Chapter 68 Reinforcements.

The next two days were calm, there were no attacks but the beasts also didn't leave so everyone was constantly on guard.

Thanks to that humans could prepare more bombs and they even figured out how to make it harder for the beasts to come close to the barrier.

Paul came up with the idea of throwing spikes that were made in such a way that no matter how they landed one of the spikes would always be pointing up and if a beast stepped on it then it would have a nasty surprise.

The idea was immediately put to use and the crafters around the town started making the new invention and then it was spread around by cultivators by simply throwing them.

Removing the spikes after the siege was lifted would be problematic but it was doable and the idea again put Paul in the spotlight.

This was a problem for him since he didn't want his name to be spread but there was no other choice for now as the threat of the beasts was too great and his plan of escape was scrapped.

So he had to do everything in his power to defend the town if he wanted to survive.

During this time he also cultivated as much as he could.

Not forgetting to cultivate with Fei Fei which resulted in Paul leveling up in mana as he didn't want to let others know about his Qi cultivation if he could prevent it.

During this time he reached level 79 In mana and he was not alone in becoming stronger as Anna also had broken through a few levels reaching level 27 in her Qi cultivation.

Fei Fei was also close to having another breakthrough but it was much harder for her since she was already at the third stage and there were still restrictions on her.

She and Paul didn't have much time to cultivate together but every time they did, the restrictions and the curse weakened a bit allowing her to cultivate a bit faster and some of her dragon features were becoming visible after each session.

The road to fully unleashing her powers and the ability to return to her original form was still very long but at least now she was making some progress.

The main problem she had was that Paul needed to be stronger and her Yin Qi was of limited help to him since she was much stronger than him and he could only absorb a fraction of the power before it dissipated.

She had a few ideas on how to change this situation but that would have to wait for Paul to reach the second stage of cultivation and that required them to survive their current ordeal.

-Why are they not attacking?

Anna asked on the morning of the third day.

-I have no clue but whatever it is that's stopping them can't be good for us.

Paul answered.

They were sitting on the wall as it was their turn to be on guard duty this morning.

-We might learn the reason soon enough.

Fei Fei said pointing in the direction of the forest.

When Paul and Anna looked that way they saw a wave of beasts coming out but this time they were spread leaving some space between themselves also they were not charging but slowly coming out of the tree line.

Paul immediately fired the alarm flare and a moment later everyone was on the wall ready to fight.

Seeing the beast's movements everyone was surprised since this had never happened before.

Nobody could explain the meaning of the beast's slow approach but soon one thing became clear.

-They got reinforced. One of the guards said as the number of the beasts exceeded the forces that were used last time.

Everyone turned paler by the moment when they realized that the beast army was not only back to its starting numbers but even exceeded them by a few thousand beasts.

-The only good thing Is that they don't have many strong beasts.

 An older cultivator said.

-That might be true but with these numbers they don't need them.

Another person said.

-It's like we didn't do anything to them.

A guard said, fear evident in his voice.

-Then we will have to make sure to teach them a lesson they won't forget that easily.

The captain of the town guards said, Joining them on the wall.

-I think they dispersed their forces to avoid the new bombs.

The captain said thinking about the formation of the beasts.

-That might be their plan but this will make the fragmentation bombs more deadly.

Paul said.

-What do you mean?

Some people looked at him.

-When they were in a tight formation previously the shrapnel could only kill or wound a few of them because most of it was caught by the nearby beast's bodies.

Now that they have more space between them, the shrapnel will have the chance to spread further wounding more of them.

Paul explained.

Everyone understood the principle but that alone was not enough to turn the tide of this battle.

They all knew that even with all the new weapons that were prepared during the last two days

This would be one tough battle.

The beasts looked like they were using all their forces at once this time around and that alone was quite challenging as previously they barely stopped a weaker force.

The moment the first lines of beasts came into range they were met with a rain of arrows that decimated them on the spot.

Nobody waited for the enemies to enter the optimal range this time as there was no time for that.

Salvo after salvo the arrows kept coming and the creatures fell by the hundreds, however this was not enough to stop them.

Once their front lines were more or less anihilated the rest of the beast army started to charge all at once.

Soon it entered tha range of the bombs and the cultivators started throwing the one jar after the other covering the whole area with shrapnel and flames.

The new spice bombs were left for the moment that beasts came closer together near the barrier.

The humans spared no effort in order to stop the incoming beast tide but when they killed one beast it looked like there were another two or three to take its place.

It was not long after they started fighting before the beast tide arrived at the barrier hitting it like a tsunami.

The impact shook the barrier and immediately there were cracks visible on it.

Humans used the spice bombs now which worked way better than they thought they would but unfortunately, their effect was hampered by the sheer amount of the beasts that trampled each other to advance and the ones that were affected by the bombs didn't make much chaos before they were trampled to death or shot by the archers.

However, the spikes worked as intended and left many beasts in panic and a lot of pain making it hard for any beast to approach any closer without getting hurt by their allies on top of stepping on a spike or being shot by the archers.

A group of cultivators tossing bombs decided to throw some spice bombs further into the back of the beast army.

There was not as much effect as they were planning for but it still caused a lot of chaos for a moment before the rest of the beasts simply killed the ones that went on a rampage.

This caused a lot of casualties on the beast's side but they could afford the losses.