Chapter 55 Leaving Oak town.

On his way back to the Inn Paul had a lot to think about.

He not only had his first time today and loved it but also got himself a new slave if she decided to show up.

Another matter was the tracker spells he placed on the girls and himself.

The idea was for them to know that they were alright and to find themselves if they were ever separated but Fei Fei was right about it potentially being used to find him by their family and he doubted that he could survive that encounter.

There was also Anna who still hadn't made her decision and right now the pressure would be taken off of her since Fei Fei could be his cultivation partner.

Paul even considered taking her to another town or a city and freeing her since by that time she should be able to take care of herself.

Thinking about all of this he didn't even notice that he arrived at the inn.

Entering his room he saw Anna sleeping with nothing more than a bathrobe on her which became loose when she tossed around in her sleep revealing her body almost entirely to him.

Paul came to her and adjusted it to cover her once again and covered her with a blanket before he also went to sleep.

Once he lay down Anna turned to him and sensing his warmth she hugged him while sleeping.

He was sure that she would be embarrassed as all hell once she woke up like this but he had no intention of pushing her away so he delicately pulled her into his embrace and let her sleep while using his chest as a pillow.

In the morning Anna woke up first and once she saw where she was sleeping she momentarily turned red like a tomato from embarrassment and tried to get away before Paul woke up but he was hugging her and she was too weak to break free from his arms.

Left with no choice she stayed like that and after a while, she started to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms.

It made her feel secure and protected, not to mention that it was surprisingly comfortable.

She remembered what she was thinking about last night before falling asleep but she had no idea what to do about it.

To be honest she was not even sure if she was really falling in love or if it was just infatuation

because he saved her and did so much for her.

Her feelings were a mess right now and she would appreciate it if someone could tell her what to do with it all.

Paul opened his eyes a little while later and saw the girl in his arms deep in thought so he decided to stay still for a while to avoid startling her besides she looked kinda cute like that.

It took Anna a few minutes to realize that he was awake and once she did she blushed once again.

-Can you let me go now?

She asked quietly.

Only then did Paul realize that she was trapped by his arms and most likely didn't have enough strength to free herself.

-If you insist.

 He said with a smile and released her.

-You wanted to leave before noon so we need to start getting ready.

She reminded him.

-We have plenty of time and we will be waiting for someone at the west gate until noon.

He informed her.

-Who are we waiting for?

Anna asked curiously.

-Her name is Fei Fei and if she decides to show up then she will become my slave.


Anna said in disbelief.

-What's with that reaction?

Paul asked as this was strange.

It looked like Anna was getting jealous but the mere thought of it was ridiculous.

Hearing his question she knew she revealed too much but there was no way of taking that back now.

-Nothing, I was just shocked that there is a woman who would want to do something like that.

She lied, trying to sound convincing.

Unfortunately, Paul saw right through her lies because she had a habit of rubbing her ring finger whenever she lied and he knew that from their school days.

Seeing how flustered she was he decided to let this slide for now as this was not a big problem.

But he found it funny that she could fall for him in one day and even get jealous.

-If this is her reaction now then what will she do once she sees Fei Fei?

He thought to himself.

It also surprised him that a girl like her would fall for him and even become jealous.

-Well this trip is bound to be entertaining.

He thought when he imagined her reaction to the news of who Fei Fei was and what they did tonight.

Getting ready to leave did not take long as it essentially was just tossing their things to their spatial devices and putting on their combat gear since they were going on foot and even a pawed road was not entirely safe from beasts.

They could have used a carriage but Paul decided that some walking would help Anna get back in shape.

Paul also deactivated the trackers he had on himself which made the marks on his arm disappear but the sensation was different than if one of them died so Mia and Maya would most likely not be happy with it but they would know that he was the one who deactivated their trackers and not got himself killed.

Paul and Anna arrived at the western gate with some time to spare and since he didn't see Fei Fei anywhere around he decided to wait for a bit.

The time passed slowly while they waited and Anna used this chance to ask Paul more about cultivation.

With nothing better to do, Paul answered her questions, explaining how he jumpstarted her cultivation, how to use her Qi, and many more.

The noon was drawing closer and closer but there was still no sign of Fei Fei.

Paul was true to his word and waited patiently, she knew that he would be leaving at noon so now it was her decision, if she wanted to leave with him or stay here.

Soon it was exactly noon and since Fei Fei had not arrived yet then she would most likely not come.

-Let's go.

Paul said and started walking in the direction of the gate.

-But what about the person who you were waiting for?

Anna asked, following him.

-If she is not here now then she will probably not come at all.

I told her that we would be waiting till noon and then leave.

This reminded Anna that Paul always kept his word even when they were in school.

The guards at the gate just wawed them off to let them pass, since both of them looked like mercenaries the guards didn't even bother to ask for their identification.

Paul and Anna were about a hundred meters from the gate when they heard a man's voice shouting.

-Anna you little slut, come back here at once.