Chapter 27 Renting a house.

The next morning after their breakfast Paul spoke with the innkeeper and learned that this place had everything that they needed.

There were guilds, shops, tailors, weapon smiths etc…

After thinking about it for a moment he decided that what he and the girls needed right now was a safe place to stay and become stronger so the best solution would be to rent a house.

They didn't lack money thanks to the custom of mercy and burial so he decided that was what they would do.

It was easier to rent a house than he had thought since the innkeeper knew a few people who rented houses and directed them to the right place earning himself a silver coin for his help.

-Master, You said that you want to go and find some people to settle score with, so why are you renting a house in this town?

Mia asked when they were on their way to see the houses for rent with the person recommended by the innkeeper.

-I can wait and find these people later but right now we need a place to stay for a while so we can cultivate in peace and we also need to get some combat experience and this town is a good place to do just that.

He explained.

-This young master is right, this town is a good place to cultivate and study, you can also go hunt beasts in the nearby forest if you want to gain combat experience and there is no shortage of places to buy equipment, clothing, medicine, or anything else that you might need here.

What's more, you can sell the beasts that you hunt down to one of the shops and earn some money that way.

Their guide butted in promoting the town in hopes that they would stay longer as that meant more money for him.

-We are here, this is the first house I would like to show you.

Their guide said and presented the house.

It was a small house with a bit of a backyard and the neighbourhood was not the best.

-This one is too small, and I would like something more out of the way.

Paul declined at once.

-If that is the case then you might want to consider renting a courtyard since it is bigger, has walls around it and even a protective barrier if you ever need it.

-How much would that cost?

Paul asked considering the proposition.

-That would be three gold coins a month but I will add the maids who will keep the place clean at all times and two guards at the front entrance to make sure you are not disturbed.

The man offered.

Paul knew that this man was scamming him and if he wanted then he could find something way cheaper but he would at least see the place before deciding.

-Lead the way, I want to see the place before I decide.

Paul said that he had no intention of renting the place without seeing it.

The man took them to the place and it was situated in a quite good neighborhood since all the buildings around were villas or courtyards that the normal people would not be able to afford.

From his experience of living in a similar place in the past, he was sure that this place would offer them the stable and peaceful environment that they needed right now.

The courtyard that the man was offering was spacious with the main building and four smaller pavilions and it even had its own bath house on the back.

Many trees were growing in the yard and it even had a garden that was teaming with flowers.

Paul had to admit that three gold coins was a fair price for this place and the owner also added maids and guards which was even better.

Mia and Maya were also impressed with the place and they loved the garden.

-We will take it.

Paul decided after inspecting the whole thing.

This was way better than he hoped for and both girls liked the place so he didn't hesitate.

The contract was signed and it cost him ten gold coins altogether since he had to place a bail in case he destroyed the place but that would be returned to him once he left the place and it was all in order.

-Thank you for your patronage young master.

The maids and the guards will arrive this afternoon along with the new bedding.

The man said keeping his copy of the contract.

-I hope you will like it here and enjoy your stay.

After the man left Paul took the master bedroom for himself as it had the biggest bed and he promised the girls that they could sleep with him so he would need it and he was also the head of the house now so it was only natural to claim it for himself.

Mia and Maya claimed the two smaller bedrooms in the main house which left the pavilions outside empty for now.

Paul decided to use them as guest rooms if they happened to have guests in the time they would spend here.

Just like the man promised when the afternoon came the maids and the guards arrived.

Altogether there were ten people and Paul saw that they were all slaves.

The three men were the guards who would rotate at the main gate so that there would always be someone there.

As for the seven ladies, there were four maids responsible for the household chores, one cook, one Gardner, and a personal maid that was there to serve the masters of the house with anything they could need.

They were all young people and they seemed well-trained at first glance.

especially the guards who were at the second stage of Qi cultivation.

-We greet the master.

They all bowed respectfully before Paul as from now on he would be their master for as long as he lived there.

They knew about Mia and Maya but they also were servants so there was no need to be so formal with them.

-Welcome, I'm sure that all of you have been here before so go unpack your belongings and attend to your duties, if there is any kind of problem come to me directly.

Paul said directly as he was more than sure that these servants were always rented out along with this place.

-Yes master.

They all responded and made their way to the servant's quarters.

In less than an hour, a guard was standing at the main gate, the cook was already busy in the kitchen, the Gardner was watering the plants and maids were making sure that the house was clean.

As Paul suspected there was no need to give any instructions since these people knew their duties very well.

During that time Paul and the girls were sitting at the table in the garden sipping tea and reading through the technique scrolls that they had with them to make sure what they needed to buy once they went shopping the next day.

Paul wanted to buy many books and scrolls, especially the bestiaries and the herbs encyclopedia since they were essential to any cultivator if he could find other books about rare treasures and materials then he would do it also.

They also needed some manuals for alchemy, formations, spell books, and a whole lot of other books not to mention the weapons and he also planned to visit a tailor to get some new clothes for himself and the girls among other things.

Paul was glad that he had so much money now otherwise he would have to only buy the bare minimum or sell one of the mana carrots but that could bring trouble as he wasn't strong enough to protect himself right now.

These carrots were rare and every alchemist in town would love to get their hands on one of them and would go to great lengths to do that.