Bucket Lits_7_Italy

Emily hesitated, unsure of what to do. Part of her wanted to continue her journey alone, to explore Italy without the weight of Jake's presence or their shared past hanging over her.

But another part of her knew that keeping Jake close would allow Aiden to spend time with his father and end the budding complications with Antonio. 

Jake's arrival had already shifted the dynamic between her and Antonio, and she realized that staying in Italy with both men vying for her attention would only lead to more confusion.

"Alright, Jake," Emily finally said, her voice calm but resolute. "You can stay. But on one condition—you respect the boundaries I've set. I came here to get away from everything, clear my head, and not deal with more complications."

She paused momentarily, searching his eyes to ensure he understood.

"And I need you to know that Antonio and I—nothing happened. We're friends, and that's all we'll ever be."