Chapter 67 New weapon.

Just as they were discussing this the beasts came out of the forest.

The alarm was raised immediately and everyone took their stations on top of the wall.

This time the beasts seemed to change tactics and sent the stronger beasts to the front with the weaker ones a few meters behind them.

This was bad as the stronger enemies were a lot harder to kill and if they attacked at the same time then not only the barrier but also the wall would be breached in a matter of moments.

Everyone was terrified at this development as there were over a hundred stage-three and around twenty stage-four beasts in front of them.

The stage three beasts were not so bad since they could kill them using arrows but the stage four beasts were a whole different problem.

The day before it was only one of them who almost broke the barrier and it failed only thanks to Paul and other cultivators' efforts.

This time there were many more of them and the same trick would not work.

Just as they almost lost hope, a few mages came to the wall with another batch of bombs but this time they were different.

-Paul, we did what you asked of us but I don't understand how will this help us.

One of the mages came to Paul presenting the new bomb.

-Just In time, give them to the Qi warriors and tell them to target the strongest beasts.

Paul said while smiling.

The mages did as told and the Qi warriors didn't hesitate with using the new weapon.

Considering that up to this point, all of his ideas worked and were extremely helpful.

The new bombs were in the air the same moment when they were delivered.

But this time when they exploded there was no shrapnel or fire just a cloud of dust in the air.

Everyone looked at Paul as it seemed that his new weapon failed.

-Give it a moment.

He bearly finished the sentence when all hell broke loose.

All the beasts in the vicinity of the bomb explosion started going wild often attacking each other blindly while roaring in what seemed like an extreme pain that made them go insane.

-Kid what the hell was inside these jars?

An older cultivator asked Paul with a shocked expression.

Everyone around looked at him, awaiting his response.

-Nothing much, just some spices that We took from the traders.

Paul answered with a smile.

He was extremely happy that his idea worked.

-Spices you say? then why the hell does it look like the beasts are in extreme pain that made them go berserk?

The same cultivator asked.

-Think about it, what will happen when you sniff some hot spices?

Everyone was surprised by this question but suddenly they figured it out.

-The beasts have a much better sense of smell than humans so I simply used it against them.

This won't kill them but it will not be a pleasant experience for them and thanks to the frenzy it started they are now killing each other.

Paul explained pointing to the beast army that was quickly losing its strong members and also many of the weaker beasts were trampled to death.

-Throw some more of the new bombs into the groups behind the vanguard he yelled, there were more bombs in the air a moment later and they hit the biggest groups of beasts that they could reach.

A moment later the whole front line of the beast army was in chaos with beasts going crazy and attacking each other.

Some archers wanted to shoot the beasts but Paul stopped them.

-Don't waste arrows, they will kill each other and all we need to do is sit and watch it happen.

If you want to kill something then target the beasts that are charging at the barrier.

Paul said pointing at a few beasts that in their berserk state came close to the barrier.

The moment he finished speaking there was a rain of arrows falling on the beasts ending their suffering once and for all.

There was even a stage four beast that blindly charged at the barrier but some cultivators used the same strategy as Paul the day before and put an end to it with bearly a crack on the barrier itself.

-We are out of the new bombs.

Some Qi warriors shouted.

-There are more being made as we speak but it will take time for them to be ready.

One of the mages that brought the bombs said.

-For now, this should be enough.

Paul said while watching as the beasts tore each other apart.

The sight was gruesome but everyone was happy that the enemy army was tearing itself to shreds without much effort on their part.

It didn't take long for the beasts to run away some even dispersed in all directions which also diminished the beast army's fighting strength.

-When did you come up with this idea?

Anna asked Paul once most of the beasts dispersed leaving at least two to three thousand dead and dying beasts behind.

-This morning when I was making breakfast.

I used some pepper and it got into my nose making me sneeze for a while.

This gave me an idea, since it could make me sneeze and get my eyes watery then what would it do to a beast that has a much stronger sense of smell?

Paul explained making everyone drop their jaws in disbelief.

They were shocked not only by the way he developed the new bombs but also that he would prepare meals while he had slaves.

-Then perhaps I should kick my wife out of the kitchen and cook something myself once in a while.

Everyone looked at the man who spoke and it was the guard captain accompanied by the mayor and some elders.

-Young man I never heard about cooking being turned into a weapon.

The captain said with amusement.

-It seems that inspiration can come from many sources.

The mayor said also amused by the whole situation.

After today's event, everyone was in a good mood as thanks to the new bombs they were able to win with only a few lightly wounded on their side.

The wounded were the cultivators that stopped the stage four beast that charged at the barrier.

When the beast was skewered by their spears they were all thrown back by the impact and managed to get some cuts and bruises from that.

The most serious injury was a dislocated wrist that was set and healed by the healers the moment they all returned to the wall.

-Do you know how long will the effects last?

The captain asked.

-I have no idea.

Paul said shaking his head.

-This was the first time This weapon was used and it may be effective for a few hours or a few days, there is no way to know that for now.

But the good news is that most of the stronger beasts were either killed or seriously injured in the chaos and the rest should not be so eager to attack again.

-This is indeed good news.

One of the elders said.

-With them out of the picture we should have no problem holding out until the reinforcements arrive.

Another elder nodded.

- You might be right elders but this goes both ways.

What if they also receive reinforcements?

Paul pointed out.

This was something they didn't take under consideration.

-It would be a catastrophe if they got more beasts and we can't discount the ones that retreated since there are still many thousands of them.

The captain said, his amusement gone.

-No use in thinking about it now.

If they get reinforcements then we will worry about it when they arrive, for now, let's be happy with another victory.

The mayor said.

A few hours later there was a small feast prepared by the best chefs in town on the mayor's order to thank everyone for their efforts in defending the town.

There was no wine as they still had to be on guard but the food was delicious and everyone was welcome to it, no matter if they were slaves or not at that moment they were all equal.