Chapter 93 Treatment.

After the conversation, Paul gave them a list of items he would need and some that would be required if the woman survived to help her heal.

He wanted to get to work instantly but before he could even begin a woman arrived and it turned out to be the province lord's wife and mother of the patient.

After explaining the whole situation she reluctantly agreed to the treatment since five percent was the highest they were ever given and they doubted that they could find someone who could give them a higher chance of success.

-I want to be present during the treatment.

The woman said and it was not a request.

-Honey you can't, he needs to focus on his job.

The province lord wanted to protest.

-I don't care, I want to be there.

The woman said angrily.

-You can come, but you will have to be quiet and not get in the way of the treatment, no matter what you see.

Paul said.

This surprised them all.

-I will warn you right now that it won't be pretty so if you can't be sure that you will not get in my way then I advise you to stay here and wait for me to do my work.

The woman was not so sure about herself after his words but she was still determined to be present during the treatment.

-No matter what this might be the last time I see her alive so I want to be there.

She said.

-Very well, then let us start as this will take a while.

Paul said and entered the room again.

-Please leave the room.

He said to the maids and the female guards.

-Do as he says.

The mother of the patient said and only then did everyone leave.

Paul didn't waste any time and started to prepare two spells which he cast on the woman on the bed.


The mother wanted to ask but remembered that she promised not to interfere.

-The first spell was to dull her pain as this would be extremely painful for her the other one was to make her fall asleep, that way she wouldn't feel anything and wouldn't wake up from the pain.

Paul explained.

Then he took out a small knife and poked a small hole right next to the patient's ear which alarmed the mother but she remembered what he said and kept quiet.

Next, Paul put his fingers on the two sides of the incision, and a small spark of electricity could be seen between them.

Suddenly it was as if something was being forced out through the small hole and a few seconds later, a thin long object flew out from the wound along with some blood.

Paul caught the object and it turned out to be a needle.

After removing the first one he proceeded to remove them one after the other seemingly without any pattern.

But the truth was that if he didn't remove them in a certain order, the patient would die and he was trying his best to avoid that.

The hardest part was that once he started the procedure, he could not stop or take a break as he had only a certain time window between removing one needle and the next.

If he were late with any of them the result would be deadly for the woman on the bed.

The mother watched him work but the bloody sight of her daughter was heartbreaking for her.

Around four hours later Paul removed over 150 needles from all over the patient's body.

He was tired and his mana was on the brink of being exhausted but he had just one more needle to take care of.

It was the first needle that was inserted into her body and it had to be removed as the last one but the problem was that it was also the most difficult to remove as the slightest wrong move would result in the death of the patient.

Paul decided to go with the most effective method.

All the other needles were removed slowly and with care, but this one was a different story and he had to remove it fast.

So without any delay, he made a slightly bigger and deeper cut, making sure that the blade would not touch the needle.

Then he used all his remaining mana to increase the magnetic pull between his fingers and the needle shot out in a small fountain of blood.

He caught it and placed it with the others on the table.

After this, he could barely stand on his feet thanks to his mana being drained.

Paul took out a mana potion and drank it to refill his mana as he was not done yet.

He cast a healing spell to remove all the small cuts he had made on the patient's body.

-Is it done?

The mother asked.

-No, that was just the first part which was by the way the easiest.

Paul said, surprising the woman.

-Which part of that was easy?

She thought to herself, seeing how much effort it took to remove the needles.

She had no idea the needles were just the beginning and Paul had to now remove all the seals put on her daughter.

Every one of the seals was small and weak on its own but put together they formed an array with immense power and it was not easy to remove them as they had to be dispelled all at once, otherwise, they would kill the patient by exploding inside of her body, destroying her internal organs in just a second, making it impossible for the patient to survive or even be saved.

Paul carefully connected a string of mana to each seal and once he was sure that all of them were connected he used his absorbing ability to drain them of their power.

It was his first time attempting something like this but thanks to all the knowledge he received he made it work.

Bit by bit the energy was drained and absorbed by him fueling his cultivation.

Time passed minute after minute, and finally, he drained almost all of the seal's energy making them mostly harmless.

Only then did he break them all at once removing the array from the patient's body.

He was tired from all this work but he could not stop, this procedure had to be accomplished once it was started.

If stopped now, the sleeping spell would wear off and the woman would wake in immense pain.

One thing was getting clear to Paul.

Whoever did it to her was meticulous in his work and made sure to make it almost impossible to heal the woman, at least in this world.

Luckily he got a lot of knowledge of medicine from his reincarnation soul or he would be also helpless.

The two first phases were done but the hardest part started now.

The culprits placed a parasitic creature feeding on the host's life force and preventing them from accumulating any mana or Qi inside the patient's body.

Now was the time to remove it which was hard to do because it always placed itself right next to the host vital organs or the spine.

This one was next to the woman's spine, directly below the base of the skull, making it difficult to deal with as one wrong move could sever the woman's spinal cord ending in her death.

To make matters worse, the creature could evade most of the spells used to find it, and if it detected the attempt to remove it, the parasite could even kill the host as a last resort.

Paul however didn't give it any chance to react.

He used a small amount of his Qi to conjure a few needles-thinner than a human hair and once he was ready he launched them straight at the creature immobilizing it and a moment later a bit bigger Qi needle pierced its brain ending its life.

Now started the race against time, the creature had to be removed as soon as possible since after its death it would start dissolving in a matter of minutes and the liquid that remained was a deadly toxin for which there was no known antidote.

Paul didn't waste any time making a small incision on the woman's neck which startled the mother observing the whole thing.

She wanted to stop him but remembered what he said earlier.

After the incision was made Paul moved his hand above the wound and used mana to create a suction force which a few seconds later removed the dead parasite.

The creature was the size of a bean and extremely ugly, it dissolved a moment later leaving a few drops of liquid which Paul burnt using his flames.

These few drops were enough to kill hundreds of people in moments.

He closed the wound with a spell and he could finally move to the last stage of the treatment which was to restore the patient's mana pool.

It was not destroyed but the creature he just removed took all the mana it could, leaving it dry for far too long, and now he had to restore it before the woman could even attempt to cultivate again.

This however was an easy procedure that mostly required him to transfer some mana into it and force it to circulate through the mana channels.

It took him the next two hours to finally restore the mana flow in the woman's body ending the treatment.

Paul dropped to his knees once he finished.

Only then realize that it was late into the night already.

-Is it done?

The mother of the Patient asked?

-It is.

Paul answered.

-But to be sure that it all went as planned, we need to wait for her to wake up.

He added in a tired voice, before passing out from exhaustion.