Chapter 11

I didn't care who I was kissing.

Their lips were warm against mine, he was trying to put his tongue in mine.

I let him.

His arms went around my waist, as mine went around his neck pulling him close. I needed this. If I wasn't taking alcohol in the night, I was hacking, if not that, I was kissing a stranger in the back of this club, with a mask on.

Anything to help me forget. To not make me close my eyes and remember the way my neck had snapped. The baby cries or the hurt that had gone through my heart when the regret came in. Ten years of marriage wasn't enough for Gabriel. I wasted my life for him while he gave me nothing but bare minimum. I worked, to the point that I lost my baby. I gave up my position as the heiress to the Williams fashion brand just to be with him.

Still, he cheated. Pushed me off the stairs and I died such a shameful death. The more the thoughts came in, the harder I kissed the stranger pushing him against the wall. He was tall, wearing a golden mask that made him look like a peacock. But his lips were nice and his teeth was clean, he also bought me a drink so he was good to go.

His hand went to my thighs, trying to slide underneath my dress when I shifted back, breaking the moment.

"Nuh-uh, you promised, kisses alone. Sex is unallowed." I waved a finger in front of him and he chuckled. His Adam apple bobbling.

"Come on darling, who kiss without touches."

"I do. It was our deal."

His eyes darkened, if that's possible under the neon lights. A scowl appeared on his face as he leaned forward. "Rules can be broken."

I gave him a soft smile. "Not mine."

I turned when he grabbed my waist and pushed me against his body. "You know, I have been watching you, you are a regular here. There is not a night that you don't kiss a man, are you going to tell me you don't give them sex?" His lips was close to my ear, he had pushed hair to the side, felt his cool breath against my cheeks. "We both know you are a slut. Don't play hard to get and come into the VIP bedroom upstairs."

I didn't flinch. I wasn't scared. I had dealt with this kind of situation before. Problem is, his strong arms were holding both my hands, pressing me hard against his body.

I couldn't remove the taser hidden in my not so obvious dress pocket, sewn in by me.

Guess I have to do this the other way. "Well, if you want us to do that, you don't have to hold me so aggressively, right?"

He laughed. "Funny, I know you hide a taser in one of those pockets. I told you that I have been watching you."

I frowned, "Stalker much?"

"Call it whatever you want, I know for sure that I am going to have you. Even if its in public."

Okay, now it's starting to become worrying. If I screamed no one would hear me. Or cared enough to help. This was a club for crying out loud. People were either too high or too drunk to give a damn about it.

My heart raced, but I kept my face neutral, trying to stay in control. He grinned at me, like he knew I was starting to panic. His grip tightened on my wrist, making my skin sting. My mind spun as I quickly scanned the room. Neon lights flickered over the dark corners of the club, and the loud music pounded through my body. Everyone around us was too absorbed in their own world to notice what was happening.

I couldn't scream—not here. The music was too loud, and no one would believe me. Another drunk girl in a club? They'd think it was a game. I needed to stay calm.

I tried to pull back, forcing a light laugh. "You're really starting to become not my type. I prefer my men less... grabby."

He didn't let go. Instead, he stepped closer, his body pressing against mine, his breath hot on my neck. "You think you have a choice?" His voice was low, menacing.

I forced a smile, trying to keep up the façade. "Everyone has a choice. You just need to learn to take no for an answer."

His face hardened, the amusement gone. "No isn't an option, sweetheart."

I felt my pulse quicken. I could see the bouncer near the entrance, but we were too far, tucked into the back of the club. No one could see what was happening, and he knew that. His eyes gleamed as he moved in closer, his hand slipping lower down my back. I needed to think fast.

"Darling! There you are," a man called from behind me, his voice smooth and filled with confidence.

I froze, then turned slightly to see the source of the voice. It was the creepy man from earlier.

Emerald-colored mask was approaching us, his movements deliberate and poised. His dark suit fit perfectly, tailored to every inch of his frame, and his presence seemed to shift the air around us.

The golden-masked man straightened up, confused and clearly irritated. "Who the hell are you?" he spat, his grip on me loosening just enough for me to take a step back.

Emerald Mask's eyes flicked over to me, his gaze softening. "I've been looking for you," he said with a gentle smile, completely ignoring the other man. "I was starting to worry."

Relief flooded through me, though I kept my expression calm. "Oh, I got a bit caught up," I said, trying to play along, moving closer to him. "But I'm glad you found me."

The golden-masked man wasn't buying it. "Who the fuck is this?" he growled, taking a threatening step forward.

Emerald Mask's expression remained serene, but his tone shifted to something icy, dangerous. "I could ask you the same thing. But since you're here, I'd suggest stepping away from her. Now."

The golden-masked man sneered, his bravado faltering slightly. "This isn't your business."

Emerald Mask tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing behind the mask. "It is now." His voice was low, steady, and terrifyingly calm. "You have three seconds to walk away."

For a tense moment, it felt like time froze. The air between them was thick, electric, like a bomb waiting to go off. My heart hammered in my chest, and I couldn't predict what would happen next. I glanced between the two men, unsure of where this was going.

Golden Mask's eyes darted to me, then back to Emerald Mask. He seemed to calculate his odds, weighing whether this stranger was a threat. Finally, he let out a frustrated huff, stepping back and releasing his grip on my arm.

"Fine," he muttered, glaring at me. "You're not worth the trouble anyway." With that, he turned and stalked off into the crowd, disappearing under the neon lights.

The moment he was gone, I felt my knees weaken with relief. I let out a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding and looked up at the man in the emerald mask. He was watching me carefully, his demeanor softening again.

"You alright?" he asked gently, his hand brushing my arm in a comforting way, but not too close. It was as if he knew I needed space.

"Yeah," I breathed, nodding quickly. "Thanks. I... didn't think anyone would notice."

He gave me a small smile, his eyes crinkling slightly behind the mask. "I was watching. Couldn't just stand by and let that happen."

I glanced around the club, still feeling the lingering adrenaline from the encounter. "Who are you?" I asked, curious and grateful all at once.

He chuckled softly, tilting his head. "Just someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time."

I smiled. "Thanks once again, I always loved gold but seems that was much of a creep than emerald."

He chuckled feel, "You really are one of a kind Kiara."

I frowned, stepping back. " do you know my name?"