Chapter 56 Brother Hu.

The moment Anna heard that voice she began trembling in fear and Paul also recognized the person that was shouting.

It was her brother, Tommy, he was a year older than her and always loved to bully her behind their parent's backs.

Not to mention that he used to be a school bully and even bullied Paul for a short time.

This ended when he beat him up so badly that Paul's parents went to school and even threatened to call the media if this matter was not resolved.

Since Tommy's father was the owner of a big company, this would ruin his reputation so the decision was made to transfer him to another school and he even paid compensation just to stop Paul's mother and stepfather from going public with this incident.

Paul hoped not to meet this scumbag but it seemed that this was too much to ask.

Once Tommy caught on to them he tried to grab Anna's hand but she hid behind Pail who caught her brother's hand stopping it.

-What do you want with my slave?

Paul asked in a cold voice.

This made the older man stop in his tracks.

-She is my sister and I don't remember selling her as a slave so she can't be one.

He protested recognizing that the man with Anna was not someone he could simply intimidate.

Paul had his helmet on and he changed a lot during the last few weeks so it was hard to recognize him.

-That's where you are wrong, she is an adult and has the right to choose for herself and she chose to sell herself to me as a slave. 

So get lost before I make you and just in case you were wondering, trying to steal a slave is a capital offense and I have the right to end you right here and now.

Paul said with killing intent surrounding his body, it was not strong but it was there.

These words made Tommy take a step back.

He could sense that the man with his sister had a higher cultivation level so if they fight then Tommy would most likely lose.

-Is this true Anna?

He asked her with barely controlled anger.

-Yes, I am a slave now.

She answered quietly.

-What the hell were you thinking stupid women, I promised you would become a concubine to Brother Hu, and you just decided to become a slave to some random dude?

Anna shook in fear when she heard what he was planning for her.

Brother Hu was a gang leader who loved to toy around with women and then torture them to death once he was bored with them.

She blessed the moment she tried to sell herself to Paul since this was the only reason she was still alive and most likely helped her avoid an even worse fate.

-Now she belongs to me and I don't care what you promised to anyone so get lost before I lose my patience.

Paul said cutting Tommy off.

Anna's brother might have been able to defeat him when they were younger but now things were different and if he tried anything then Paul would make him pay.

-Let's go.

Paul grabbed her hand and started walking away.

-Where do you think you're going?

Another voice asked.

Paul turned around to see that there was a fat man and a bunch of his henchmen coming over.

-Well there goes the peaceful solution.

Paul said to himself.

The henchmen were not the problem as they were around the same level as Tommy but the fat man was in the second stage of Qi cultivation and that was not a trivial matter.

If it was only the fat man then Paul would have a chance to defeat him or at least escape with Anna but with over a dozen henchmen this was unlikely.

-You can go but the girl stays here.

The fat man said with a sneer.

-She comes with me, she is my property and I don't like it when others covet what's mine.

Paul answered coldly.

-You are quite arrogant for a mere 65-level mage.

The fat man said.

-I will give you a chance, sell her to me and I will forget about this matter altogether.

He proposed.

-Then let me give you a chance.

Paul sneered at this proposal.

-Take your people and go back to whatever hole you all crawled out of then I will forget about this matter.

Paul said coldly.

He knew that if they fought, he would most likely lose but he would take most of them with him.

The fat man roared with laughter at his words.

-I have not heard something so funny for a very long time.

But since you wish to reject my offer then you will have to pay for it.

The fat man gave a sign and two of his people rushed at Paul.

However, they didn't make it even halfway of the small distance separating them when everyone heard two whistling sounds one after the other and they fell to the ground screaming in pain with arrows sticking out of their chests.

Paul had already the third arrow ready if there was anyone else who wished to try their luck.

-Last chance, leave or the next one to come will not be as lucky as these two.

Paul said.

He intentionally targeted nonvital areas just to send a message across.

If he wanted to he could have killed them but he decided to spare their lives in hopes that the rest would back down.

The henchmen were all scared right now as they were used to picking on the weaker targets

and this was their first time seeing a person who had no problem killing others.

Even Brother Hu was a bit distraught, especially once he saw the arrows and recognized them as the Stone Crusher arrows.

Even he was not immune to them and this made him reconsider his plans.

It was one thing to snatch a girl from a weakling but this man was ready to kill them and equipped to do just that.

What's more, there would be no repercussions for Paul as they tried to steal his slave.

Brother Hu and his minions loved to pose like the big tough gangsters but in reality, they were just a group of small-time crooks and thieves who only managed to survive this long by sterling clear from the big gangs and focusing their activity on small things like extortions and prostitution.

When they saw Paul, at first they thought that they could intimidate him to get the girl but now it was a different story.

The fat man knew that they could take Paul down but one woman was not worth it especially since he would lose a lot of his men to get her and if that happened then the other small gangs would no doubt take them out to take over their small territory.

-You made your point, we will leave you alone, leave this place, and never come back.

Brother Hu said, trying his best to sound intimidating and not lose even more face than he already did.

Paul almost burst into laughter but managed to stop himself since he didn't want to prolong this whole farce.

He took Anna and started to walk away but had his bow ready in case they wanted to continue to harass them.

Tommy looked in disbelief at his sister getting further and further away until she disappeared into the distance with her master.

-Get these two and let's go back.

The fat man ordered his men.

He was thankful that there were not many people around and almost no one saw what happened otherwise they would become a laughing stock of the town.

-And who said you could leave?

A cold and domineering woman's voice stopped them in their tracks.

Once Brother Hu saw who said that he turned pale.

-Madam Fei, Have we offended you in any way?

He asked, his voice shaking from fear.

She was not someone that even the big gangs could mess with not to mention his bunch of small fries.

-You did something much worse than offending me.

She said coldly.

-You tried to steal a slave from my benefactor and even tried to attack him.

Hearing her words Brother Hu plopped down to his knees and started pleading for mercy.

-Forgive us, Madam Fei, we had no idea that he was your benefactor, If we knew then we would not dare to even approach him.

He crowled on the ground hoping that she was in a merciful mood.

 His men all followed his lead, they all knew what happened to the last group that offended this woman.

-There will be no forgiveness for what you did.

She said and before they could react they were already dead.

Each one of them had a knife embedded in his head.

Fei Fei recalled her knives and took the spatial devices from the bodies before setting off to catch up to her new master.

Since Paul never wanted to return here, neither he nor Anna knew that Tommy and the gangsters were killed a few moments after they left and Fei Fei never told them as she wanted to avoid making her new little sister sad.