Chapter 2

Jessica's face paled, her eyes darting between Gabriel and me as she took a cautious step back. The documents scattered across the coffee table told their own story—my medical reports, insurance papers, and notes scribbled in handwriting that wasn't mine.

"So this is what you do when I'm not around?" I said, my voice barely concealing the tremor beneath. "Plotting my death while I'm fighting to stay alive?"

Gabriel's lips curled into a sneer. "Don't be so dramatic, Kiara. You're making assumptions you don't understand."

"Assumptions?" I let out a bitter laugh, taking a step forward. "I heard everything, Gabriel. You can't wait for me to die? Changing my medications? How could you?"

Jessica tried to interject, her voice shaky. "Kiara, it's not what it looks like. We were just—"

"Save it," I snapped, my gaze never leaving Gabriel's. "You were my best friend, Jessica. I trusted you with everything. And this is how you repay me?"

She opened her mouth to respond but seemed to think better of it, lowering her eyes to the floor instead.

Gabriel ran a hand through his hair, feigning exasperation. "What did you expect, Kiara? You've been a burden ever since you got sick. Medical bills piling up, your constant neediness. This isn't the life I signed up for."

A sharp pain pierced through my chest, deeper than any physical ailment ever could. "A burden? I gave up everything for you! My family, my dreams. I stood by you through everything, and the moment I need you most, you decide I'm disposable?"

He shrugged, completely unapologetic. "People change. Circumstances change. It's not my fault you couldn't keep yourself healthy."

Tears burned at the corners of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Not here. Not in front of them. "I loved you, Gabriel. Truly loved you."

He scoffed, his eyes cold. "Love doesn't pay the bills, Kiara. With your insurance money, Jessica and I can finally start over without all this... baggage."

"Jessica and you? So this has been going on behind my back too?"

Jessica stepped forward, attempting to place a hand on my arm. "Kiara, please understand. We didn't mean for it to happen, but we just connected in a way that—"

I recoiled from her touch, disgust evident on my face. "Don't you dare touch me. You were supposed to be my friend. My sister in everything but blood. How long have you been sleeping with my husband? While I was lying in hospital beds fighting for my life, you two were—"

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," Gabriel interrupted, his tone impatient. "Just accept it. You're dying anyway. Might as well make it easier for all of us."

Rage bubbled inside me, overpowering the hurt and betrayal. "I won't let you get away with this. I'll go to the police. I'll tell them everything."

Gabriel's facade cracked slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his features before he masked it again. "And who will believe you? A sick, dying woman over a respected lawyer and her devoted friend? Think, Kiara. You have nothing left."

My hands balled into fists at my sides as I struggled to keep my composure. "I have more than you think. And I won't go down without a fight."

He took a threatening step towards me, towering over me with an intimidating presence I had never seen before. "Maybe you should have stayed at the hospital where you belong."

Before I could respond, Jessica interjected, her voice pleading. "Gabriel, stop. This isn't helping."

He turned to her, irritation evident. "Stay out of this. She needs to learn her place. I have had enough of her."

I seized the moment, my voice steady. "My place? My place was by your side, supporting you, loving you. But you threw that all away."

His eyes flashed with anger as he grabbed my wrist, his grip tight and painful. "You should have just died quietly, Kiara. Would have saved us all this trouble."

Pain shot up my arm, but I refused to show weakness. "Let go of me."

Jessica looked alarmed, reaching out. "Gabriel, you're hurting her."

He shoved her hand away, pulling me closer. "Maybe a little pain will make her understand."

I yanked my hand back, stumbling slightly but regaining my footing. "I won't let you hurt me."

He lunged forward, attempting to grab me again, but this time I sidestepped, causing him to lose balance momentarily. The room seemed to spin but I was quick enough to balance myself.

Jessica moved between us, her hands raised. "Both of you, stop! This is getting out of hand."

I glared at her, my voice dripping with contempt. "Out of hand? You think? After plotting my death, you want to play mediator now?"

She looked desperate, her eyes wide. "We can talk about this. Find a solution that works for everyone."

Gabriel pushed past her, his patience clearly worn thin. "There's only one solution here."

He advanced towards me again, his movements aggressive. Instinctively, I backed away, my steps unsteady as my heel caught on the edge of the rug. I stumbled but managed to regain my balance, only to realize too late that I was nearing the staircase.

"Stay away from me," I warned, my voice shaking despite my efforts to sound strong.

He smirked, a sinister glint in his eyes. "Or what?"

In a split second, he reached out, perhaps intending to grab me or maybe to push me further. Jessica shouted something indistinct, trying to intervene. In the chaos, his hand collided with my shoulder, the force stronger than either of us anticipated.

My body lurched backward, the world tilting as I felt myself teetering on the edge of the top stair. Time seemed to slow, every second stretching into an eternity as gravity took hold. I saw Gabriel's eyes widen in genuine surprise, perhaps even a hint of regret, but it was too late.

I tumbled down the stairs, my body rolled, head hitting the edge of the stairs. 

The world became a blur of colors and sensations until a sharp, searing pain shot through my neck, followed by a terrifying numbness.

Lying at the bottom of the staircase, I tried to move, to breathe, but everything felt distant, disconnected. Sounds were muffled, and my vision blurred as darkness edged in from all sides.

As I lay there, helpless and broken, flashes of my life began to play before me like an old movie reel.

I guess this was the last 7 minutes of my life. 

I saw myself as a young woman, attending college , meeting Gabriel for the first time. His charming smile and sweet words had swept me off my feet, convincing me to leave everything behind.

He would marry me. I was in love. I didn't see his flaws I was looking at him through rose coloured glasses. 

I had signed off my savings, trust funds so he could get the education he needed. I remembered the heated arguments with my parents, their pleas for me to reconsider, and the final, devastating words from my father: "If you walk out that door, don't ever come back."

Then came the early days with Gabriel—so full of promise and love. Or so I had thought. The subtle manipulations, the isolation from friends and family, all under the guise of love and protection.

Jessica's face appeared next, her comforting presence during my darkest times. She had been my rock, or so I believed. Helping me with my new life, encouraging me to be strong, assuring me that love conquers all. Had it all been a lie? From the very beginning?

Moments of joy and sorrow intertwined, painting a picture of a life built on deception and misplaced trust. Regret clawed at my heart as I realized how much I had sacrificed, how blind I had been to the truth.

Voices echoed above me, frantic and panicked.

"What have you done?" Jessica's voice, high-pitched and trembling.

"It was an accident! She... she fell!" Gabriel sounded less sure, he was scared, his breath coming out in gasps.

Darkness pressed in closer, the pain fading into a cold numbness. As my consciousness began to slip.

My last words echoed in my head, if I survive this, they will pay.

And with that, everything went black.