The city lord left in a hurry but asked his wife to stay with his parents.
They were all grateful for what Paul wanted to do.
-Thank you for this even if you can't help her.
Cai Xiao said.
She was sitting quietly till now, listening to the conversations.
-There is nothing to thank me about.
Paul said.
-I simply see this as a chance to get what I want by helping someone.
But I must warn you that I might not be able to help since some of the methods to achieve what your husband described are irreversible.
He added with a serious voice.
They soon changed the topic to other things as this one was too heavy for a friends reunion.
An hour later the city lord returned.
-Can you come with me right now?
He asked Paul like he was in a hurry.
-Of course.
Paul stood up and excused himself.
Seeing her husband in such a rush Cai Xiao knew that something had happened but she didn't want to delay them with questions.
Lou Mo and Jing Su were the same so they kept their questions for later.
-What is going on?
Paul asked when they left the mansion and were on their way.
-My friend's daughter got worse and now she lost even her sight.
Luo Feng said his tone grave.
-We are worried that she might die if nothing is done, so my friend asked me to bring you there immediately.
The city lord said.
It didn't take long for them to arrive as the province lord's mansion was right next to the city lord's mansion.
Seeing their arrival a handsome middle-aged man greeted them.
-Feng is this the healer you were talking about?
The man asked.
-Han It's him.
I know that he is young but he was recommended by my parent's old friend and he even swore on his blood that he would be sincere with the diagnosis.
This visibly shocked the province lord.
-If that's the case, I'll let him try.
The man said and brought them personally to his daughter's room.
The moment they went inside Paul saw the woman on the bed and she looked like a skeleton draped in human skin.
But even her sorry state could not hide that she was a beauty on par with Fei Fei, Mia, and Maya.
-Remove the covers.
The province lord ordered the maids.
-No need for that.
Paul stopped them.
-Let her have some dignity.
Then how are you going to do the check-up?
Luo Feng asked.
-There are better and more efficient ways.
Paul said approaching the bed.
He placed his finger on her forehead and sent some mana into her.
This was a technique he learned from the reincarnation soul.
He was using it for the first time but it worked greatly.
While his mana was spreading through the woman's body, Paul was able to conjure an accurate mental image in his mind.
He saw just how bad the situation was and felt his anger surging with every part of the discovery.
A moment later he took away his mana and turned to the two men.
-Let's go outside.
Paul said.
Both men nodded and they left the room.
-What is the diagnosis? is there any hope for her?
The province lord asked.
-I won't lie to you, her state is critical and her chances at recovery don't excede five percent.
Paul said with a grim voice.
-So there is still hope?
-Let me finish.
Paul stopped his enthusiasm.
-I don't know who did it to her but they were a very skilled healer.
What they had done was designed to torture her for a long time not only physically but also mentally.
To be honest, this is the cruelest thing I have seen in my life, It would be more merciful to torture her to death.
Paul said coldly shocking both men.
-There is a chance to heal her body but it is very risky and with the slightest mistake, she will die.
Her mind however is a whole different story.
-What do you mean?
Both men asked at the same time.
-I mean that for the last few years, all she's known is pain and misery.
She watched the man she loved being killed, she was violated and tortured.
After all that, the culprits made sure that she would be trapped in her own body feeling constant pain.
This is enough to make anyone go insane.
Paul said.
-The city lord told me that you found her after a week, can you tell me how exactly did you find her?
-One of my guards got tipped by an informant about the place we found her in.
Luo Feng said.
-Is this informant still in the city?
-No he died a few days later in a bar fight.
The city lord said.
-Then you can be almost certain that it was the culprit's plan for you to find her, otherwise, she would have died and all their work would be ruined.
Paul said.
The province lord went pale.
-You mean that we helped them torture my daughter?
-Yes, they most likely knew that you won't let her die and won't kill her to ease her suffering.
Like I said, this is the most cruel thing, I have seen in my life.
Paul said seriously.
-As to her treatment.
As I said there is only a five percent chance that I can heal her but it's risky.
One mistake on my part and she will die, but even if she survives, she will need a lot of care to be able to move again.
What's more, we don't know if she won't decide to end herself or if she is even sane at this point.
Paul said.
He regretted making that blood oath since normally he would not disclose all this but this time he had no choice.
-Five percent is way better than any other healer had told us.
As for her sanity, there is nothing much that we can do for now.
The province lord said.
-Actually, there is a way to stop her from killing herself and even controlling her if she is insane.
Paul said with a heavy tone.
-Normally I would not suggest it but in this case, it's the best solution.
-What are you talking about?
Luo Feng asked.
-Turn her into a slave, but you need someone trustworthy as no one from her family can become her master.
Both men were speechless again.
-Are you insane?
The province lord asked furious at the mere mention of his child becoming a slave.
-This is only a suggestion, but in case you will allow me to try and heal her and it is successful, I won't take responsibility for what happens afterward if you can't control her.
Paul said.
He pitied the woman but he had no intention of taking the responsibility if she wanted to end herself after she was healed.
Hearing Paul's words calmed the man down.
He had to admit that the young man was right and after thinking about it for a moment he had to agree that it would not be his responsibility.
-I will allow you to treat my daughter but first, tell me what you want for it.
The province lord asked.
-Three of my slaves are criminal slaves and I want their restrictions to be removed, their status doesn't concern me but the restrictions on their cultivation are a problem.
Paul said without beating around the bush.
-If you can heal my daughter, then I will grant your wish, but if she dies you will get nothing and will be exiled from the city.
The man said.
-That's fair enough.
Paul agreed.
One way or the other he was not loosing much but could gain a lot.