"Times are changing.
Indeed, people still love handsome men and beautiful women. Hollywood is a star-making factory, allowing people to admire beauty. But over time, aesthetic fatigue sets in, and people begin to form stereotypes, craving something more.
There was a time when handsome actors like Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, and James Stewart could easily capture public adoration, with their talent and abilities receiving due recognition.
Now, however, good looks are becoming a shackle and a burden for actors. The preconceived stereotypes make people overly critical of these attractive actors, judging them with stricter and harsher standards.
Certainly, just by looking at him, much like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, or George Clooney, people can't help but wonder what it's like to live with Anson's appearance.
But they, too, are facing their own challenges.
Anson is reflecting, exploring, and forming his own ideas and principles.
This is just the beginning.
What's even more remarkable is that Anson is only eighteen."
The article ended abruptly.
Nicholas's interview concluded in this sudden manner, not because he ran out of ideas or didn't know how to wrap it up. In fact, Nicholas's inspiration was still flowing. However, after careful consideration, he believed that leaving a blank space was the best way to end this interview.
Wednesday, August 8.
*The New York Times* published the interview, accompanied by two rare photos.
As a professional and serious newspaper, *The New York Times* adhered to some old-fashioned rules, refusing to turn the paper into a flashy, colorful display. Even the photos selected had to be impactful, relying on quality rather than quantity. This highlighted the special nature of this interview.
Early in the morning, Anna Wintour noticed the neatly stacked magazines on her desk, but she wasn't particularly interested today. Recently, all the magazine features had been repetitive and lackluster.
She didn't like the summer blockbuster season.
Because during this time of year, fashion magazines more or less had to compromise with Hollywood, allowing actors or directors to promote their projects.
Promotion wasn't the problem; it was the monotonous, uninspired features that were.
The summer's string of sci-fi blockbusters was stifling the creativity of fashion magazine features, and *Vogue* was no exception. Even though Anna Wintour, as a leading figure in the industry, had the final say, and they could afford to be a bit more daring, there were limits. They couldn't afford to offend every movie studio and top star.
—Boring. Dull. Lifeless. Cliché.
Anna barely glanced at the covers, and her dwindling interest quickly disappeared. It was all garbage.
Bored, she flipped through *The New York Times*. This paper wasn't for fashion but to keep her sharp in the industry and current events, ensuring she stayed connected. But it was also part of her job.
Then, Anna saw the interview.
Her eyes lit up.
The feature wasn't novel, but the angle and presentation were fresh, and Anna found herself thoroughly enjoying the entire interview.
"Anson Wood…"
Anna savored the name. She recalled a small detail—her daughter had mentioned *The Princess Diaries* a few days ago, saying she was interested in seeing it. Maybe they would go to the theater to watch it together. But that was a minor detail, not the focus. The focus was Anson.
The premiere of *The Princess Diaries* was the first time Anna Wintour genuinely took an interest in Anson. As the fashion mogul she was, she immediately sensed an opportunity. However, with the upcoming fashion week preparations consuming her time, this potential lead had not yet been prioritized.
But now...
*The New York Times* had unearthed a possibility and pointed to a direction. While *Vogue* certainly wouldn't simply follow in anyone's footsteps—definitely not—Anna felt a spark of inspiration. Perhaps Anson could indeed become a new fashion icon.
David Beckham?
Anna smirked.
It wasn't that Anna disliked David; she acknowledged his handsomeness and charm. However, truth be told, David's fashion sense was a mess—a hodgepodge of styles. The real mastermind behind his looks was Victoria Beckham. People often said David made Victoria, but in reality, it was the other way around. Without Victoria, David was just a model—nothing more. If anyone dug deeper, they'd quickly realize there wasn't much substance there.
Then again, they couldn't expect too much. After all, David was just a footballer, right?
But with Anson, Anna sensed something more intriguing was unfolding, especially after reading *The New York Times* article. She smelled an opportunity.
Ordinary people read the news for information; true experts read between the lines.
Anna noticed a crucial detail:
Real, deep, and detailed personal preferences.
Hollywood had long adhered to a doctrine of mystique. The film industry, being the art of dream-making, aimed to elevate movies into a form of art displayed on the big screen, inspiring a sense of admiration toward actors and directors. The aura of mystery was deemed essential.
Once that mystical aura vanished, audiences often felt disillusioned, potentially causing the film business to hit a wall.
This began to change slowly after the 1990s.
Whether it was the rise of the Backstreet Boys, the success of Britney Spears, or the widespread emergence of garage bands and punk culture, all were signs of a significant shift in the era—
The market demanded more relatable, accessible elements in everyday life.
In other words, mystique was losing its charm.
Of course, at this point, this trend was mainly evident in the music market. Even in music, the concept of "the boy or girl next door" was more of a label, a persona, an image—not a true blending of celebrity life with everyday reality. It was a new kind of commercial image.
The film market was even more insulated from this trend.
As a pioneer in fashion, Anna's instincts were sharp.
From *The New York Times* report, Anna realized something crucial: Over the next decade, "authenticity" might be the market's new key label.
This proved to be true.
In 2008, before Justin Bieber became the first major star born out of an online video platform, there was the rise of shows like *American Idol* in 2001, which revolutionized talent discovery, and the success of *Hannah Montana* in 2006, a show about a global superstar who was also your classmate.
Now, Anna had caught the pulse of the era just a beat ahead of the rest.
Her thoughts churned.
With this in mind, Anna picked up the phone and dialed her assistant. "Get me Anson's agent or PR rep. Immediately."
Then she hung up, and suddenly, the *Vogue* headquarters in New York buzzed with activity.
Perhaps an interview—even one as prominent as *The New York Times*—was just a spark. But that tiny spark could quickly spread like wildfire.
With the power to ignite an entire movement.