Chapter 13

I looked at both of them. "What are you two talking about?"

"Come on, you pink giant," Silvy said, pushing herself to her feet. "We're heading to the baths. You have your shadow stone on you, right?"

I patted my pocket.

Silvy nodded. "Good. You'll need that until we get there."

She picked up the bowl of stones and took it back into the bedroom, where she placed it on her table filled with magical crap. Zia looked up at me and gave me a shy smile.

"Are you gonna tell me what you two were talking about?" I asked.

As soon as Zia opened her mouth to reply, Silvy came back into the room with towels in her hands. On top, she had a thick bar of soap.

"I only have two towels, so you will have to share," she said. "Ready?"

"Let's go," Zia said.

I went back towards the door and grabbed my shoes. After stepping into them, I pulled the door open and held it for the ladies. Okay, I'll be honest. Half of the reason was so I could check them out as they walked by. 

"Now, just follow us," Silvy said. "And use the shadow stone. Trust me."

I pulled the stone out of my pocket, brushed it off, and popped it into my mouth. In the dim light of the underground city, I became almost completely invisible. I kept close behind the women as they walked along the edge of the underground city. At least we were moving away from the tunnel, so I didn't have to worry so much about running into any guards. At least, I hoped.

I had to remind myself to look away from their butts so I could see more of the city, or at least this section of it. Most of the buildings looked to have been carved from the very stone that the mountain was made of, although I saw more traditional stone and brick buildings as well. Overall, it was a fascinating place. I couldn't look too much, as I had to pay attention to where we were walking.

The path Silvy took us on wound around the very edge of the city, until we reached a large tunnel. My initial concerns about guards were abated when I realized the tunnel simply led to another section of the city. It was much the same, with stone buildings and magical lights providing gentle illumination. Silvy had once told me that there were multiple caves like this—if cave was even the right word—and that King Ralcor's section of the city was above us, on top of everyone else.

It was late in the day, possibly even night time, so there weren't very many goblins outside wandering about, especially since the path we took mostly avoided houses and buildings. I caught glimpses of them though, and the women all looked to be just as beautiful as Silvy and Zia. Conversely speaking, the men, even just standard workers like butchers and bakers, all looked as mean as the guards in the tunnel. I found the physical differences between the men and women astounding.

They turned left into another tunnel, this one much smaller. I felt an immediate change in the air as we walked down that tunnel, and when we entered the next room I saw why.

This section of the city wasn't as large as the caves filled with buildings, but it was still expansive enough to swallow two dozen houses with room left over. More importantly, the ground was mostly made up of small pools, many that gently bubbled. Wisps of steam rose from many of the pools, and the water slowly leaked out and joined into a small stream that exited the room in the far corner.

"The hot springs," I said to myself.

Only a handful of goblins were there, some of them scrubbing themselves down and some simply relaxing. Not staring at the large breasts and round bottoms of the goblin women was indeed difficult.

Silvy led us around the edge of the room—I saw a pattern there, she always kept to the outer edges to avoid people—and we finally stopped near a medium-sized pool. The ground rose up irregularly next to it, providing a bit of privacy. 

Silvy pointed at the raised stone and turned back to where she probably thought I was. "That's so no one can see you."

I snuck up behind her and placed a kiss on her cheek, then hurriedly backed away before she could slap me. Silvy cursed me, while Zia smiled and laughed. I moved up to her and placed a soft kiss right on her full lips.

"Okay, enough playing around," Silvy said, tugging at the laces on her dress. "Hop in the water."

I spat out the shadow stone and slipped it in my pocket, then grinned at the women. Silvy stood there with her fists on her hips. She was trying to give me a stern look but a smile kept breaking through. I'd wear her down, eventually.

I kicked off my shoes and started taking off my clothes. It dawned on me that they needed to be cleaned as well, but I didn't have anything to wear while they were drying. I'd worry about that later. I tried not to be too shy around them as I stepped into the pool. After all, I had already had sex with Silvy. Zia watched me with wide eyes as I got naked. Hey, at least it was warm in that room, right?

The water was nice and hot, but not uncomfortably so. I stepped in, letting the heat seep into my limbs. It felt absolutely fantastic.

Silvy's dress was unlaced and she was working it down, but clearly in no hurry. Her attention seemed to be focused on Zia, who stood there with her hands clasped in front of her.

"Well?" Silvy said. "Go ahead. You've seen him."

I settled with my back against the edge of the pool as Silvy continued undressing. When I looked over to Zia, she was looking right back at me as she pulled on the laces of her dress. The way she moved, the way she looked at me, made it clear she wanted me to see her.

She undid the bodice of her dress and slowly pushed it down, exposing her large breasts. They were perfect in every way, large and round and firm, each topped with a plump pink nipple. She continued pushing the dress down, sliding each slender arm out of it. Her stomach was soft but flat, and she had to wiggle side to side to get her dress down around her hips.

Her body was shaped much the same as Silvy's. There were subtle differences—her butt was slightly smaller but her breasts were bigger—but overall she had the same ridiculous shape as the older woman. The same hourglass figure, with thick thighs and a perfectly round ass. 

I just stared. I didn't even care if I looked like a pervert. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Silvy tossed her dress to the side and cleared her throat. I tore my eyes away from the flawless Zia and looked over at Silvy. The years hadn't really touched her figure. Her breasts were still perky and round, and her hips deliciously grabbable.

"Do you approve?" she asked.

"Huh?" I replied.

She leaned her head back and groaned. "Sometimes I forget you know nothing of our culture. When a man is to take a wife, it is customary for them to see each other in the baths first. Zia, you have seen him."

She nodded. "I would gladly accept him as a husband." Color stained her cheeks as she said that.

Silvy turned back to me and raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, of course," I said, trying not to stammer. "How could I not? You're perfect, Zia." I looked over at Silvy and grinned. "You both are. I accept you both."

Silvy rolled her eyes and stepped into the pool. Zia smiled ear-to-ear and hurried into the pool, then sloshed across the water and hugged me. The feeling of her naked body against mine had a predictable and immediate effect. Zia pulled back and looked at me, her eyes wide, then looked down.

I just shrugged.

Zia opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. She turned around, purposely rubbing her ass against my erection, then moved over to the other side of the pool.

Silvy had caught none of that. Or if she did, she gave no sign of it. She merely scrubbed herself with the bar of soap, then passed it to Zia. I got the bar of soap last. 

"So, everyone bathes here?" I asked, dunking my head briefly under the water to rinse the soap from it.

"Yep," Silvy replied. "There are more than a hundred individual pools, so it never gets crowded. I avoid coming here during the day, though. The less people, the better."

"You know, you aren't as hated as you seem to think," Zia said as she ran a soapy hand around and beneath one of her breasts. She glanced quickly at me and gave a shy smile, but continued talking to Silvy. "People are wary of you because of Ralcor. They don't want to associate with someone the king hates so openly. They don't dislike you, though. Many people, women mostly, see you as strong, as a survivor."

Silvy's large breasts rose and fell as she took a deep breath. "Well, I wasn't expecting to hear that," she muttered.

My eyes fell to Silvy's scars. Teeth marks, from each shoulder all the way down to her wrists. Time had largely faded them, but they were still there. That a man could treat a woman so made me angry. Especially a woman as beautiful as Silvy. 

"I'm going to kill him as soon as I can," I said without thinking.

Silvy's eyes snapped to me. She followed my gaze and looked at her own arms, then slowly sank beneath the surface of the water until it was up to her chin.

The last thing that I wanted was for her to feel embarrassed. I crossed the pool and reached out, grabbing Silvy by the hand. She yelped as I pulled her into a tight hug. The feeling of her body against mine was, of course, mesmerizing. 

I sank down in the water until my face was on a level with her. Unintentionally, that put the head of my cock right between her thighs. Her breath caught and she looked up at me.

My right hand gently went to her face and I lifted it up to mine. She was only inches away from me, looking up into my eyes. Silvy was as beautiful as a woman could be, and had saved my life and showed me kindness from the first moment. 

"I'm taking you as one of my wives, no matter what you say," I said quietly to her. She opened her mouth to protest and I bent down and kissed her. It was a soft kiss, nothing aggressive. She pushed her hips forwards and the head of my cock pressed firmly against her, right against her tight opening. 

Realizing that I was probably making Zia uncomfortable, I slowly pulled away from Silvy, giving her hand a squeeze as I did so.

Indeed, Zia stood there looking quite awkward. I smiled and pushed through the water towards her. Her face lit up as I approached her, and she reached out for me.

Zia practically leaped on me and I wrapped my arms around her. Our lips met in a kiss of passion and my hand automatically went to that big, round ass of hers. I gave it a squeeze as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. Her body slid down a few inches until I found myself in the same situation as with Silvy; the head of my cock nestled in her pussy lips. I ached to just ram it inside her, but I somehow made myself behave. Trust me, it wasn't easy.

I broke our kiss and held her to my chest, both of us breathing hard. With a smile, I kissed her on the forehead and pulled away, then swam across the small pool to my side so I could relax a bit.

Silvy had finally gotten herself under control, although it clearly took some effort. She pushed a strand of wet hair back from her face and turned to me. I sat up straight and slowly pushed myself back towards her.

"So, as I told you earlier, I belong to no man," she said, not quite meeting my eyes. "I am flattered by your offer, but I must refuse."

I reached my hand out to her and she slipped her slender hand in mine without hesitation. That was always a good sign.

"Well, as I told you earlier, if I'm going to be king then you won't have much of a choice. I want you as my wife." That was about as straightforward as I could be.

Silvy blushed. "Well, then I guess I'll be hitting you with a frying pan."

I laughed. "Good thing I know blood magic, then. I can just heal myself. If that's what I have to do to have you, then so be it."

"Oh, just say yes, Silvy!" Zia said, crossing the pool to stand near us. "I think it would be great to be family with you." She looked up at me and smiled, then stepped close enough that her hip brushed against mine.

Silvy looked up at me for a while, her gaze unreadable. "I think," she said after a moment. "That I'm done with my bath." And with that, she turned and began climbing out of the pool.

Of course, that bent she was bending over right in front of me, putting that glorious ass practically in my face. Silvy was oddly unaware of things like that at times, so I reached out and slapped her right on one of those amazing cheeks.

She gasped and turned around, ready to slap me, but I had already rushed forwards. The moment she turned, I was there, wrapping my arms around her. She stared into my eyes for a split second, and then we kissed, hard and passionate.

"I'm going to marry you, even if you hit me with a frying pan every night," I said between kisses. My hand slipped around her lower back and I held her tightly to me, so our faces were only millimeters from each other.

Zia was suddenly there, her hand gently rubbing my back. "Stop being difficult, Silvy, and say yes already."

My hand slowly slid down from Silvy's lower back to her magnificently round ass and I gave it a squeeze. She smiled, just faintly, at that.

"I'll think about it," she said, gently pushing away from me. She turned again, climbing out of the pool. I think that time she purposely shoved her ass in my face. I was briefly considering leaning forward to kiss her right on her ass cheek when I suddenly felt a hand.

Zia stood next to me, her small hand wrapped around my cock, squeezing and stroking it. I looked down at her and she smiled and winked at me.

"I suppose I should get out as well," Zia said, pushing past me to the edge of the pool. She rubbed her ass all over me, making sure to push it firmly against my crotch, and then climbed out. Much like Silvy, she first brought one knee up and placed it on the edge of the pool, giving me quite the view, then her other knee. She stayed like that for a few seconds, on all fours with her knees slightly spread, her beautiful ass right in front of me, then wiggled it at me.

I couldn't resist any longer. I reached out and placed my hands on each cheek and then ran my tongue up the full length of her labia. She gasped and turned to face me.

I grinned at her. Her look of shock quickly faded into a sultry smile. She glanced over at Silvy, who was drying off.

"Can I have the other towel?" Zia asked.

Silvy tossed it to her and she caught it. She stood up in front of me, drying herself off, giving me quite the display of her body.

I finally climbed out of the pool, completely unashamed of my raging erection. Zia stared at it for a moment, eyes wide. She brought the towel up to begin drying her hair and Silvy spoke up.

"There's a better way to do that," she said. "Remember, you're learning magic. You can use that to dry your hair. Much better than soaking that towel." She took a step closer, still naked, and finally realized my erection. "Oh, put that thing away, Aaron," she said, rolling her eyes, but on her lips was an unmistakable smile.

I shrugged. "I can't help it. You two are the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and I love the fact that I'm going to marry you both." I stood there, hands on my hips, proud of my boner.

Silvy blushed and tried her best to ignore me. She did something, I wasn't sure what, and water suddenly flowed from her hair in a thin stream onto the stone floor. It took me a moment to realize she had dried her hair using magic.

"You won't be able to do that for a while, but I just wanted to show you some of the things possible with magic," Silvy explained. She concentrated and the water pulled out of Zia's hair as well. After a moment, water fell from each of the towels, leaving them dry. She threw her towel at me.

"Cover that thing up, will you?" Silvy said as she turned to fetch her dress.

While Silvy was facing the other direction, Zia suddenly reached out and grabbed onto my dick. She gave it a squeeze, then paused for a moment as if thinking. She bent down and took it in her mouth, sucking hard, once, twice, and then pulled away. With a wink, she walked away and grabbed her dress.

"Wow," I said, feeling an overwhelming urge to get laid. "I really need to hurry up and kill this guy."