You're sleeping right now so calm down," "Sleeping? What do you mean?"

Akishi stepped in and said, "You passed out," my jaw dropped, "Passed out? H-how..- W-where am I?!" I was stressing a lot by now, I think Akishi and Makito realized it because I was fumbling on my words. I heard voices echoing from where I was.

"Wake up, Kuro!"

When I woke up I felt myself on the soft grass, I saw Daizo and Lini, they looked scared, "What happened..?" I asked, my voice cracking. "Y-you fell when we checked on you, you were out cold..!" What was happening to me? Why did I keep passing out whenever I started hearing the whispers?

"We should.. We should probably get going now," "You're right," Daizo replied to me. I kept thinking about what Makito and Akishi said, who, really, were they? How are they communicating to me? Why exactly were they helping us?

My thoughts got cut off when we finally reached the town, cars drove past us while we walked to our usual hangout spot, the library, "Stella's Local Library," people don't often go there and the workers there don't pay much attention to people. Once we arrived there we were gonna sit where we sat every time we went to the library, but people were already sitting there.

I looked at Lini and Daizo, I saw Lini's hands turn into a fist. I knew she was about to yell at them for taking our spot but stopped her shortly by putting a hand on her shoulder and guiding her to another table across from them, "Hey now..! Let's just go sit over there,"

I glanced at Daizo seeing him take a sigh of relief. When we sat down I looked through the loose books through the shelf to see who those people sitting at our table were.

I couldn't recognize them since they had hoods on, so I gave up and continued chatting with my friends.

I thought of what was happening to me, the whispering, Akishi, Makito, the curse. I stood up from my chair and went to the "Supernaturals" section of the library. "Where are you going?" Daizo questioned me, "Hold on," I saw in the corner of my eye a strange-looking book, and I grabbed it reading the title.

"Strange Occurrences" I pulled it out, it had a dark purple cover and the back was fully black. I opened it up to see if it was the book I was looking for. It was! I flipped through the pages looking for the one I was looking for about the curse.

"Death Curse"

Death curse can only be performed with another person helping you, to perform the curse you need 2 or more targets to do it on. Once you have those targets you say the words "■■■■ ■■■ ■■■," you'll know it worked when the targets pass out immediately on where they last stood.

When they pass out, start casting the curse, saying, "■■■ ■■." After saying those exact words you'll need to wait until they've woken up to see if the curse worked. When they wake up you can see their pupils are slightly dilated, meaning it was a successful curse.

The description for this curse is if there is.. Let's say 5 targets, 4 will die from any occurrence, like being choked to death, or drowned. Any of that could happen until one of the targets remains. The last standing target is the survivor who has ended the curse.

There is currently no known cure or way to break this curse so far.

I hesitated whether I should show this to my friends or not, I didn't wanna hide anything much longer, so I stood up and showed them the book, "Guys I think I know why I.. Or, we, keep passing out," I slide the book onto the table where Lini and Daizo were sitting.

Once a few minutes passed, they looked flabbergasted, mouths wide open, "N-no way! You set this up, didn't you? This is fake!" Lini tried to deny it, trying to believe it wasn't real, "This.. It doesn't look fake, Lini. What do we do, Kuro..?"

I put a finger up to my mouth and pointed to the people who were still sitting at the table across from us, "Shh.. They can hear us, we're being too loud," I saw Lini and Daizo nod, understanding that this can only be kept between us.

"So what's the plan now boss?" Daizo teased me, while Lini laughed.

"Alright," I laughed, "Don't call me that. Pfft, that's stupid," I cleared my throat, "Come to my house at 3PM, we can discuss what to do once we're all together.

"Yes, sir!" I heard Lini and Daizo say at the same time as if they were following strict orders, "Oh my lord, stop it," I held in my laugh, "Okay! Seriously, I'll see you guys tomorrow," I saw them give me a thumbs up and leave.

I decided to bring the book with me back home so I could find more info on what the curse was and try to talk to Akishi and Makito again to understand what was happening and who they were.

When I made it back home safely the sun was dawning, I laid on my couch relaxing a bit before getting up and grabbing my towel to take a shower. I entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror, I saw Akishi and Makito behind me.

I turned my head around seeing them exactly where I saw them in the mirror, I let out a gasp when I saw them, my back up against the sink, "Stay away from me!" I saw Akishi grin looking satisfied from my fear.

Makito just stared at me looking annoyed, I saw Akishi approaching me. I was trembling, "What do you want from me?!" I spoke up.

"Don't even try to escape," Makito stared at me deep into my eyes practically daring me to disobey and see what happens.