Eye Candy

[A/N: needs a little editing]

Austin was a good actor and Cassie had observed that. He could fall into any role and fulfill it, just like how he dealt with the woman named Ping. It was clear he was pretending but only those who knew him would know he was pretending.

But in front of her, he let his guard down and showed his true self, which was a lazy young man who had no ambitions whatsoever. He was only working to fill his stomach and nothing else.

He was that simple of a man.

Cassie gulped down her drank and casted a side look at Austin. Now that he was back to usual self and had stopped pretending, he was vastly different from the confident macho man he showed himself as.

In her opinion, Austin was slender, beautiful, and nice. His features were very handsome, but not in a rugged kind of way. Instead, he was gallant and charming in a soft and charming manner. His onyx eyes were usually calm, with a hint of wry humor hidden in their dark depths. Sometimes, they were clouded by a veil of strange melancholy, and sometimes, they were glistening with sincere mirth.

He made Cassie feel at ease.

That was the main reason she liked his company. He was handsome, and pleasing to look at and he never harboured any thoughts about her, or atleast that's what she had observed. 

He was only man she could let her guard down, even if only little. After their first meeting, they had met often in the club and developed a strange friendship, as if both shared something but it far from that. They were in fact complete opposite and maybe that was the reason Cassie liked his company.

Austin narrowed his eyes at Cassie and asked, "Why do I feel like you thought something rude of me?"

"Hmm? I'm just wondering what offer did that woman made?" Cassie asked, hiding her thoughts.

Hearing that, Austin sighed and slumped on the bar like a lazy sloth, "She wants to hook up with me and she's willing to pay any amount. I had the urge to say some ridiculous amount but what if she actually has that?"

"Why don't you just hook up?" Cassie asked in confusion. "isn't it common around here to have casual sex?"

"You speak that while reeking of virgin energy," Austin rolled his eyes and replied. "Do you think this handsome face can be bought? No way in hell I'm selling it. Only my future dream woman will have this face."

'A relationship, huh,' Skyler's words rang in her mind, as she asked, "Why don't you get in a relationship so? Waiting for that dream girl?"

"Of course, and I'm sure I'll find her one day," Austin grinned as he flashed his white teeths.


"And how are you finding her? By losing job one by one?" Cassie chuckled. "Speaking on that matter, do you need my help?"

"Nah, it's fine. I don't like free meal and unfortunately, I also don't want to sell my body so I'm left with little options. But it's fine, I already have a few jobs in mind which will give me enough," Austin said, burying his head on the bar.

"Just call me if you need anything," Cassie said and was going to continue when her phone rang. She took out her phone, and read the incoming messages. She frowned and then sighed.

"I guess, I'll be leaving early today," Cassie said, standing up. She smiled at Austin, "Do tell me where you work next, I'll be your customer there."

"Got it, boss," Austin saluted and also stood up. 

Cassie smiled and then putting her mask back on, she left the club and directly went towards her car. She knocked on the window as Skyler pulled it down.

"What happened?" Cassie asked.

"Just the usual, I'll need to go to the hospital," Skyler sighed and gave a apologetic look to Cassie.

"Want my help?" Cassie asked.

"Cassie, my dear, I know I have you at my back but I'll handle it. It's nothing much," Skyler smiled at her, but Cassie could see the pain in her eyes. "Now get in the car."

Cassie lingered for a while before nodding. This time, she went to sit on the passenger seat as they both left the club and headed towards the City hospital. 

Along the way, Cassie tried to talk with Skyler but it was obvious that her mind was somewhere else. In the end, Cassie still continued to talk to give her company.

After some time, they reached the City hospital and Skyler parked the car a little distance away and got off. Cassie also got off and looked at Skyler in concern.

"Should I accompany you?" Cassie asked.

"No, dear, as I said everything is fine. You can just go and have a nice sleep, well not like you'll have any good sleep in next few days," Skyler smiled. "Also, give my words some thoughts. Experience what it feels to be in a relationship so you can understand and not be on the losing side."

"I'll think about it. Now go," Cassie said, trying not to get the conversation into different direction.

Skyler chuckled and after giving Cassie a hug, went to the hospital. Cassie looked at her silhouette for a few seconds and then got into the driver seat of her car.

Skyler's words still playing in her mind as she gripped the steering wheel tightly, "Agh! Curse her!"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and stepped on the accelerator. The car shot on the empty roads at a high speed but she would be fine as this was still the outskirts in a way.

"Experience a relationship, huh," Cassie mumbled as a few thoughts passed through her mind, before she dismissed them. "No, he will consider me as some weird lady. Curse you, Sky. Why did you put this thought in my head?"

In her thoughts, she didn't notice a man walking on the side of the road and her car was almost upon him. She was startled and slammed the breaks but it was a little too late. She then changed the direction but the rear part of car still hit the man.