Chapter 88 Mother and daughter.

Paul fainted from the experience making all the ladies panic a bit.

A few minutes later Fei Fei carried him to his bed to let him rest while telling the rest of the ladies to take a day off.

They all needed some time to process all that happened and to make their decisions about the future.

She was the only one who did not need to think about it as she decided long ago to stay by Paul's side either as his slave or if he accepted her, as his woman.

Right now they were just cultivation partners and their relationship was a master and slave but during the time she was with him she started to develop feelings for him and right now she was more than certain that she fell in love.

She was sure that she would have to share him with others but unlike Anna, she had no problem accepting that.

A man like Paul would always have a bunch of women at his side or chasing after him.

But no matter how many there were, she was certain that he would love all of them equally.

Not to mention that she enjoyed having many younger sisters around.

-Rest well darling, I hope that you will accept me once you wake up.

She whispered into his ear, kissed him, and left the room leaving Paul alone.

Fei Fei had no idea that Paul could hear her loud and clear.

His consciousness was intact but all he could do right now was to try and process all the new information and memories leaving no capacity to do anything else.

However, his hearing was still working fine as it didn't require any conscious effort the same as breathing and all other basic body functions.

Fei Fei's words stunned Paul for a bit but a moment later he focused again on the information he had to go through and he had no time to think about it for now.

All the ladies treated this matter seriously as it would affect their future lives.

They all took their time to think their decisions through, not taking it lightly.

At this point, all of them knew that Paul would accept their decisions whatever they would be.

The one struggling the most was Anna since she still didn't get over the fact that she would not have him all to herself and to make matters worse she knew that most if not all of the ladies in the mansion started to develop feelings for Paul, even Fei Fei who didn't want to be her competition at the beginning was not immune to his charm.

Yin and Lan were also trying to figure out what they should do, on one hand, they would gladly become Paul's women and now that they had the technique from the Main family they would not have to become sex slaves to him.

Not to mention that they could help him grow stronger while resetting their cultivations.

But on the other hand, they were not sure if they really wanted to give their bodies to him or if he would even accept them as his women.

Nia and Lia were another pair that was clueless about how to approach the subject since they were bought by Paul recently and had no idea how he felt about them.

They lived their best lives now as his slaves but it was one thing to be his slave and another to be his cultivation partner or even a concubine which was the highest that the both of them ever dreamt of rising in their lives.

Irine and Natalie also didn't have it easy since they just learned that they were both from a beast kin clan and to make matters worse they got the technique to awaken their bloodline but it was a dual cultivation technique which made them stumped.

Irine was at least an adult and if she wanted she could use the technique the moment she reached the second stage.

Natalie on the other hand would have to wait for another two months to reach the age of fifteen but even so, the problem was that they were a mother and daughter and there was no way that they could have the same man.

The least bothered by all of this were Rina and her daughters because even if they wanted to there was no way for them to cultivate right now and it would take a long time to get their restraints off of them so they had a lot of time to think it all through.

-Irine, Natalie how are the two of you feeling?

Fei Fei asked coming into the garden where both of them were sitting under a tree in deep thought.

She decided to talk to them as they were the ones that got the biggest shock of them all.

Her words brought them both back to reality.

-Hi Fei Fei, we are just thinking about all that we have learned today and to say that it was some shocking revelation would be an understatement.

Irine said, greeting her.

-You can say that again, who knew that we belong to some nine-tail fox clan?

Natalie said.

-I mean, come on, things like this happen in anime and novels not in reality.

She had a hard time grasping the concept that she was not entirely a human like she believed her whole life.

-At least you wanted to be an animal girl when you were younger and now you have the chance to become one.

Irine said to her daughter.

-Mom, that was like five or six years ago, and I thought at the time that it would be cool to have cat ears and tail.

Now it's different and I can't even become this fox girl until I'm an adult in this world.

The girl said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Both older women knew why she was disappointed and it would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

Natalie was just a young girl who until not long ago had everything she could ever dream of thanks to her mother's wealth.

But after they were sent to this world she learned the hard way that the easy life was over and now she would have to struggle and work hard to survive.

That all changed when she met Paul and his friends.

Her life became much easier, not to mention that Paul saved her and her mother and gave them a job.

To her, he was the knight in shining armor and she could not resist falling in love for the first time.

The problem was that Irine was also not immune to Paul's charm and now both of them were trying to figure out what to do about the whole situation.

Seeing this situation Fei Fei didn't know if she should laugh or cry.

-I can't believe that both of you would fall for him.

She finally said shaking her head.

-I don't….

They both started to say at the same time just to be stopped mid-sentence by Fei Fei's raised hand.

-Don't even try to deny it.

She said, amused by their reaction.

-I get it, it's hard not to fall for him especially when he does all he can to make our lives easier and apparently he has no idea that his actions make every woman fall for him.

Fei Fei said trying to calm both of them down.

-Do you think that you are the only ones who has fallen for him in a short time?

This question surprised both mother and daughter.

-Let me enlighten you, there is currently not one woman in this mansion who is not in love with him.

All of us are the same, even I'm not an exception to this.

The difference is that you both and Anna are from his world where there were mostly monogamous relationships, while the rest of us don't see the problem in sharing one man as this is common in this world.

Also, nothing is stopping both of you from becoming his woman except for the age in Natalie's case.

-But we are mother and daughter we can't have the same man as our husband.

Natalie said.

She was embarrassed that her secret was out.

-Actually, you would be surprised how common this kind of thing is in this world, as long as you are not his daughter nothing is standing in the way for both of you to be with him.

Fei Fei said, shocking them both once again.

-But Fei Fei, even if that's true, then I can see him wanting Natalie once she is an adult but why would he want an old woman like me?

Irine asked.

-Who said you are old?

Fei Fei asked surprised.

-Stop it, I'm almost forty years old and I know that I'm no beauty so why would he want me when he can have a lot of women who are younger and prettier than me?

Hearing her words made Fei Fei burst into uncontrolled laughter.

-If you think like that then what should I say?

She said while laughing her but off.

This puzzled Irine and Natalie.

-You know that I'm not a human?

Fei Fei asked once she regained control of herself.

-Yes so what?

Natalie asked.

-I guess I forgot to mention that I'm thousands of years old, by your standards I'm ancient but that doesn't stop me from falling in love and pursuing my happiness.

Not to mention that I was a courtesan for a few thousand years so spare me the talk about how old you are or how you are used goods.

Fei Fei said seriously.

- Not to mention that you are now a cultivator and soon enough you will look the same as you did when you were sixteen to eighteen years old and also way prettier.

Additionally once your bloodline is awakened you will most likely go through a transformation into your true forms, and I never saw anyone from your clan that was not a devastating beauty or a devilishly handsome man.

This was another shock to mother and daughter.

-Even so, it's a strange concept to me, how could I have a relationship with the same man as my daughter?

Irine asked stubbornly.

-The way I see it, you will have the same problem as Anna, and it will take some time but eventually there will only be two choices for you.

Either you will accept that this is the only way to make you both happy and get rid of your old world's mindset or you will have to leave because in time it will become too much for you to bear seeing the other ladies happy with him while you can only watch from the sidelines.

Fei Fei said seriously.

-What do you mean that Anna has the same problem?

Irine asked.

-Her physique is special, she can only have one partner until her cultivation is high enough to bypass this restriction.

She also can't get over the idea of sharing her man with others and sooner or later she will either accept the reality or she will have no choice but to leave because it will become too painful for her to watch him with other women.

Fei Fei explained.

-Then what will you do?

Natalie asked suddenly.

-I don't have the same mindset as you and even if I became his cultivation partner just to get rid of my curse and restrictions, I still fell in love with him.

She said with a slight smile.

-Once he wakes up, I will ask him to accept me as his woman.

-And what will you do if he refuses?

Natalie asked, admiring Fei Fei's courage.

-Then I will stay as his slave for as long as I can.

She said with a smile.

-Either way, I will be with him and that is all that matters to me. 

Fei Fei said.

Thinking about it Irine and Natalie concluded that she had a good chance of becoming his woman especially since he had already named her the lady of the house.

After a few more minutes of chatting, Fei Fei left, leaving them both to think about the whole situation.

This chat left both of them with a lot of things to think about and discuss among themselves.

But this time they had a lot clearer picture of what was going on, which helped a lot.