Chapter 75 More shopping.

When everything was packed up, Anna placed all the mother and daughter belongings in her storage space.

-Paul do you think that we can continue our shopping?

She asked when they left the small room.

Irine and Natalie went to the owner of the place to thank him for letting them stay there.

-I don't see why not.

Besides our new maids also need some new clothes not to mention the materials for the underwear that Irine will make for you.

But first, we need to find a place to eat, I'm hungry.

Paul said after looking at the sun to measure the time.

It was already afternoon and they hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

When Irine and Natalie came back and learned about their plans they agreed.

 Natalie was even excited since like every teenage girl she loved shopping but soon she calmed down realizing that she was poor and it would not be as fun as she imagined at the start.

-Don't worry the shopping is on me today.

Paul said seeing her expression.

-But I can't take advantage of you, you already healed my mother and even gave us both a job.

The girl tried to reject his offer.

Deep down she wanted to accept it but he helped them too much already and she was already feeling indebted to him.

She also could not figure out why would he and the two ladies with him help them so much.

It was definitely not because he wanted them to sleep with him.

Natalie was confident in her looks and her mother was also a beautiful mature woman but they both paled in front of Anna and Fei Fei.

-It's not complicated.

Paul said, raising his hand to silence Irine who wanted to back her daughter up.

-I'm just a generous man and besides you will work for us at the mansion in a rich neighborhood so you have to be presentable.

What's more, Your mother's work made my mother very happy in the past and now she will make Anna and Fei Fei happy, you can't put a price on that so don't deny me the opportunity to pay you back a little.

Both ladies were speechless at his reasoning.

Anna and Fei Fei knew that if Paul accepted someone as one of his people, he would do anything to make them happy and if it was something so trivial as spending some money then he would not even hesitate.

What surprised them was how fast he accepted Irine and Natalie.

With Fei Fei, it was because they had a mutually beneficial relationship at the beginning but now it was starting to change into something more.

Anna's case was different because they knew each other before and met again in this world.

But these two were strangers to him just a few hours ago yet he accepted them without any apparent reason.

Even Paul himself was a bit surprised at this development but he could not shake the feeling that these two would be important to him.

Irine and Natalie agreed since there was no good reason to refuse and besides, he was right.

Their current clothing was not exactly presentable and it could bring shame to him if they were to be seen wearing it while working for him.

Contrary to Paul's wishes the ladies dragged him first to the clothing store instead of going to get some food.

All four ladies had a lot of fun trying on the clothes and accessories.

The happiest of them all was Fei Fei who had two new younger sisters to dress up and she loved every second of it.

An hour later the shop owner was all smiles when she received the payment for a small mountain of clothes and jewelry that the ladies picked for themselves.

The total was 23 gold coins for everything and Irine along with Natalie were stunned when they heard that.

Both of them were even considering whether to return some items to the shop as they got a little carried away thanks to Anna and Fei Fei but Paul didn't even bat an eye before paying.

This was a huge amount of money to most people, but to him, it was a drop in the bucket.

-Let's go shopping for the materials now.

Anna said happy with all the fun she had while shopping.

-No way.

Paul protested.

-I'm hungry and I'm not going anywhere that doesn't serve food right now.

He said with a stubborn expression.

Only then did the ladies realize that they were also getting hungry.

-Ok then, First food then the materials.

Fei Fei said with a charming smile.

Paul didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that moment.

He was helpless against her and he dreaded the moment she and Alice would meet and team up against him.

With these two and Anna to boot he would really have a hard time winning any argument and that's not even mentioning all the teasing they would put him through and that was without Mia and Maya.

Thinking about it he started to reconsider surrounding himself with women but it was already too late to regret it now.

They went to a restaurant nearby for their meal.

-Private room for five.

Paul said to the manager who came to greet them.

-You are in luck, Young master, we just got one room reservation canceled.

The man said with a flattering smile.

Then he clapped his hands and a waitress came to guide them to the room.

The restaurant was quite luxurious and many customers seemed to come from a wealthy background as far as they could tell.

-This is your room, please take your time and once you choose your order just ring a bell.

The waitress said before leaving.

The room was spacious and there was already tee served on the table along with menus beside the cups.

Without wasting any time they browsed through the dishes and everyone selected what they wanted before calling the waitress back.

They didn't have to wait long for their food to arrive and the aroma alone made their mouths water.

The food was as delicious as they suspected by its smell and the exquisite arrangement of the dishes didn't hurt either.

Paul and the ladies were enjoying the meal when they heard a commotion outside the room's door and it was getting louder by the moment.

-Young lady, the reservation got canceled by your servant so the room was opened, and we already have customers there.

The manager's voice could be heard.

-I don't care, that servant was bribed to do that and is no longer working for me.

As for the customers in the room, throw them out.

A young female voice filled with anger resounded a moment later.

Paul had a bad feeling about it when the shouting got closer and closer.

Then the door was flung open and a young girl along with the manager and a few friends entered the room.

-You all get lost.

The girl said like she owned the place.

-And who might you be to tell us to get lost?

Paul asked calmly.

This made the girl even angrier.

-From which hole did you crawl out of that you don't know who I am?

She asked seething with anger.

-I don't have a habit of remembering insignificant people especially when they are as rude as you.

He retorted without even changing his expression.

The young lady was shocked at his words.

In all her life she was never as disrespected as she was at that moment.

She was shaking from anger at Paul's nonchalant attitude and disrespect towards her.

-Now can you leave, we are trying to have a meal here and your presence is ruining my appetite.

Paul poured more oil into the fire.

In his experience, the best way to deal with people like this girl was to remain calm and collected while not being intimidated.

The girl and her friend's jaws dropped when they heard his words.

They were all ladies from rich and powerful families who were pursued by many young masters, yet this man dared to say that their presence was ruining his appetite.

The girl who shouted first lost her mind at that moment and summoned a few ice arrows over her hand ready to attack Paul.

-If you attack me here then be sure that you will pay for it.

Paul warned her.

The city's no-kill rule was absolute and if she attacked him then he could defend himself without any repercussions.

Not to mention that she would have to bear the consequences for trying to kill him in the first place.

Hearing his words one of the girls came forth and placed her hand on the Furious girl's shoulder.

-Sister Jing calm down, it's not worth it and you will be in trouble if you start a fight here.

These words made the girl dispel the arrows and calm down a little.

She was still furious but her friend was right, if she started a fight then she would have to bear the consequences.

Not to mention that she had no idea who Paul was and judging by his clothes and demeanor he was definitely not some random guy she could bully as she wished.

-I will remember this.

She said while glaring at Paul, if the look alone could kill then he would be dead a thousand times already.

-I'm sure you will but now please leave, my meal is getting cold because of you.

The girl was speechless at his words.

No man has ever treated her like this and it only added to her anger.

-I'm not leaving until you vacate this room.

She said stubbornly.

Paul just laughed.

-Then patiently wait outside, we will leave when we finish our meal.

He said with amusement.

This was too much for her and she launched an ice arrow at him before anyone could stop her.

However, to her surprise, the arrow was destroyed by a bolt of lightning that shot from Paul's palm.

-Manager please call the guards.

Paul asked the man with the same emotionless voice from before.

Hearing his words the girl turned pale and her anger evaporated replaced by fear when she realized what she had done and how much trouble she was in right now.