Chapter 4

Arriving back at my shabby home, a sense of unease settled over me. How could I have been so blind, giving my hard-earned money to that worthless boyfriend of mine? From now on, things were going to be different. No more handouts, no more supporting someone who didn't deserve it.

I couldn't even get a good home because of him I dressed like a grandma, my glasses were expired. Everything about me was off. 

As I prepared to head to work, I braced myself for the drama that awaited me.

In my past life it had been the nude pictures, but seeing that I was not there when it happened, they could find another situation. 

This time, I was ready to face it head-on. I would rid my life of the garbage that had been weighing me down for far too long.


The taxi stopped at the front of a tall building, and I reached for my expensive Chanel bag, feeling a sense of determination coursing through me. With a quick glance at the meter, I handed the driver a generous tip.

"Keep the change," I said, my voice had this newfound confidence that had never been there. I adjusted my sunglasses and stepped out into the open.

As I stood before the towering skyscraper, a surge of adrenaline pulsed through my veins. Gone was the timid woman who had once cowered in the shadows, afraid to draw attention to herself. 

Gone was the Kiara who would dress in baggy clothes to cover her shape just because Jessica thought that it would bring too much attention. 

I thought she meant well. Thought that was what Gabriel had wanted, for me to cover up…to hide myself. Thought that would make him love me more. 

But it had been lies. All of them. 

 Instead, I was dressed to kill in a sleek black dress that hugged my curves in all the right places, paired with sky-high heels that clicked confidently against the pavement.

I had even dared to chop off my long locks, opting instead for a chic and sophisticated shoulder length hair that framed my face and accentuated my features. Red lips that shone brightly under the sun. 

With each step I took towards the entrance of the building, I felt a renewed sense of purpose burning within me. No longer would I allow others to dictate the terms of my life, to hold me back with their outdated notions of what a woman should or shouldn't be.

Today, I was taking back control. Today, I was stepping into my own power, ready to show the world what I was truly capable of.

And as I pushed open the doors of the building and stepped inside, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

"Who was that?" I heard someone say as I made my way down the silver pristine hallway.

"I don't know. Looks new."

"She is so hot...look at those hips."

Ignoring the whispers and admiring glances, I held my head high, my confidence bolstered by the knowledge that I was finally taking control of my destiny.

Before long, a man approached me, extending his hand with a warm smile. "Welcome, Miss Williams," he greeted. "It's good to have someone with such great expertise as yours as our marketing expert. It's a shame that we didn't know such a woman existed in one of the subsidiaries. Your qualifications are amazing."

Yes it was, I had an Harvard certification, top in my computer class, good at hacking and took marketing for side hustle. I had used my hacking skills to get money to move myself from my old shabby apartment.

"My name is Jackson Lang, and I am head of the department. Come, let me show you to your office." He said to me and I smirked. 

I knew what I was going to face the moment I stepped into that office. I wonder how Jessica and Gabriel would react when they see that their plan had failed? 

"This is your new office," Mr. Lang announced, gesturing around the room. "There are five desks; you'll be working with Anaya. She's the assistant head. Your marketing skills would be a great asset to her."

I nodded, taking in the space and the faces around me. Anaya offered a warm smile, which I returned. 

"This is Gabriel, your manager and his assistant, Jessica." 

I smiled at them, but Jessica and Gabriel looked as if they had seen a ghost. Just the reaction I had expected. Let their mouth drop agape at the fact that they did not get my nudes, they did not disgrace me to the point I get fired. 

Once Mr. Lang left, Gabriel rushed forward, his words tumbling out. "Babe, what is this?" His hand gripped my arm, and I felt a surge of anger. I wanted to rip his hands off, but I reminded myself to stay patient.

'She was going to die anyways.' That was what he had said. The man I had loved…

Instead, I forced a smile and replied, "I wanted to change environment. Remember I've been talking about leaving the lower subsidiary?"

Gabriel's expression shifted from surprise to suspicion. "But why here? Why JFK main company?" he pressed

I shrugged nonchalantly, though inside, I was bristling at his scrutiny. "Like I said, I needed a change. And this seemed like the right move for me."

Jessica, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Well, it's certainly a surprise to see you here, Kiara," she said, her tone cool and distant.

I met her gaze evenly, refusing to let her see any vulnerability. "Life is full of surprises, isn't it, Jessica?" I replied, a hint of steel in my voice.

Gabriel's expression softened, and he released my arm, though his eyes still held a mixture of confusion and concern. "I just wish you had talked to me about this before making such a big decision," he admitted, his voice quieter now, almost pleading.

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Talked to you? It was my birthday last week, remember? After that day, you never called to check up on me. Any reason for that?" I watched as they squirmed uncomfortably, especially Gabriel and Jessica.

Gabriel quickly tried to defuse the tension. "Oh, darling, I'm sorry if I haven't called. Let me make it up to you. I'll take you to dinner," he offered, his tone apologetic.

Anaya chimed in, her voice playful. "Oh, Gabriel, so this is the love of your life that gets you grinning. I'm glad she's here now. It makes me and Jessica feel single. Woo woo!" She pretended to wipe away tears, and they all laughed, but my expression remained placid.

I looked at Jessica who was smiling with Anaya, the same smiles she had given me. Made me believe she was my only friend. Hurt me only for her to had told Gabriel to kill me. She had looked like a whole different human being, different from the innocent lady who had those innocent blue eyes. 

She was still as chic, tall, beautiful with no hair out of place. 

'We should get rid of her.' her words played in my head. 

I gritted my teeth and muttered under my breath. 

"Mad whore."

"Huh? Did you say something, Kiara?" 

I chuckled at her innocent tone. How many years had I been deceived by her?

 "Nothing, just talking to myself, I need to meet HR soon," I replied, forcing a smile.

With a quick excuse about needing to pick up my ID card from HR, I made my escape. Stepping outside, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. I hoped I could do this, navigate this new chapter of my life without succumbing to the anger and hurt bubbling inside me.

It was hard being around those two when all I wanted to do was to stab Jessica and hurt Gabriel in way beyond comprehension. 

Finally reaching HR, I collected my ID card with a polite thank you and turned to leave. As I made my way back towards the office, a wave of nausea washed over me, my emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't see the trash can in my path until it was too late. With a gasp, I stumbled forward, my hands reaching out instinctively to break my fall. Cringing as pain shot through my ankle, I cursed under my breath.

Just before I fell to the ground with a splat, someone grabbed my waist from behind. 

I turned around in relief as the person made me regain my balance and I froze. 

The face…I had not forgotten the face of the man that I had begged a week ago to save me. 

The man I had slept with. 

The…Mr Stranger.