Chapter 29 Mercenary Guild.

Paul took the girls to the restaurant for their meal and of course, they brought a lot of attention to themselves but otherwise, it was a peaceful time and both girls were on their best behavior to not embers themselves and Paul.

After the meal he walked the girls back home, he was considering sending them back alone but they tended to get into trouble when he was not around.

Then he went to report to the mercenary guild about their people's deaths.

-How can I help you?

The receptionist asked him with a smile.

-Where do I report the deaths of mercenaries?

Paul asked.

This made the girl lose her smile and turn serious.

-Please follow me.

She said and led him into a small room.

-Please wait for a moment and the guild master will be with you shortly.

The girl said and left the room.

Paul waited for a few minutes before the doors opened again and a middle-aged man with many scars and a body that could make a bodybuilder jealous entered the room.

His piercing brown eyes immediately directed to the young man.

-I heard that you wanted to report the mercenary's deaths.

The man spoke, his voice hoarse and cold.


Paul answered shortly as the man looked like the sort that did not like his time wasted.

He took out the name tags from his spatial device and placed them on the table.

The guild master picked them up and inspected them one after the other.

-How did they die?

The man asked after a moment.

-They were killed by a dead breeder except for one woman who was still alive and invoked a custom of mercy and burial upon me.

The guild master closed his eyes for a moment to process the information.

-Then how are you still alive?

He asked.

-I and my two servants arrived on the scene around half a day later by accident and by that time the beast was not present otherwise we would not be talking right now.

Paul explained.

-Did you complete the custom?

The guild master asked.

-Yes, I burnt their bodies and left a spell in place to bury them once the fire died down.

-Why did you not see to it that they were buried?

The older man asked with suspicion.

-Because the dead breeder was still around and I did not wish to have an encounter with it.

The guild master nodded.

He could understand Paul's actions.

If he met with the dead breeder then he would be dead for sure.

-Can you tell me where their grave is and, if it is marked in any way?

-They are buried around fifty kilometers upriver from the River town near the shallow patch and their graves are marked with a big boulder with their names inscribed on it.

Paul described the place, he could have Maya draw a map for them but that would reveal her talent.

-Thank you for your help and cooperation we will retrieve their remains if it is possible and try to avenge them.

The guild master said.

-Could I trouble your guild by sending the nameplates of the three young people to their clans?

Paul asked.

-Of course, we will take care of it.

The guild master knew why the young man asked for this.

If he delivered the plates personally there was a chance for a misunderstanding and he could get in trouble with already angry clansmen of the deceased.

But it would be another matter if a person from the guild delivered the news and the nameplates as even the most powerful clans avoided turning anyone of the guilds into an enemy.

-Thank you, guild master, if there is nothing else I will take my leave.

Paul coup his hands with a slight bow and left the guild.

The whole thing went better than he expected.

On his way back he visited the jewelry shop and the magic shop to order the nameplates and buy some supplies that he and the girls needed.

He also went back to the market and bought some wooden planks, and rope that he needed to make a few things out of.

Paul checked his money reserves after today's spending spree and discovered that even after he spent around two thousand gold coins, it barely made a dent in the money he got from the three young people.

However, this would not last long as what he had bought now was mostly the low-level things they needed but once they reached the second and third stages, the materials they required would become much more expensive and the little fortune he had would disappear very fast.

He already had plans to earn more money soon since it was a much better idea to be prepared in advance but he needed to become stronger and the girls had to learn how to use magic and Qi in combat before then.

Paul also had a backup plan in case the first one failed but that plan required him to reach at least level fifty in mana cultivation since this was the minimal level required for alchemy.

He returned home and saw that both girls were sitting under an oak tree and reading the books they had bought which surprised him as he was sure that they would be practicing with their new weapons.

Since there was still some time until the supper, he decided to start crafting the things he wanted and left the girls to study in peace.

Paul knew that he could just order the things he needed but it was more fun to build them himself and the items he wanted to make were quite easy to craft, especially with the help of magic.

Once he started working he lost track of time but the work progressed fast.

He drew the shapes that he would need on every plank and then used wind and earth magic to cut them out of the wood by making the grains of sand into a circle shape and making them spin very fast he created something like a chainsaw that moved exactly the way he wanted.

Once all the cutting was done, he assembled the whole thing piece by piece until the camping table with two benches connected to it was ready and it did not require a single nail to make it.

Paul was proud of his work and only when he had finished did he notice that he had an audience.

-Master, why didn't you just order a table like that if you wanted one?

Mia asked when he was done with the work.

-Because I wanted to make it myself.

It's easier to order it but it is way more satisfying to build it with my own hands.

Paul explained.

That was only part of the reason as Paul had discovered that he liked to create things when he was still living alone in the wilderness and he also wanted to create some things from his world but up until now, he didn't have enough mana or the tools required to do that.