Chapter 91 Old friend’s visit.

Nia moved fast and soon was back.

-Some people with guards outside claim to be the city lord and his family.

She said once she was back.

-What would a city lord want with me?

Paul asked surprised.

-Master They didn't ask for you but for sister Fei Fei.

The cat girl said.

Everyone looked at the woman in question.

-It most likely has something to do with the brat I chased away.

I'll take care of it.

She said leaving the room with Nia.

Once she arrived at the gate, the cat girl opened it.

-Big sister!

She heard a familiar voice a fraction of a second before a woman ran to her and hugged her.

Fei Fei was surprised by this sudden hug but she soon connected the dots.

-Little Su?

She asked as the woman changed a lot since they last met.

-Yes big sister It's me.

The woman said not letting Fei Fei go from her arms.

-Su, let her go before you strangle her.

Another familiar voice said amused.

This time Fei Fei was not surprised, if Su came then Mo came as well.

The woman finally let go of her.

-You didn't change one bit since the last time we met.

She said happy to see her.

-The same goes for you, you might look mature now but you're still the same playful girl you always were.

Everyone in the city lords group was shocked at this turn of events except Luo Mo.

-Yes and the moment you two meet you always forget about me.

Luo Mo said with a bitter expression.

-Are you jealous that your wife prefers me over you?

Fei Fei asked playfully.

-Why would I be jealous of an overgrown lizard?

Luo Mo asked just before his wife slapped the top of his head.

-I dare you to say that again.

The woman said putting her hands on her hips and with fire in her eyes.

Fei Fei burst into laughter.

-This is what you get for thinking you're so clever.

She said while laughing.

Jing Su was always very protective of her older sister and it was not the first time that she scolded Luo Mo for picking on Fei Fei even though it was he who was being picked on.

The consecutive shocks made the rest of their group speechless for a moment.

-Mother, Father can you not make a scene?

The city lord asked.

He was grateful that there was no one around to witness this or his reputation would get destroyed.

However, one look from his mother shut him up.

-Ok Little Su calm down.

Fei Fei said trying to calm her friend down.

-Let's go have some tea and then we can catch up.

She proposed inviting them inside.

-Don't you have to ask your master for permission?

Luo Mo asked.

He was not making fun of her this time but was seriously concerned that she would get into trouble.

-No she doesn't.

Said a male voice coming from behind FeiFei.

-Sorry but you were taking your sweet time so I came to see what was going on.

Paul said stopping next to her.

-I'm Paul Marshal.

He said couping his hands.

-My name is Luo Mo, and this is my wife Jing Su, my son Luo Feng, and my daughter-in-law Cai Xiao.

All of them couped their hands greeting him.

-Let me repeat Fei Fei's invitation to have some tea with us.

Paul said politely inviting them inside.

A few moments later all of them were sitting in the garden sipping tea.

The city lord apologized for his son's previous actions and promised that the situation would not repeat itself as the young man was in confinement now and wouldn't be released any time soon.

Fei Fei accepted the apology without a problem since this was a family member of her friends.

-Big sister, If you don't mind me asking…

Jing Su started but was cut off by Fei Fei.

-You want to know why I decided to become Paul's slave, right?

She asked.

The woman simply nodded.

-Remember when I told you that my blood is cursed and I have a lot of restrictions placed on me?

Both Luo Mo and Jing Su nodded.

-Paul can weaken them allowing me to gradually regain my powers and my original appearance not to mention speeding up my cultivation by a lot.

Fei Fei explained and all of them looked at Paul with surprise.

-So he has the physique that the flood dragon elder was talking about?

Luo Mo asked.


-But that does not explain why you become a slave.

Jing Su said.

-We met through my previous job and he was going to leave the town the next day.

So there was no time to build trust between us, so the fastest and safest option was for me to become his slave, not like he ever treated me like one.

Fei Fei said with a smile.

-That reminds me.

Mo can you remove a criminal slave bindings?

Fei Fei asked suddenly.

Her words stunned everyone present.

-My father can't do so and even I can't.

Luo Feng answered instead of his father.

-The new province lord made sure that to remove the bindings you would need cooperation from me and the official who cast the bindings.

He explained the situation.

-That complicates things.

Paul said, figuring out what Fei Fei wanted to do.

-Why are you asking anyway?

Luo Mo asked.

-Paul bought three Rabbit-kin women as his slaves but they are all bound because they are criminal slaves.

So I was thinking about removing their bindings so they could be of more use to him than just a cook and maids.

Also after I heard what they did to become criminal slaves, I don't agree with the verdict.

Fei Fei said.

-Ah that case.

Luo Feng said, remembering the whole thing.

He was informed about it because this was a matter concerning the no-killing rule.

-I also don't like the verdict on this case especially since there was more than sufficient cause for the woman to defend her daughter.

But unfortunately, the bastard was from a prominent family from the imperial capital and they even arranged for the imperial judge to be sent here for this case.

The city lord said with regret in his voice.

-If this case was left to me or one of my judges then this would most likely be classified as a clear case of self-defense and they would at most get a few lashes for violating the no-killing rule.

However, the imperial judge saw it differently and wanted to sentence the mother to death.

But the two daughters interfered and said that they would take the same punishment as their mother.

This saved the woman from death but they all got the heaviest sentence that was possible.

Luo Feng said sadly.

-Does this mean that I need to go to the imperial capital and find that judge to remove the bindings?

Paul asked.

-That is the only way to do it, but I doubt that he would cooperate in this matter.

The city lord said with a regretful sigh.

-There might be another way to do it.

Jing Su said suddenly, surprising them all.

-What do you mean mother?

-Do you remember the province lord's daughter?

The woman asked.

-That's a lost cause and you know it.

All the healers in the province and even a few from the capital said the same thing.

-Sorry to interrupt you but what are you talking about?

Paul butted in.

-The province lord has a daughter but he refused to betroth her to a powerful family because she was in love with someone else.

A few days after the refusal she was abducted and the man she loved was killed trying to protect her.

Everyone searched for her and we were able to find her a week later but by that time she was already violated many times and tortured leaving her disfigured.

The worst part is that the people who did it to her made sure to leave her permanently disabled but alive.

Right now she can only move her eyes and that's it.

We invited all the healers and doctors, even some shamans from other races but they had no idea how to heal her.

The province lord even promised to fulfill any wish of anyone who healed her but for the last five years, nobody could do anything.

Luo Feng explained the situation.

-Is it possible to arrange a meeting with the province Lord?

Paul asked after a moment of contemplating what he just heard.

This surprised everyone.

-If you are thinking about trying to heal her, then don't do it.

Lou Feng said.

-The province lord and his wife are my friends and I do not want to see their hope reignited once again only to be shattered a moment later, they don't deserve all this suffering.

The city lord said.

-I can't guarantee that I will be able to help, but without seeing their daughter I just don't have enough information.

I can think of a few ways to do what you described and most of them are reversible.

Also, I won't give them any hope, until I'm sure that there is any at all.

Paul said seriously.

The city lord was not surprised as thanks to the shadow's investigation he knew that Paul was a healer.

-I will arrange the meeting, for you but just promise me that you will be sincere to them whatever the diagnosis is.

-I swear on my blood.

Paul said solemnly.

Everyone gasped at this.

Swearing at one blood was rarely used by anyone because in case you didn't keep the promise you would be cursed and die a horrible death.

-You don't have to go that far.

The city lord said, terrified of Paul's words.

-The words were spoken, I can't take them back and even if I could, I would not.

Paul said calmly.

-Besides I swore to be honest about their daughter's state and that is all.

-I will go and arrange the meeting as soon as possible.

The city lord said and got up to leave.

Paul's oath made him certain of the man's sincerity and allowed him to believe, that maybe, just maybe he would be able to help his friend's daughter.