Chapter 14

It took me a few deep breaths to be able to pull my jeans back on. Now that we were officially promised to each other—at least, I thought—Zia seemed determined to flirt and make things difficult for me.

Silvy was oddly quiet after that, and still didn't quite meet my gaze. Once we were ready, she led the way and we left the bathing room. I made sure to slip the shadow stone back into my mouth. I put my hand on Zia's shoulder for a moment so she knew I was right behind her.

Zia looked around, and seeing no one nearby, hiked up the bottom of her dress as she walked in front of me, baring her entire bottom. She looked over her shoulder at me, laughing happily.

"Why do I get the feeling you two are up to something?" Silvy asked without looking back.

Zia just laughed again and reached out for me. I moved forwards and took her hand, although with our height difference it didn't really work out. I offered her my arm and she slipped hers through it. That was a bit better, although to anyone passing by it would probably look strange; a short woman just walking with her hand in the air.

Silvy looked back a few times at us. Well, at Zia. At her sharp gaze, Zia removed her arm. No use clueing people in that an invisible dude was walking around, after all. 

At least being invisible, I could stare all I wanted and no one could tell. I grinned like an idiot as I watched Silvy's ass move in her dress, and slowed down for a moment to gawk at Zia. She really was something incredible. A group of three goblin women walked by in the opposite direction and I got an eyeful of their large breasts practically falling out of their dresses. Sometimes, life was good.

After a few minutes, we wound up back in the cave where Silvy's house was. As we began heading to her house, Zia decided to part ways.

"I should get home," she said, reaching out and hugging Silvy, who looked slightly surprised at the gesture. "Thank you so much for everything, Silvy. I'll see you tomorrow morning." And with that, she kissed Silvy on the cheek.

Zia blindly reached a hand out and I grabbed it and pulled her to me. I kissed her briefly, then let her go. She smiled and walked away.

Silvy stood there for a moment, hand on her cheek where Zia had kissed her. She looked somewhere between surprised and confused.

"Are you alright?" I asked, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"What? Oh, yes," she said, blinking. "Come on, let's go." With that, she hurried away, pulling her skirts up so she could walk more quickly. I suppose after many years alone, she still wasn't used to affection. It probably felt mildly overwhelming to her.

I followed her around the edge of the cave and we finally wound up at her house. It was just a tiny little place carved into the stone, but it was somehow charming. I hadn't really thought about that before.

Silvy pushed the door open and walked in. I spat the shadow stone out and followed, and we both kicked our shoes off and left them next to the door. Silvy gave me a nervous glance, then went over to her kettle.

"Would you like some tea?" she asked.

"I would love some tea," I said, grabbing the nearest chair and sitting down.

She used magic to heat the water, so it was ready in no time. She poured us each a cup of tea, then sat down next to me. The way she moved and sat showed she was stressed, or perhaps nervous.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she answered, only slightly too quickly.

I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry if what I said stressed you out. I won't apologize for saying it, though. I meant every word. I think you are beautiful and wonderful, and I want you."

She gave me one of her unreadable looks and sipped on her tea. "I belong to no man," she said, although there was little force in it.

"I agree," I replied smoothly. "We can approach it as partners. As equals. I'm not trying to take away your independence. I'm just asking for an opportunity to care for you."

Her eyes widened slightly at that, and she set her cup of tea down. "Why are you doing this, Aaron? Why are you saying these things to me?"

I shrugged. "Well, as I said, I think you're great. Do I really need a reason beyond that?"

Silvy watched me for a moment, then took a careful sip of her tea. "You're a strange man, Aaron."

After that, whatever was bothering her seemed to evaporate. We talked, mostly about magic and its different uses. 

"I would probably avoid telling the elves you're talented in blood magic," she advised. "They tend to have an innate distrust of blood magic. Elemental is more their thing."

"Noted," I said. "What are some of the stranger forms out there?" I asked. "Of magic, that is. Most of it makes reasonable sense when I think about it. Are there any forms of magic that don't? Sorry if that's a strange question."

"It's okay," Silvy said, setting her empty cup down and gently twirling it by the handle. "There are some darker forms of magic that most users tend to avoid. And some forms that don't come naturally at all; they can only be used if one pledges him or herself to a dark god." She scoffed. "Himself. No woman would be dumb enough to do that."

"What types of magic are we talking about?" I asked.

"Essentially variations on your blood magic," she explained. "There are some that can warp and twist the flesh like clay, and I have even read of instances where someone was able to bring the dead back to life. Although calling it life was a bit of a misnomer; the person was more of a mindless shell. But they were no longer dead."

"Necromancy. That's creepy stuff," I said. "So, what about my blood magic? You said I can heal and kill with it. How will I do that?"

She pursed her lips. "I've read about it, but I'm not entirely certain, to be honest. From what I understand, killing involves magically connecting yourself to a person's body and simply forcing them to die."

I blinked. "So I just will them to die and they die? Wow. Maybe I should go hunting so I can practice with this. Once I know how to do it, I should have no problem killing Ralcor."

"Well, remember you have to get to him first," Silvy reminded me. "And he is surrounded by guards. You learning the spear will help, but it's going to take a lot of fighting to even get near him." She sighed. "I suppose it's good that Zia is so eager to help. To be honest, there is no way you'll be able to do this without her help. Or mine, for that matter." She huffed. "I do hope she was being serious when she said she was going to bring her best friend by. You'll need all the help you can get."

Marrying three beautiful women had never been so easy! All I had to do was kill a guy. I tried to ignore him being surrounded by armed guards and focused on the basics.

"So, when can I try to practice with my magic?" I asked. 

"Probably tomorrow," Silvy replied. "Zia will be here studying magic with me. You can go hunting in the woods surrounding the cave. If you walk for an hour or so, there should still be plenty of wildlife out there. I haven't had a good roast in a long time."

"Ah, man," I said, chuckling. "You're going to make me kill some cute animal, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry," she said. "Goblins don't eat much meat, if that makes you feel any better. But there is only one way to learn how to kill with blood magic. At least in doing that, you can feed us."

"Yeah, you're right," I said, then finished the last of my tea.

"Well, I'm going to sleep," Silvy said abruptly. "Stay up as late as you'd like."

And with that, she got up, set her tea cup on the nearby counter, and went to her bedroom.

I sat there for a moment, caught slightly off guard by the suddenness of it. Of course, there wasn't anything for me to really do in her house, so it made sense for me to go to bed as well.

I set my tea cup next to hers, then went into the bedroom. She was just crawling into bed as I walked in, so I caught a glimpse of her naked figure as she shimmied beneath the sheets.

"I'm coming to bed with you," I said. "It's been a long day."

She laid there on her side, watching me quietly as I undressed. Something was bothering her, so I didn't want to stress her out or make anything awkward. As soon as I was undressed, I climbed into bed next to her. After a moment of thought, I kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight, Silvy," I said.

I laid back on the pillow and closed my eyes, trying to let my brain slow down so I could get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day, and I needed my rest.

Silvy gently shook my arm. My eyes snapped open and I looked at her. She was still lying there, watching me.

"Did you really mean what you said?" she asked.

Well, I had said a lot of things, but I had a feeling I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yes," I said. "I meant every word. I really like you."

She stared into my eyes for a moment, then stretched forward and pecked me on the lips.

"No one has wanted me in a long time," she said quietly.

"That's because they're blind," I replied. "Blind and stupid."

She smiled at that, nearly laughing. I decided to try my luck, and I leaned over and kissed her softly.

Silvy's hand immediately went to my jaw, holding my face to hers, and we kissed long and passionately. My arm went to her waist and I pulled her close to me, feeling the heat of her skin against mine. Her large breasts pressed against me and I smiled.

I had a sneaking suspicion this was what she wanted when she suddenly went to bed so early, so I wasn't surprised when she suddenly threw a thick thigh over my waist and sat on me. Her pussy was warm and wet, and she sat so it was right on my erect cock. She leaned forward and I pulled her to me and we continued kissing, our tongues playing with each other.

I bent my knees to cradle her ass against me and my hands went right to her round hips. Silvy began working her hips back and forth, just slightly, rubbing the wetness of her pussy all over my cock.

She pulled back from our kiss for a moment and hefted her breasts in both hands, pushing them towards me. With our difference in height, I really had to bend down, but I got each nipple in my mouth and licked, sucked, and nibbled on them. Silvy bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes while I pleased her, and continued working her hips back and forth.

I was actually thinking of flipping her over and going down on her, but right at that moment she suddenly pulled back and raised herself a few inches off me.

"I need you right now," she said, reaching between her thighs and grabbing onto my erection. She lined it up with herself and sank down on it while I firmly squeezed her bottom. She sat on me for a moment, just getting used to the feeling of being so filled up. I was a lot bigger than goblin men, so it made sense that my cock would be a lot larger as well.

She leaned forwards and we kissed again, although my hands stayed on her magnificent ass. She worked her hips up and down, sliding her tight, wet pussy up and down my full length with each stroke. After a moment she put her breasts in my face again, and the combination of all that made it very hard not to just blow my load right then and there.

"That feels so good," she said, her eyes closed and her small hands pushing her massive breasts in my face. 

I really wanted to just give it to her but I knew at that moment that wasn't what she wanted. Instead, I let my hands slide up her round hips and grabbed onto her narrow waist for a moment, giving her a few hard, deep strokes. Then, my hands slid up her sides and grabbed onto her large breasts, squeezing them. I used them sort of as handles and pulled her to me so we could kiss again.

She wrapped her arms behind my head as we kissed, ensuring we were close as could be. My hands moved up again, holding her close to me, and she responded by clenching her pelvic floor muscles. Holy shit, it was like she was putting my dick in a chokehold. There was no way I could last against that amount of tightness, so I simply held her tightly and started going fast and hard, giving her every inch of me. She moaned against my lips and I returned the favor as I finally came.

I grabbed onto her substantial ass and squeezed it good and hard as I fired several rounds deep inside her. She smothered my own moans with her thick lips and shoved her tongue deep in my mouth while slamming her ass down on me. I don't think words could have described how incredible everything felt.

Once I had finished, Silvy collapsed against my chest. Sweat slicked our bodies, and both of us breathed hard. Her head nestled beneath my chin and one of her hands reached up and touched my jaw, gently caressing it.

"Don't hurt me," she said.

"Never," I promised, and wrapped my arms around her.