Problem After Problem

"Get away..!" I yelled, my back was scrunched up against the sink. "Come on... Don't be afraid little thing," Akishi stepped closer chuckling lowly, "Don't call me that!" I was scared, I tried to escape from the small space between us slowly closing in.

I needed to escape from them, but their hands on both opposite sides of the sink prevented me from escaping.

"Stop it! Stop, go away!"

I held the top of my head with my hand, gripping my hair tightly, closing my eyes trying to force my mind to think it was just my imagination.

I held my breath until I felt a soft breeze pass through me giving me chills down my spine. I peeked open my eyes a little trying to see if they were gone, once I noticed the two transparent figures who were standing in front of me were now gone, I took in a deep breath. Exhaling roughly.

Makito POV.

I sighed. There's something about that boy, one part of me wants to strangle him until he reaches his final destination. The other part of me.. When I look at his face, is just so fragile it makes me want to hold him close and protect him from all danger.

I was soon interrupted by Akishi, "Something on your mind? You don't usually blank out all of a sudden like that,"

"That kid, doesn't he look familiar to you?"

"Mn.. Not really, but you're right. He has that face that I can't just quite get my hands on,"

It's fun toying with him. But that part, deep inside of me. It has many twinges of pity. 

Akishi POV.

There's something wrong. I can tell. He always crosses his arms whenever he's not in the mood or feeling down. I don't wanna say anything though, we did use a lot of mana teleporting both of us out of there.

Makito might have a point. That kid seems f- Wait! I jumped up slightly when I had a realization startling Makito, "Oh, sorry," I mumbled, scratching the back of my head embarrassed. I saw Makito scoff and sit up, his hair bouncing when he moved.

I grabbed a book from the bookshelf beside me, tilting the book from the top so It's easier to take out. I had grabbed this specific book because it was the one, Kuro, was looking at.

I flipped through the pages looking for the page he left off on. I read the page and on until the sectors that were related ended. In total, about 71 pages.

"Hey, bookworm. What are you doing? Reading hasn't always been your thing, and you aren't always this quiet," Makito teased me, calling me a nickname he knew I would hate.

"Tsk, shut up for a moment. I found some information from the book that, Kuro, was reading.

"Wh- Oh, what's it about? And what'd you find?"

I gave him the book and showed him all the important parts that showed some quite interesting data. It talked about the curse and our existence. "Ah shoot... So now what? He has the book and is probably reading it as we talk,"

"Why so down?~ We could just appear again and take it away from him while I distract him," Makito gave me a look and walked away from me.

"I'm done talking to you,"

I laughed, "Pwahaha!- Is my plan that bad?"

"Yes. It is,"

Kuro POV.

I stretched, my whole body taking over the whole bed. I'm so tired of reading, and it just turned 1 AM. I must.. Keep reading.

I eventually fell asleep not even an hour later. Although.. I am quite surprised about yesterday, we, Lini and Daizo, went through so much not even in a full 24 hours. I wonder what they're up to..

I reached for my phone to contact them in our group chat on Boochat I put my fingers just barely touching my screen as I thought about what to write.

"Are you guys still coming over today?"

I hesitated at the send button. I sighed and deleted my message and put my phone down. Why does it even matter, they probably forgot.

My mind strayed off and I started thinking about Akishi and Makito. Where did they go? What do they want from me and my friends? I felt like I was in a movie of some sort I huffed and started to soften my breath.


I let out a big exhale. Then slowly inhaled again as I shut my eyes.

I grabbed my phone just staring at the lock screen, it was February 25th.. Four more days until my birthday. I wonder if a birthday miracle will happen, or perhaps I'll die before that time comes.

I massaged my neck since I was straining it from reading that book all night long. I sat up and got off my bed, walking to my kitchen to make some breakfast.

I entered my kitchen and opened my fridge, I got out two eggs and used the last two pieces of my bread.

All of a sudden I felt a nauseating pain in my body, It felt like I was dying. Like dozens after dozens of needles were poking me.

Everything went pitch black, I passed out. I was known for my high pain tolerance and was popular for it in school. Every school I went to when I was young had million weird aspects.

To many to name. As I was woken up from the slumber, I was apparently moved onto my bed. Was it just a dream? I was sweating, I had a high fever. How was I supposed to get medicine and water without passing out?

I guess Lini and Daizo were my only hope right now. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and texted Lini first.

"Hi Lini-, are you and Daizo still coming over? If you do, do you mind bringing some medicine?"

I pressed the send button and waited for an answer. Hours passed and it was now noon. I had decided that I should give Lini some time, so I went to text Daizo instead.

"Heyy! could you come over and help me? I'm sick right now."

Daizo is typing...