Chapter 89 Get in line.

After her conversation with Irine and Natalie, Fei Fei decided to talk to Anna.

She was a bit afraid of this conversation especially since she told her little sister she would not become her competition.

At the time this was the truth but it changed over time and now she would have to face Anna and tell her everything.

She found the girl talking with Wei Lan and Wu Yin at the archery range that Paul made especially for them.

The atmosphere around the ratio was quite heavy as Yin and Lan seemed to be apologizing for something.

-What's going on?

Fei Fei asked. 

-We told sister Anna that we wanted to become master's cultivation partners once he woke up.

Lan answered.

-We know that she is in love with him so we wanted to get her approval first.

Yin added.

Fei Fei was surprised at their quick decision but judging from their expressions things did not go as planned.

-I told them that they could be his partners but I'm first so they need to get in line.

Anna said.

Fei Fei was shocked at this change of attitude of the young woman.

-Didn't you have a problem with sharing him?

She asked the moment she got her voice back.

-I did, but after this whole soul thing, I realized that there was no other way for me to be with him, and the only other option would be to leave him for good which is unacceptable.

Anna said.

-Then what with the heavy atmosphere?

-We wanted to apologize for what we wanted to do but she won't accept it no matter what we say.

Lan said, sadly.

-That's because there is nothing to apologize for you dummies.

Anna started to lose her patience with the two of them.

-Fei Fei, you try maybe you will convince these two idiots that there is nothing to apologize for.

Anna said with irritation in her voice.

-Actually, I came here to apologize to you too.

Fei Fei admitted.

This made Anna lose her cool.




She hit all three of them on the top of their heads before they could even react.

The three women were shocked at this, but Anna was furious now.

-Do you all take me for a blind idiot or something?

She screamed at them, tears falling from her eyes.

-I know that all three of you fell for him, and the rest of the women here are the same, that's why I told you that there is nothing to apologize for.

She hugged all three women.

-Don't you get it?

We are all going to be sisters soon, so why do you apologize for something that should make all of us happy?

Anna asked sobbing.

Ever since she lost her family and cut her ties with her scumbag brother, she wanted a family and now thanks to the reincarnation soul she finally figured out that they were all going to be Paul's women sooner or later and this made them sisters.

Fei Fei, Lan, and Yin were all surprised at her outburst but it finally made them understand what was going on and this realization brought the tears into their eyes as well.

After a few minutes of sobbing, they all calmed down.

-But like I said to these two.

Anna said looking at Fei Fei.

-Get in line.

Once Paul wakes up I want to ask him to accept me as his woman first.

Fei Fei started to laugh.

-I have a better idea.

She said, amused by the girl's overbearing attitude.

-Why don't we all ask him together once he wakes up?

-No way, I want to do it privately.

Anna protested while blushing.

This made Fei Fei realize what the girl was planning.

-Ok I will wait for my turn, and as for you two.

She said looking at Lan and Yin.

-Don't just settle on being his cultivation partners, you love him and that's obvious so just become his women like us.

-But what if he refuses?

Yin asked quietly.

-Do you seriously believe that he would refuse?

Anna asked.

-I don't know, I haven't been around him as long as the two of you.

-Then let me tell you that there is no way he would decline.

He once told me that in his family there will not even be concubines only wives.

Fei Fei said, reassuring the two girls.

-We don't have anything to lose by asking and even if he refuses we can still be his partners.

Lan said after a moment of thought.

Hearing her words Yin nodded in agreement but she was not convinced that it would go the way they imagined it.

In the end, they only spent some time with Paul during the beast tide and now he bought them as slaves not long ago.

Fei Fei was happy that this conversation went so smoothly, she was worried that Anna would resent her for wanting to become Paul's woman.

Fortunately, this didn't happen and the girl even got over her problem with sharing a man with them all.

During this time Paul was struggling with the information he received from his reincarnation soul.

The feeling could only be described as someone trying to force all that knowledge into his skull with a sledgehammer.

However, he didn't dare to skip even the smallest portion of the information as it was all incredibly valuable.

It ranged from simple spalls, through the methods of using all kinds of weapons, martial arts, medicine, alchemy, and crafting, all the way to cultivation techniques and the different species that inhabited the first world.

It was a wealth of knowledge that would become extremely useful to him in the future.

What terrified Paul was that this was not even one percent of all the knowledge his former self had amassed.