Chapter 5

"Sir, the eclipse has hacked into the system again!"

The man was in a frenzy as he typed frantically against the keyboard. His eyes had eye bags, almost blood shot, he can't remember when last he fell asleep because he wanted to catch the eclipse by all means possible. But he has been failing to do so.

"Any news on his location?"

"No sir, he changes VPN so fast we weren't able to find her."

The man groaned, he clicked the enter button, hoping this would bring him closer to catching the person who had set the hacking and cybersecurity world in a frenzy. He bit his lips in anticipation as he waited.

"Error 404."

The man fists hit the table angrily as he hung up the call. He didn't know who this person was, he just came out of no where within a vast of one month. All IT news was about who was this mysterious human. Maybe they could be recruited, they were just too powerful.

The man reached for his phone and dialled the number he has been dreading to call. His feet pat continuously on the ground as he waited.

Ring...ring... "Hello?"

The deep husky voice said from his phone, the man gulped, "Brother..."

"If its not important don't call me again."

"Wait, wait, listen to me first." The man let out a deep breath.

" are wasting my time."

"Fine, fine, the system has been overridden and I fear, the person may have put some information or maybe a virus on the platform. I was wondering if you could check it out?"

Karl blinked as he awaited his reply. A hum.


Karl felt as if he was about to combust.

Finally, the man spoke, "I would look into it."

Then he hung up.

Karl let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. That had gone better than he had expected.


The man who Karl dreaded the most sat in his office, legs crossed. A steaming hot coffee on his table, his arms crossed across his chest as he stared at nothing. His mind was running through so many thoughts at the same time.

And one was most important.

He should be dead.

He knew that he was sure that his car had crashed into a ditch, he had seen the ambulance and he knew when they had said he was dead.

Yet he found himself back in 2015, still the CEO he was, his company still standing, he wasn't a drug addict, he was just him.

He was still the Jason Lincoln Cole. It was a behavioural reset for him. Since he came to work, he had just been staring at nothing. Not just that, another aspect of importance was the strange woman who had begged him to sleep with her.

She was beautiful, but she was drugged induced, and it reminded him of when he too used drugs. But then she had kicked him the groin and ran away, he chuckled shaking his head.

It was the only thing that made him smile after the whole ordeal he had been through and the betrayal that had hurt him to his bones.


Vincent snapped a finger in front of his boss, who turned slowly to look at him.

Vincent gulped at the cold gaze he received from him. This had never happened before. Not only was he early today, but he also wasn't induced. The old man would be glad because of this.


Vincent frowned, one word. This was new.

"Um...the lady you said i should find. In the city, does she have a surname, it would be easier to bring them down, I had gone through every information for the name Kiara in this town and had come up with 100 different ladies." He directed the iPad at Jason who looked at it with little to no interest.

"Forward it to my email. I would go through them myself."

Vincent nodded, turning the pad to himself and clicking some buttons, in between his ears were sharp hoping for any nitpicking, shout, anger or demeaning comments, but nothing.

"Anything else?"

"Um, yes, miss Joselle is here. She has been waiting for the past one hour. Since you said no one should disturb you, i told her you were in a meeting."

"Send her home."

Vincent eyes widened, "Sir?"

Jason turned to look at Vincent whose face had surprise written over it, his olive skin looked pale and his hazel-coloured eyes looked sunken. "You heard me, send her home. Tell her i won't be seeing her today or whatever you can think of."

Jason turned to the system in front of him, ignoring the surprise on Vincent face. It was a common thing for Jason to allow miss Joselle access here at JFK. She was not just the top actress in London, UK, she was Jason childhood friend and girlfriend. Their relationship was public and supported, they met up quite a lot in public. Partied a lot, hosted secret ceremonies and the one Vincent hated the most. Club parties where they got high.

Though Joselle never looked high, she mostly avoided it.

Regardless, he was sure that Jason would never, ever send Joselle away when he knew she would be going for a movie trip for the next one month.

He was a clingy lover.

"But sir..."

"Don't allow me to repeat myself Vincent, I am busy, also arrange a meeting with me with HR. We have some cleaning to do. Then meeting with the shareholders and create a comprehensive report on the companies i sent to your email. I need it as soon as possible."

Vincent gulped, nodding and turning away.

"Oh and Vincent?" He turned, "Take the next week off, Dani would take over."

Now that made Vincent jaw dropped. The excitement, he didn't know how to show it. He nodded. His wife was going to be so happy. He was going to get full sleep.

"Of course." He almost kicked his feet in the air as he walked out. Whatever miracle was this, let it last forever.

Outside the office, Jason could hear the annoyance in Joselle voice about Vincent lying. Jason knew Joselle was going to call, so he picked up his phone, found her number and clicked blocked.


He had just stepped out from hr when he heard the voice. The same voice he had been wanting to hear for the past one month.


He turned on his heel, Vincent who was already ahead turned to see his boss going down the hallway.

"But the elevator...oh God"

Jason almost ran as he turned a corner, and he saw her. She looked different, less skinny, less pale and her hair was full. Jason could have sworn that his heart skipped a beat as he saw the beautiful smile that graced those luscious lips.

He walked forward, so close when she slipped, he reached out and caught her.

She stared at his grey eyes, and he stared at her blue.