Chapter 74 Famous designer.

-Welcome home honey.

The woman in her late thirties lying on a mat on the floor said.

-Who is with you?

The woman asked trying to sit up.

-Don't move Mom, you are too injured.

The girl panicked and rushed to her mother.

-Hello, I am Paul, and these ladies are Anna and Fei Fei.

We met your daughter when she was trying to sell underwear and got in a bit of trouble.

Paul introduced himself and the ladies.

-Your daughter told us that you are injured and need a healer so I have a proposition for you.

I am a healer and I agreed to heal you in exchange for your services as a seamstress.

He explained the situation.

-But I can only make underwear and it seems that the people of this world don't care for the undergarments That I make.

Besides, even if I wanted to help you I don't have any materials left.

The woman said sincerely.

-You don't have to worry about it, I will provide the materials you will just have to make the underwear for these two ladies, and if you could make some boxers for me as well that would be perfect.

Paul said he liked that the woman was truthful and didn't try to scam him.

-So what do you say?

He asked.

-I agree, If you can heal me and provide the materials I will make the best underwear that I can for you.

The woman accepted.

-Well then let's get you treated.

Paul said conjuring a few small balls of white healing magic over his palm.

The daughter took the covers off her mother revealing all the injuries she had and Paul grimaced at this sight.

This woman was not only beaten up but had the shit kicked out of her several times over.

Both her hands were broken in several places and judging from the bruises she had also a few broken ribs among other serious injuries.

Paul cast the first spells to reconnect her broken bones which was a painful experience yet the woman barely even made a sound.

Then he preceded to heal the other injuries one after the other.

It took him a long time to heal her completely but once he was done the woman looked like she was never injured.

This also gave him some experience as it was the first time he used spells other than a simple healing spell.

The girl hugged her mother with tears in her eyes the moment she was healed.

-Thank you.

The woman said with a slight smile hugging her daughter.

-Don't mention it.

Paul said seeing the heartwarming scene.

-As part of our agreement, I will need to get the materials and the ladies' measurements to make the underwear.

The woman said.

-No problem at all but do you want to make them in here?

Paul asked, looking around the room.

It was small and not the cleanest.

-I have no other place to work.

The woman answered apologeticly.

-Paul maybe we could take them with us?

Anna asked suddenly.

-We have more than enough room and it's way better than this place.

She added before he could even say a word.

-You could hire them as maids in the mansion for the time we will stay here.

Fei Fei added.

-You heard the ladies.

Paul said with a smile.

-We are renting a mansion and we could use someone to keep it clean and do some other chores and we will pay you so even when we leave later you won't stay without any money to support yourselves.

Paul said.

Since Anna and Fei Fei wanted to hire them then he saw no problem with it.

He wanted to ask them about it anyway since they were from Earth he would rather help them than hire someone else.

- Would you really hire us?

The daughter asked with a hint of hope in her voice.

-If you want, we can leave this place as soon as you pack up your things.

Anna said with a smile.

She knew all too well how it was when you had nothing and if she could help someone to get out of the same situation then she would not hesitate.

-Then we will accept your offer.

The mother said and they started to pack their meager belongings.

Seeing them put everything into a bundle Paul asked.

-Why don't you put it into your storage space?

-We can't.

For some reason, we are both unable to access it.

 The daughter explained.

Paul heard about similar cases in his previous life and then the people could access their storage space only when they became cultivators.

He focused for a moment and he was not surprised when he found out that both mother and daughter were normal people without a trace of Qi or mana in them.

Well, they could not access their storage so they could not take out their scrolls and basic cultivation techniques cost one gold coin each.

Considering that normal people rarely ever saw so much money, it was no wonder that they couldn't become cultivators till now.

Paul shared this information with them.

-If that's the case then we will not become cultivators for a long time.

The mother said, regret filling her voice when she looked at her daughter.

-That may not be the case but we will see.

Paul said with a smile.

Anna and Fei Fei rolled their eyes at his antics.

Wondering why didn't he just tell them that he could teach them cultivation or even jumpstart it for them as he did for Anna.

But since he wanted to play some game with them they would not interfere with it.

-What should we call you?

Paul asked a moment later and only then did they realize that they had forgotten to introduce themselves.

-I'm sorry for the late introduction, My name is Irine Jeager and this is my daughter Natalie Jeager.

The mother introduced herself and her daughter.

-Wait a moment.

You are Irine Jeager? The Irine Jeager?

Anna asked in disbelief.

-Do you know her?

Paul asked surprised at the girl's reaction.

-Well duh.

Any girl or a woman would know of her at least if she likes one of the best brands of underwear.

This woman is one of the world's top designers of women's underwear.

Anna explained, still in a little shock.

-That was back on Earth.

Now I'm a nobody and most women in this world don't like the underwear I make.

Irine said sadly.

Paul processed the new information and just then a thought came to his mind.

-Wait was it the brand that had a deer logo?

He asked.

-Yes it was the logo of my company and it was on all my designs.

Irine admitted a bit surprised that he knew of it.

-Damn, that was a very expensive brand.

My stepfather once bought a set for my Mother and she was over the moon when she got it.

He explained when the ladies looked at him strangely.

-It makes me happy that she liked it, but like I said it was then and now I'm not a famous designer anymore and also most women here don't like my designs.

-Well you are in luck as these two ladies will most likely love them to bits.

Paul said with a smile.

-You can say that again, I still don't believe that I will have underwear made by Irene Jeager herself.

If this was back on Earth, all my friends would be so jealous.

Anna squealed, happy at meeting one of the people she always admired.