The First Paragon Star Diagram

Klaus and his mother spent the night chatting until he fell asleep in her arms. As she looked at his innocent face, tears welled up in her eyes. "I am a terrible mother," she whispered. "I should be the one carrying all the burden, not you." She held him close for a while before gently laying him down in bed.

Oblivious to her tears, Klaus slept like a baby. He was exhausted from three days of relentless slaughter. Having been on edge the entire time, he was grateful to be home, where he could finally let his guard down and sleep without interruption. He slept soundly through the night and only woke up with the sunrise.

When he finally stirred, the enticing aroma of something delicious reached his nose. Klaus quickly got out of bed and hurried to the kitchen, where his mother was preparing breakfast.

"Sleepyhead, you're finally awake," his mother said with a warm smile as Klaus entered the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you cooking? It smells amazing," Klaus asked, reaching for a slab of fried meat. But before he could grab it, his mother playfully slapped his hand away.

"Go back inside. It won't be long before I'm done. I'm making something special for you," she said with a chuckle. Klaus reluctantly walked back to his room with his head down, while his mother laughed heartily at his impatience.

When Klaus walked back to his room, he sat down and began to meditate. Soon, his consciousness was drawn into his soul sea, leaving his body motionless and unresponsive. The soul sea is a mysterious realm that even the most powerful humans have yet to fully understand. Those who have ventured into it often return with incomplete or puzzling discoveries.

Each person has a unique soul sea, which is essentially the space where their consciousness resides and where their true potential lies. For ordinary Awakened individuals, accessing the soul sea is impossible, unless their Spiritual Qi pool is pretty huge. Attempting to enter the soul sea without proper control would mean leaving their body behind and risking death, as the consciousness cannot return once it has left the body.

Accessing the soul sea requires a strong soul, which is determined by the amount of Spiritual Qi a person possesses. Klaus, with his large reservoir of Spiritual Qi, was able to access his soul sea quickly. His extensive Spiritual Qi not only allowed him to enter but also provided protection, enabling him to remain in the soul sea for an extended period. This was a significant improvement compared to when he was just an Awakened warrior when his time in the soul sea was much shorter.

Klaus found himself back in the familiar multicolored sea with the nine enormous doors. He immediately noticed that the space seemed to have expanded slightly since his last visit.

"Senior, are you there?" Klaus asked, his voice echoing through the vast expanse.

"Of course, where else would I be?" The voice replied, causing Klaus to smile slightly. He settled into a lotus position, ready to listen.

"Senior, you mentioned before that I am a Paragon. Can you tell me more about it?" Klaus asked. He wanted to understand better and prepare for his next tribulation. His first tribulation had been a near-death experience, and he was determined to be ready this time.

"I can't say much due to karma and all that," the voice responded. "But what I can tell you is that a Paragon exists outside the normal rules. You are still young and inexperienced, so I won't burden you with ancient history.

What you need to know is that as a Paragon, you don't follow the ordinary rules. You exist beyond them. The reason you faced a tribulation is because your existence challenges these rules. To live outside the rules means you are opposing them.

A Paragon is such an existence. They don't adhere to the rules like most others do. So, you should be proud. A Paragon is meant to be the strongest, the most fearless, and the most formidable. The current you is far from even being called an afterimage of a shadow of a paragon."

"Ouch, that hurts," Klaus replied with a chuckle. "As a senior, you should be more comforting, not so harsh." He smiled at the senior's proud and cryptic words.

"You just have to keep growing, and you need to grow faster. As a Paragon, facing dangers is the only way to accelerate your growth. The fact that you're still this weak means you haven't been willing to take enough risks," the voice said.

Klaus's frustration bubbled over. "Seriously, I've faced thousands of zombies and fought monsters many stages above me. How can you say that's not dangerous? Senior, are you perhaps angry with me, wanting me dead from the start?"

The voice paused before responding, a hint of amusement in its tone. "I'm not angry with you. The dangers you've faced are significant, but they're just the beginning. As a Paragon, you're meant to face even greater challenges. It's not about being reckless but about embracing the path that lies ahead and pushing beyond your current limits."

Klaus sighed, trying to make sense of the advice. "So, what should I do to meet these expectations and become stronger?" He knew this was to prepare him for his next tribulation.

"Hahaha, now we're talking!" The Senior laughed heartily. "A Paragon is arrogant, domineering, and possesses a charm that infuriates everyone. To live up to your potential, you must assert who you are. To do that, you need to take great risks."

The Senior's voice grew more serious. "The young lady already gave you some guidance. My advice is to start spreading your wings. Embrace the dangers and engage in life-and-death battles. Only by doing so will you awaken the true essence of a Paragon."

Klaus's heart raced at the Senior's bold words. His only aspiration had been to become strong enough to protect his mother. He never sought to be domineering. However, after surviving his recent tribulation, he knew that his life was on a different path —one he could not ignore.

"Thank you, Senior. I will heed your advice," Klaus said, feeling a mix of gratitude and determination, even if the advice seemed to be sending him on the path of mortal danger.

"Good," the Senior replied, his tone satisfied. "Now, let me transfer the first Paragon Star Diagram to you. Your current cultivation method is too pathetic."

Klaus's eyes lit up with excitement. Finally, something that would help him grow stronger in a way that felt tangible. "Senior, what is this Paragon Star Diagram?" he asked, eager to understand more.

The Senior's voice was steady as he responded, "Aren't you wondering why you require so many points to level up?"

Klaus nodded. It had always puzzled him.

"It's because you walk a different path, Klaus. You walk the path of a Paragon. This means that to grow stronger, you need the Stars of Paragon. The reason you require so many points is tied to this path. The current you is not strong enough to awaken a star, but you can harness its power by cultivating this diagram."

Klaus listened intently as the Senior continued, "This diagram contains 206 nodes, each linked to the first Paragon Star—Astralis Corpos. It's the star of the body, and cultivating it will build your body to unprecedented levels."

Klaus was excited to hear that. Right now, what he needs is a way to become stronger. So getting a way to become much stronger means he can now walk the path of a paragon. he was more than happy, however, the senior's next words poured cold water on his joy.

"The process to cultivate this first diagram consists of nine stages and 12 levels per each stage," the Senior explained. "You must complete the first stage before you can advance to the next Realm of your cultivation. This means that even if you meet the requirements to progress, you won't be able to ascend until you've completed the first evolution."

Klaus's curiosity deepened. "Senior, how long will it take to complete the first step?" he asked, wondering about the time and effort required.

"That depends on your training and dedication," the Senior replied. "I've already said too much. You'll understand more once you begin cultivating. For now, just follow the path set in this diagram." 

As the Senior finished speaking, a light shot from the first door and entered Klaus's forehead. The sensation was swift, and before Klaus could fully process it, his consciousness was pulled back into his body.

Back in his body, Klaus blinked, feeling the weight of the new knowledge settling in. Meanwhile, the Senior, still in the soul sea, sighed and muttered to himself, "I've blocked some parts of the Karma for you, kid, but it wasn't enough. Your next tribulation will be a severe one. I hope you grow stronger before then."

As soon as Klaus woke up, he noticed a diagram had formed in his mind. The diagram depicted a human body with 206 nodes, just as the Senior had mentioned. "These are the bones in the human body," Klaus muttered to himself. "And I have to evolve them twelve times for each stage. This is going to be hard."

The Senior explained that there were nine stages, with twelve levels for each stage. This meant that for every level of his cultivation, Klaus had to pass a corresponding level of evolution. Only after breaking through all twelve levels could he ascend and complete the first stage.

Just as Klaus was diving deeper into the details of the Star Diagram, a familiar voice called out, "Breakfast is ready!" 

His mother entered the room with a tray of food. The sight and smell of the dishes quickly pushed thoughts of the diagram out of Klaus's mind. His stomach growled in response, and he eagerly moved to the table.

Seeing the array of delicacies before him, Klaus didn't hesitate. He started devouring the food with enthusiasm, savoring every bite. His mother watched him with a warm smile, her heart swelling with happiness. They had faced so many hardships over the past years, and now that things were starting to improve, she was determined to give him the best she could. Preparing these meals was her way of showing her love and care.