Beyond the Edge follows 17-year-old Kian Walker, a thrill-seeking high school student who lives for the adrenaline rush. From skateboarding off rooftops to diving from cliffs, Kian’s life is a blur of extreme sports and dangerous stunts.
But behind every reckless move, there’s a reason. In the quiet moments, when the world isn't rushing by at a hundred miles an hour, Kian wrestles with his demons. "Is it worth risking my life just to feel alive?" he wonders, even as he pushes himself to the next extreme.
Set against a backdrop of towering mountains, roaring rivers, and breathtaking cityscapes, Beyond the Edge is a heart-pounding journey of self-discovery. Kian must confront not only the physical limits of his world but also the boundaries he’s set within his own heart.
In a world where every leap could be his last, will Kian find what he's truly searching for—or fall forever beyond the edge?