Chapter 3

On the top floor of Arcadia hotel, a man was pulling an unconscious girl into a room and dumping her body on the bed. 

The girl was motionless on the king sized bed, face crimson, lips blue. She had been drugged with a rather excessive amount of drugs. 

She was just dressed in a red lingerie, her clothes long discarded somewhere in the room. The man smirked at the body, he couldn't believe that he had done it. 

Tonight, he was going to become the richest he had been in months. 

"Babe, are you almost done?" A woman who leaned against the door frame asked, she was smoking a cigarette, her black dress well fitted against her body.

"Hmm, yes." He said. "Her body is going to bring a lot of money after I finish taking these pictures and sending it to the dark web. Imagine the money, Jessica."

Jessica rolled her eyes, "I just want a Gucci bag and that dior makeup kit," she said. 

"You will get it baby."

"You are such a a sweetheart, Gabriel, shame the wrench doesn't even realize that. So stupid and trusting," she puffed another smoke. 

"Seeing you there is making me horny," Gabriel replied licking his lips. 

Jessica giggled, "Well, I am always available whenever you need me. I would rather you look at my naked body rather than hers."

Gabriel stood up and walked towards Jessica, "Let's go to the car. A little quickie."

"I want to do it here. In front of her. It would be so nice, I would feel like I am rubbing it on her face."

"Come on Jessica, car."

"What about her?" She asked.

"She would be fine, those drugs are the best, they would knock her out for hours."

They laughed, Jessica gave one last hateful glare at the lady on the bed before pulling Gabriel out of the room. 

Unbeknownst to them, the lady on the bed was very much wide awake. 


I slowly opened my eyes as I looked at the dark hotel room. I didn't quite understand what was happening at first but then I remembered.

It was a faint memory but I thought it was a dream. Everyone at the office was pointing their hands at me stating they saw my nude picture on the web. I had got fired not long after. 

Harassment, hatred, I never knew how it got into the Internet but now I know.

 It was a few months before I got married to Gabriel, I was surprised he even decided to marry me after the scandal. 

This was the same room I woke up in eleven years ago. Drugged, feeling drowsy and lewd. 

My eyes swept across the familiar surroundings, taking in every detail with a mix of confusion and disbelief. 

The curtain, faded with age and hung slightly askew, filtered the soft glow of moonlight that streamed through the window. The mattress, worn and I'm lumpy, sagged beneath me as I sat up, its once pristine white cover stained with dust. 

Such a shabby room. 

I blinked, trying to shake off the disorientation that clouded my mind. How had I ended up back here, in this hotel room from a decade ago? I remembered dying, I remembered the pain and the betrayal that had consumed me in my final moments. So what was this? Was I dreaming? Or was there something more at play?

But as I reached out to touch the worn fabric of the mattress feeling the rough texture beneath my fingertips, I knew that this was real. 

I placed a hand on my neck. Wow, who knew God would be this generous in giving me a second chance in life?

I let out a sadistic laugh. 

I stood up, feeling a pounding headache throb behind my temples—a lingering reminder of the drugs coursing through my system. 

I should have been sleeping by now, but not in this lifetime. 

I will not be a laughing stock. 

"Fuck you, Gabriel," I muttered under my breath, my voice laced with bitterness. "You are going to pay."

With a groan, I lifted my aching body from the mattress and stumbled towards the door. Every step felt like a battle, my limbs heavy and uncoordinated, my vision swimming with dizziness.

But despite the protests of my weary body, I pressed on, my hand fumbling for the doorknob. With a grunt of effort, I pushed open the door, only to find myself tumbling forward, the world spinning around me in a dizzying blur.

And then, just as I was about to hit the ground, a strong hand caught me, steadying me before I could fall.

"Are you alright?" a velvety voice asked, filled with concern.

I blinked, trying to focus through the haze of confusion and pain.

 I looked at the man and my eyes widened, a small gasp escaped from my lips, he had such rare and beautiful blue eyes that was looking at me with curiosity, dark hair that gleamed in the hallway light. 

My eyes trailed down to his thin pink lips before muttering, "Help me."

The man raised an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side as he asked, "Help you? With what?" He lifted me up, but I still clung to his thick muscles.

"Because I am going to die if you don't," I told him, my tone serious, but he just gazed down at me with amusement in his eyes. 

Frustration surged within me as I realized he wasn't taking me seriously. With every passing moment, the drugs were working faster, their effects intensifying with each heartbeat. 

I could feel my body growing hotter, my senses becoming increasingly dulled by the haze of drowsiness. 

The aphrodisiac was working faster than usual. My urges were increasing, this was the only way. 

Without waiting for his response, I closed the distance between us and pressed my lips against his, kissing him with a desperation born of necessity.

 It was a life or death situation, and I couldn't afford to waste any more time.

For a moment, he hesitated, caught off guard by my boldness. But then, to my relief, he responded in kind, his lips moving hungrily against mine as if he could sense the urgency of the situation.


When I woke up, sunlight was already filtering into the bedroom. I was alone, naked, and my body ached whenever I moved. 

Especially down below. But I felt a bit more relieved than last night. 

I blushed as memories of the night before flooded back, warming my cheeks. It had been a night of passion and excitement, unlike anything I had experienced in a long time.

Clearing my throat, I heard the shower stop, signaling that the man I had spent the night with was stepping out. Quickly, I began to dress, not wanting to be caught off guard when he emerged.

As he entered the room, freshly showered and looking impossibly attractive, I tried to avoid his gaze, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"You're not going to shower?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement as he noticed me dressing.

"No, I would shower when I get home," I replied quickly, my voice a little too high-pitched with nerves. "Thanks for last night. It ended well." I didn't want to pay attention to the abs glistening with water under the sunlight. 

He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who said our night ended here?" he teased. "I didn't even get your name."

I swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling the weight of his gaze on me. "You don't need to have it," I replied, trying to keep my tone firm despite the fluttering in my stomach.

But before I could make a hasty retreat, he reached out, placing a hand on the door to prevent me from leaving. Leaning in close, he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I very well need to know the name of the woman I had a one night stand with," he murmured, his voice low and seductive.

I gulped, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I met his intense gaze. He was so hot, and the thought of spending another moment in his presence sent my heart racing.

"If I say my name, would you let me go?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"Maybe," he replied, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"Kiara," I blurted out, seizing the opportunity before quickly delivering a swift kick to his groin. As he doubled over in pain, cursing loudly, I wasted no time in making my escape, laughter bubbling up from deep within me.

"Sorry handsome man!!" I screamed as I ran down the hallway. 

Such a different ending to the past time when I had woken up to see blood on the sheets but this time, even though I gave away my virginity…this time it was my choice.