Parting Ways

Klaus stopped in his tracks, taken aback by the unexpected question. Did he have a girlfriend? Wasn't it a bit early to ask that? He was momentarily stunned but quickly regained his composure. Adopting the confident demeanor of Young Master Klaus, he replied with a teasing smile.

"Well, I don't have anyone at the moment. But I think it's only a matter of time before I find someone," Klaus said, grinning. "What about you, Fairy Ohema? Is there anyone you fancy?"

Ohema blushed slightly and turned her gaze away, not responding. Klaus couldn't help but smile at her reaction. 

"Don't tell me a beauty like yourself hasn't caught anyone's eye," Klaus said with a playful grin. "From where I stand, and speaking for all men, I can confidently say that no man would remain unmoved after seeing you. So, what's the story, Fairy Ohema? Are you running from the boys?" 

He teased again, his smile widening.

Ohema's blush deepened, and she tried to hide her smile behind her hand. Klaus seized the opportunity to continue his playful teasing.

"Come on, Fairy Ohema," he said, leaning in slightly with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Surely there's someone who's made you stop in your tracks, or at least made your heart skip a beat. You're not just charming on the outside—you've got to be captivating on the inside too."

Ohema glanced at him, her cheeks still tinged pink. She laughed softly, shaking her head. "You're quite the charmer yourself, Klaus. But really, I'm not running from anyone. I just haven't met the right person yet."

Klaus raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Is that so? A beauty like you, and no one's managed to sweep you off your feet? Now that's hard to believe. Maybe you're just too selective."

Ohema rolled her eyes playfully. "Or maybe I'm just focused on other things right now."

"Focused, huh?" Klaus said with a grin. "Well, I guess that makes sense. But don't think I'm going to let you off the hook so easily. I'll keep an eye out for any lucky guy who might catch your attention."

Ohema chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. "Alright, alright. I'll make sure to let you know if anything changes."

Klaus winked at her. "I'll be looking forward to it. But don't worry, if no one's caught your eye yet, this little brother won't hesitate to help you out. Just leave me your card, and I'll reach out when I get home."

Ohema laughed, shaking her head. "You're incorrigible, Klaus. But I suppose if you're offering, I might just take you up on that. I'll have to keep an eye on you too." Well, the little paragon may just have succeeded in rizzing a fairy who just doesn't know it yet.

Ohema took out a card and gave it to Klaus, who received it with a happy smile. As for Ohema, within those rosy cheeks, there is a hint of happiness too. She has clearly achieved her goal and it happened in a way she hasn't even worked for.

"Be sure to contact me when you get home," Ohema said, watching as Klaus tucked her card away in his space ring. "I'll be waiting for your call."

"My mom will scold me if I don't contact you," Klaus replied with a smile.

Ohema's eyes softened. "You seem to care a lot about your mother."

Klaus's smile grew more sincere. "Of course. She's everything to me. My goal in life is to make her happy."

The genuine affection in his voice was clear, and Ohema could see just how much Klaus loved his mother. She smiled but didn't say anything.

"What?" Klaus asked as he noticed Ohema staring at him strangely while they moved out of the forest.

"Nothing," Ohema said with a grin. "It's just that your hair is really unusual. I'm sure you'll become a hot topic from today onwards." She gave him a thumbs-up, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Klaus, who hadn't seen his appearance yet, was surprised by her comment. He quickly brushed his hair from his face, and his eyes widened in shock. Ohema burst into laughter as Klaus realized his hair had turned completely white.

"Wow, I didn't expect this," Klaus said, touching his new white hair in disbelief.

"In some ways, it's a good thing," Ohema said, still chuckling. "You just have to keep up your charm, and I'm sure someone influential will notice you and recommend you to the academy, even without you having to make an appearance on the Warrior Chart. Being a handsome face can be promising sometimes. Hehe."

Klaus laughed along with her. "Well, I guess I'll have to make the most of it. Thanks for the heads-up."

Ohema nodded with a playful smile. "Anytime. Just remember, confidence is key. With that new look and your charm, you're bound to turn heads."

The two looked at each other and burst into resounding laughter. Klaus, realizing that his life would never be the same, accepted the change with a determined smile. He brushed his white hair back, focusing on his next goal: buying a house for his mother. That was his main priority now.

After a few hours of walking, they arrived at the shuttle area. To their surprise, it was deserted. They quickly climbed aboard, and before long, they were heading back to the border of the four cities. The journey took about an hour and a half.

"I guess this is where we part ways," Klaus said with a smile, looking at Ohema. The guards around them kept glancing in their direction, but Klaus paid them little mind. His attention was focused on the slightly sad look in Ohema's eyes.

"I had fun today, Klaus. Thank you, and once again, thank you for saving my life," Ohema said warmly.

"Don't mention it," Klaus replied with a chuckle. "I couldn't just stand by and watch a damsel in distress."

"Be sure to contact me when you get home. I'll be waiting for your call," Ohema said with a hopeful smile.

Klaus nodded and waved goodbye. Ohema was headed to Felin City, while Klaus was returning to Ross City, so they had to part ways.

Moments later, Klaus vanished from the road. With his now higher agility, he vanished almost instantly when he moved. As he left, Ohema sighed and began her journey toward Ross City as well.

The guards watched the exchange with curiosity. 

"Who is that kid?" one of them asked, still puzzled.

"It's strange. He looks familiar, but I can't quite place him," another guard replied, noting Klaus's striking appearance. The new Klaus was indeed an eye-catcher, completely different from how he looked when he entered the forest just three days ago.

"How about the lady? She looks familiar too," a third guard remarked. They all exchanged looks and with no answer coming, they went back to their business.




Klaus sped toward Ross City with terrifying speed. After leveling up, he had become several times faster, allowing him to cover the distance in less than 30 minutes. He swiftly made his way through the slum and headed home, which was just a few minutes from the city's border.

Navigating through a labyrinth of passageways, Klaus finally arrived at his small home. He called out in his usual casual tone, "Mom, I'm home!"

The door swung open, and his mother, who had been anxiously waiting, rushed out. As soon as she saw Klaus, her gaze locked onto him. 

"What, liking the new look?" Klaus asked with a smile, spreading his arms for a hug.

"Klaus?" she exclaimed, jumping into his embrace. "What happened to you? I was so worried. And your hair —when did you become this handsome?"

His mother fired off a series of questions, squeezing him tightly in her embrace. 

"Seriously, Mom, you would have preferred if I stayed ugly for the rest of my life?" Klaus joked, clearly pleased to be home.

His mother laughed through her tears, still holding him close. "Oh, Klaus, you know I love you no matter what. But seeing you like this, it's a nice surprise."

Klaus smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "Well, I'm just glad to be home. Let's talk about everything later. Right now, I'm just happy to see you."

Together, they moved inside, where they could finally catch up and enjoy each other's company.

When they entered their small home, a figure appeared 500 meters away, clearly shocked. "So this is where you live, huh?" Ohema muttered, observing Klaus's modest dwelling. "It seems he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't from any big family." She smiled softly and then disappeared.

Meanwhile, Klaus was in their small room, chatting with his mother. She had been worried sick for the past three days, her anxiety growing with every passing hour. Klaus reassured her, promising he wouldn't go on any hunts for a few weeks.

"Mom," Klaus said, tears streaming down his face. "This time, your son will be taking you to live in the city."

His mother's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. "Oh, Klaus my Baby Boy."

"Yes, Mom," Klaus said, wiping his tears. "I want to make things better for us. I want you to be safe and happy."

She hugged him tightly, her tears mingling with his. "I'm so proud of you, Klaus. I knew you'd make it. I knew it"

Klaus hugged her back, his heart swelling with emotion. "You've always believed in me, Mom. I want to give you the life you deserve."

They held each other for a long time, their tears of joy and relief soaking into each other's shoulders. The weight of their struggles seemed to lift, replaced by a hopeful future.

Klaus gently pulled away, his eyes still misty. "We'll start planning for the move tomorrow. For now, let's just enjoy being together."

His mother nodded, smiling through her tears. "I'd like that. I'm just so happy to have you back."

They spent the evening talking, sharing stories, and planning their future. They are for each other, and Klaus who has become the Man of the house for a few years now was determined to make his other happy for the rest of his life.