Bucket list _Switzerland

Jeb had been captivated since they met in high school, and Jake's cautions were insufficient to deter him.

Jake had previously warned him, but he couldn't care less; he met Emily first, and even if they're now in a relationship, they may still divorce, and he was prepared to wait.

When he believed she had died five years ago, a part of him died as well, which is one of the reasons he had been single all along.

The netizens called him a playboy since he had never committed to a single female; if only they knew it was due to Emily and nothing else.

Finding Emily alone with Aiden in the Swiss Alps was the opportunity he had been waiting for. He would do it slowly this time and win over Aiden first, then Emily.

At the resort's café, Jeb approached Emily, his eyes bursting with surprise and joy at her sight. "Emily! I didn't expect to see you here," he said with his typical smile.

"What a small world."