In a world where an insidious game known as "The Unbroken Game" has emerged, it’s whispered that no one who participates ever survives. The game, shrouded in mystery and fear, invites only a select few to compete in a series of deadly challenges designed to exploit their deepest fears and secrets.
Yuki Nakamura, an ordinary individual struggling with personal issues, receives a cryptic invitation to participate in The Unbroken Game. Driven by curiosity and a desire for a fresh start, Yuki joins the game, only to discover that it is a harrowing test of survival where every choice could be their last. As the game progresses, Yuki and the other participants must navigate through psychological and physical trials, forge and betray alliances, and confront their darkest secrets.
Will Yuki uncover the true nature of the game before it claims them all, or will the insidious design of The Unbroken Game lead to their ultimate downfall?
The Howling link: