-Thank you all for attending my sister's in-law homecoming banquet.
I hope that you will enjoy the evening.
Luo Feng said to the gathered elites.
He never liked lengthy speeches so that was all he had to say and all the guests toasted to that.
Paul knew that he was invited mainly because of his connection to Fei Fei. Still, it was also a good opportunity to see for himself the dynamics in the city which was important since they wanted to stay here longer.
For the most part, he planned to stay out of the big clan's drama and just mind his own business but it was always a good idea to know what the situation looked like.
He doubted that anyone would start trouble with him now, especially since he already taught two of the younger generations of the influential families a lesson and now he also was an adopted nephew of the province lord, which made him almost untouchable in this city.
While he was thinking about it, the two ladies who were the guests of honor also thanked everyone for attending and not long later the feast began.
All the dishes were prepared with a lot of care and not only looked appetizing but also their taste was exquisite.
After the meal, the servants served some snacks along with wine for everyone.
At the same time, the sons and daughters of nobility started to perform as any party like that was a great occasion to show off their talents and compete amongst themselves.
Some young ladies displayed their skills with the flute, zither, and other instruments while some others performed by dancing.
Young masters performed by showcasing their martial prowess and magic skills, while others preferred reciting poetry or also playing an instrument.
Everyone loved the performances as it was quite entertaining and Paul was no exception to that so he also enjoyed the show, until the moment, young Miss Mei Invited him to perform after she finished playing a zither.
He was stunned for a moment, not knowing why she had asked him to perform, but once he was asked, he would lose a lot of face by declining and what's more his new Aunt and uncle would be embarrassed so he had no choice but to agree.
Paul came to the center of the hall and sat down while taking out a beautiful flute made from white jade.
He found it amongst the belongings of the two young ladies from the Yuki clan.
Seeing the instrument in his hands even Fei Fei was surprised as she had never seen or even heard him play.
Paul at this time channeled some of his mana and soon began to play, but the music was foreign to everyone gathered there as he was playing songs from earth and he knew quite a few.
Everyone gathered liked the music even though this was the first time they heard it but what surprised them even more was the illusion magic he cast.
It showed the scenes of falling in love, heartbreak, and many more and the actors in it all were illusions that perfectly matched with the music.
Paul started his performance by playing the song called The Endless Love which was a Chinese song, but soon he proceeded to play a few others like Dumka for Two Hearts, Eres todo en mi, and more.
He played for almost half an hour and everyone was entranced by his performance, many ladies were even shedding tears, while the young girls were looking at Paul with dreamy eyes.
He knew that he had once again put himself in the spotlight but this time he had no way of avoiding it as he didn't want to embarrass his new family and himself.
Once he finished playing the last song and got back up to his feet, he was applauded like no one else before him, it was deafening.
He bowed slightly to the gathered people and returned to his seat.
-I had no idea that you could play the flute.
Fei Fei said when he returned.
-That's because I didn't play it ever since I returned.
He explained.
-But why, since you are so good at it?
-Because it brings back many painful memories that I wish I could forget.
Hearing this she didn't pry anymore.
After that little episode, the performances continued but everyone was still under the influence of Paul's music and illusion magic, which was something entirely new for them.
Even young Miss Mei, whose goal was to make him embarrass himself for making her plead during their last encounter as she was used to men doing what she wanted once they saw her beauty and it was her first time seeing a man who didn't even spare her a second glance which angered her, was surprised as she never expected him to be able to play the flute this way.
Her plan backfired spectacularly as his performance made him very popular right now, especially with the ladies.
Once the performances ended, everyone started mixing and talking amongst themselves.
Paul was being introduced to many people by his aunt during this time and Liu Lili had a lot of fun watching all the young ladies blush when they were introduced to him.
-I never suspected that you could charm so many young ladies at once.
She teased him.
-It's not my fault that I'm so handsome.
He retorted, making her laugh.
-Just be careful who you charm.
-This warning might be a bit too late.
Fei Fei approached them with Jing Su accompanying her.
-That's true, look at all the young ladies stealing glances at him.
Jing Su said while shaking her head.
Paul was speechless at their remarks.
But unfortunately, they were right and for some reason, all three women had a lot of fun with the whole situation.
-You're such a womanizer.
Fei Fei sighed.
-Hey, It's not my fault, if you want to blame someone, blame the girl who wanted me to perform.
Paul tried to defend himself by shifting the blame.
-She is definitely to blame, but so are you for overdoing it.
Why couldn't you just play a normal song like all the others and be done with it?
Fei Fei asked.
Instead, you did a whole performance along with illusion magic and made most of the young ladies interested in you.
-You forgot to add that some of the married ones are also interested.
Lili added.
-Well explain yourself, young man.
Jing Su said and all three ladies put their hands on their hips looking at him like he was a mischievous child.
Paul was speechless, when the hell did he become the villain?
He wondered.
-Ladies, give him a break.
Xiao Han came to his aid.
-Why should we?
Liu Lili asked, she had too much fun teasing Paul and didn't want to stop so soon.
-Because he just did what he had to do in order not to embarrass himself and us when he was called to perform.
By the way, what did you do to piss off that brat from the Mei family?
He asked.
Paul recounted the whole story, and now no one was surprised why she was trying to embarrass him.
-You sure know how to hurt that girl's pride.
Jing Su said when he finished.
-I don't understand, how did I hurt her pride?
Paul was puzzled as he remembered their interaction and he did nothing of the sort.
-You see, she is very spoiled and relies on her beauty to get what she wants which works on most men, but you made her plead for her brother's life and didn't even spare her a second glance so she naturally was offended by it.
Jing Su explained, stunning him.
-This has to be a joke.
Paul said after a moment of thinking about it.
-Unfortunately, it isn't, and by your performance, you most likely pissed her off even more.
Xiao Han said with a smile.
-Actually, I need to thank you for putting that brat in her place, she always was competing with Su to prove that she was superior.
-Let's just hope that she learned her lesson.
Paul said with a resigned voice, knowing full well that this kind of person would most likely never learn.
This made everyone laugh at his misery.
-Can we join the conversation?
Suddenly a woman's voice was heard from behind Paul.
When he turned around he saw the guests of honor standing right before him.
-Welcome Paul Marshal, you are a hard man to find.
The older woman said with a smile that sent shivers down his spine.