
"Yeah, sure. Give me a few. "

Daizo replied.

My face lit up when I saw the message, I felt relieved. As a few minutes passed by I heard my doorbell ring, I jumped up from my bed and ran towards the door. "Thank you for coming on such short notice!" I bowed and lifted my head to see someone else.

"Damn, a formal entrance for me? I thought you hated me"

"..." No way. Why is she here?! "I don't hate you. I just don't like you," It was my cousin, we hung out every day from elementary school to middle school.

We were practically inseparable until she decided to ruin my science project worth almost all of my grade in that class.

"What brings you here, itoko." (Itoko means an older female cousin in Kanji) "Why so sensitive, cub?" "Stop calling me that," I was on the verge of snapping at her but was able to calm myself.

I can't remember her name, what was it? Biizu? Ack.. Whatever, "Tell me! Why are you here,"

"You are sick, right?"

What? Did Daizo send her over?! That's impossible.

"Yes. How-" "You're sniffling, and is the season you get sick in. Every. Year,"

I guess is pretty obvious considering she is the relative to pays more attention to everything. "What's your name again..?" I saw her burst into laughter, I felt my face warm up from embarrassment. "Pwahaha! You really forgot my name?" I nodded hesitantly.

"Why do you need to know it if you can just call me itoko?"

"Just tell me!"

"Fine, It's Riona,"

I couldn't believe I had forgotten her name just like that, "Are you gonna invite me in or what?" "Oh, yeah." I opened the door fully and saw her walk in like she owned the place.

"What are you pouting at now, huh? I can tell it from your face," "Tch, whatever,"

Riona POV.

Kuro gets angry so easily, It's kinda funny. I accidentally let out a small chuckle, "What's so funny?" "Ah- Nothing," I jolted up, "I almost forgot to give you your medicine," I put my hand out, I was holding a brown bag.

"Thanks, I guess," he grabbed it out of my hand.


What's with this tension between us? He seems to be more focused on something other than me. I wonder what's on his mind..

Kuro POV.

When is Riona gonna leave.. I need to finish reading that book. I opened the medicine bottle and popped a pill into my mouth, chugging down a bottle of water as well. I swallowed and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Hey, so when are you gonna leave?"

"Why so rushed? Can't your itoko come over once in a while?"

I ignored her and went to the kitchen to make an early dinner. I only learned how to cook because my mother taught me when I was younger.

"Sometimes I don't trust you with cooking," "Why? Because I'm a boy?"

"No, because remember the last time you tried cooking when you were 11?"


7 years ago I was in a summer camp for a school trip. They invited kids to try and cook dishes as a fun competition. And I reluctantly agreed for some reason. While I was cooking, I made a fatal mistake.

As I left to go grab more ingredients for the chicken curry I was making, I took off my jacket and left it near the stovetop making it catch on fire.

The fire spread, and spread. No one knew about it until Riona wanted to check on me. She opened the door to be greeted by a swarm of flames. By the time I came back, Riona, and all the staff came to see what was happening.

Police came, firefighters. No one was hurt though. Riona still teases me about the incident from then to now. She even calls me unlucky from time to time just to remind me about it.

"I already told you! Don't remind me of that,"

"Yeah yeah,"

I finished cooking and just made a miso ramen instead of making anything fancy. "You can finally make something that looks edible," "Shut up.." I mumbled and saw her chuckle.

"Well, I should be taking off now. So I'll leave you to your business,"

I simply just ignored her and went on with my day.

Now that she talked about it, I can't seem to get it off of my mind. Although, I still feel a presence lingering around. It doesn't seem to be Riona's though.

It's probably just my imagination, I have been on edge lately. Ah! Right, I almost forgot to text Daizo and Lini.

I opened up my phone and looked back at Daizo's text between me and him. The way he sent his text, if said in a certain tone it sounds sarcastic.

He couldn't of have meant it that way.. Right? He's one of my best friends.

It's getting late, I think I'll start getting ready for bed. I went out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, I still felt the presence nearby me, watching me.

I sighed and washed up. After, I went to my bed, grabbed the book, and opened it. Now that Riona was gone I could finally catch up on more information. The night went on, I flipped through the pages over and over.

I soon lost track of time and stayed up all night.

My sleep schedule was all scrambled and messed up at this point. Music played from my phone, it was my alarm for me to get up for school.

It was a Monday.. I closed the book and stuffed it into my backpack so I was able to read it at school.

I got up from my bed, stretched, yawned, and changed into my uniform. To get my day started I brushed my teeth and did all the morning routines.

I forgot to make my lunch yesterday, so I was left to use leftovers from last night instead. Still half-asleep I almost walked out of my house wearing my inside slippers.

That lingering presence was still following me I could feel it. On my way to school, I had to sprint to the subway so I wouldn't miss it, I guess the badluck is coming back to me.

The doors of the subway opened. I was greeted by the busy streets of Japan.