Chapter 12

I frowned, looking at the emerald mask man. He didn't reply, instead he chuckled.

"I said, how do you know my name?" I asked again, more firmly this time, but the way my name rolled off his tongue in that sharp British accent made me pause.

"Kiara," he repeated smoothly, his voice dripping with amusement.

I groaned. "You?!"

"I was shocked that you didn't realize the first time."

"How could I? We are in a club where we are screaming on top of our voices."

He laughed, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Want to hang out?"

I crossed my arms, frowning. "No. I don't want to hang out with my one-night stand, Jason."

"Come on," he said, leaning closer with that infuriating smirk. "That's not how you talk to your boss."

I rolled my eyes, stepping back. "Stay away from me."

Jason's eyes flickered with amusement as he closed the space between us, ignoring my warning. His presence was suffocating, magnetic in a way that made it hard to breathe.

I hated it.

No, I hated that I didn't hate it.

I didn't push him away as his hand grabbed my waist pulling me close.

"Why should I?" he teased, his breath warm against my face. "You didn't seem to mind last time."

I clenched my jaw, trying to push myself away from him. "That was before I found out I work under you."

"Funny," he said, his lips hovering dangerously close to mine, "you say that, but your eyes are reading another meaning."

I felt heat rising in my cheeks. His scent –lavender, masculine, with a hint of spice—wrapped around me, making it harder to focus. Jason always knew how to get under my skin. His hand ghosted over my waist, and I instinctively stepped back, but my body betrayed me by craving more.

"You're playing with fire," I warned, my voice lower now.

"And you love it," he murmured, his fingers brushing against my hip. It was a gentle touch, but it sent electricity through my body.

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to look up into his eyes. The emerald mask didn't hide the way they sparkled with amusement and something darker—desire. My heart pounded in my chest, but I refused to let him see how much he was affecting me.

"This is stupid," I said, forcing myself to regain control. "We had a one-night stand. I work under you now. We have little to no connection. That's it."

Jason grinned, his fingers now tracing slow circles on my skin through the fabric of my dress. "And yet, here you are, breathless."

I took a deep breath, summoning all my strength to push him back. My hands pressed against his chest, but instead of moving away, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me flush against him. My heart slammed against my ribs as his mouth hovered just inches from mine.

"You think you're in control, Kiara," he whispered, his lips grazing my ear, "but we both know how this ends."

I shivered, hating how right he was. There was an undeniable pull between us, something that ignited every time we were close. But I couldn't let myself fall into that trap again. Not with him.

"Jason, stop," I said, though my voice wavered.

His fingers tightened around my wrist as he leaned down, his lips brushing my neck. "You don't really want me to stop."

I closed my eyes, my breath catching in my throat. The rational part of me screamed to push him away, to end this now, but the part of me that had felt so empty since that night wanted more.

Wanted him.

I cursed under my breath. "You're such a bastard."

"Maybe," Jason replied, his lips curving into a smile against my skin. "But you can't resist me."

"Watch me."

I finally mustered the strength to step away, my pulse still racing from Jason's touch. My heels clicked sharply against the floor as I turned and made my way toward the club's exit. I needed air, space—anything to clear the haze he'd cast over my mind.

I could feel him behind me, following like a puppy, his presence never far.

I groaned. Wasn't this guy some billionaire? Net worth $1 billion. He was fresh in the game, young and lucky.

So maybe that's why he is like this.

How annoying.

The cool night air hit me as I pushed open the door and stepped outside. I let out a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. But just as I thought I was in the clear, I heard his footsteps approaching again.

"Kiara," he called softly, his voice too smooth, too close.

I ignored him, walking further into the dark alley, but then we weren't alone. A figure stood near the entrance, her long dark hair shimmering under the streetlights. I squinted, trying to make out her face. As she turned toward us, recognition hit me like a slap.

Joselle Laringer.

Of course, the model. Dark hair, hazel eyes, a face that graced magazines and billboards alike. If my memory serves me right, wasn't she and Jason dating?

The realization made my stomach churn. I glanced at Jason, who had now removed his mask, revealing his face. He looked calm, too calm, like he wasn't the least bit concerned that we'd just walked into the path of his supposed girlfriend.

Joselle's eyes flared with recognition as she took in the scene. First, me. Then Jason, standing way too close behind me. Her gaze darkened, her lips curling into a sneer.

"Her?" Joselle's voice was cold, dripping with disdain. She crossed her arms, glaring at Jason. "You carrying sluts now?"

I flinched, her words cutting through me like a knife. But Jason didn't even blink. Instead, he laughed—an infuriating, casual laugh like this was some joke to him.

"Relax, Joselle," he said, his voice annoyingly smooth. "It's not what you think."

She turned her gaze to me, and I could feel the judgment in her eyes, the way she assessed me like I was beneath her. "Oh, I'm sure it isn't. Another one of your poor little toys, huh, Jason?"

I clenched my fists, refusing to let her get under my skin. This wasn't my mess. I wasn't going to get dragged into whatever twisted relationship they had. But the way Jason was acting so nonchalant made my blood boil.

"Listen," I said, stepping forward, my voice firmer than I felt. "I don't know what kind of thing you two have going on, but I want no part of it."

Joselle raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down before scoffing. "Please, as if you could be more than a passing distraction for him."

Jason's smirk faltered for a split second, and he glanced at me, something unreadable flickering in his eyes. But before I could even register it, he turned to Joselle with that same smug expression.

"Don't be dramatic, Joselle. We both know where we stand."

Her eyes narrowed, and she let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, I know exactly where we stand, Jason. We are dating and suddenly you are hanging out with random hobos. You left Ryan to die and now I am seeing you with a slut. " She gestured at me with disgust. "Really?"

I had enough. This wasn't my fight. I wasn't going to stand here and be insulted for something that wasn't even real. I turned to leave, but Jason grabbed my arm gently, stopping me.

"Kiara," he said, and for a brief moment, there was something genuine in his voice, a softness I hadn't heard before.

I shook him off, narrowing my eyes. "Jason, let go of me. Now."