-It's not like I was hiding.
Paul said trying his best to make his voice sound neutral.
The woman laughed.
-True, but you don't seem to have a habit of staying in one place for long.
-Mei, how do you know him?
Cai Xiao asked.
-Remember when I told you that I had been wounded and barely survived?
-Don't tell me that it was him who healed you.
Cai Mei just nodded her head.
She said once again looking at Paul.
-I wanted to thank you for saving me back then and apologize for my niece.
-No thanks are necessary, I did what I did because I wanted to do it.
As for your niece, she had already apologized to me in the River town, and even if she hadn't,
I could not blame her for not believing in my abilities.
Paul said.
-Even now, I would not blame anyone for doubting me.
In the end, I am just sixteen and only at the lesser mage stage which does not increase my credibility.
They all had to agree with his words.
-That's only true if someone does not know you.
Xiao Han added.
-He's right, we were no different when you came to treat Su and look how it all ended.
Lili said.
-Su is awake?
Suddenly the Cai Mei's niece asked in disbelief.
-Yes, she is awake.
A few days ago Paul treated her and now she is healthy again.
-Can I visit her tomorrow?
The girl asked excitedly.
It was evident that she and Su were friends.
-Why not, but you better come in the afternoon, she should be awake by then.
Xiao Han said, amused by the girl's surprised face.
- Actually, why is she not here with you?
She asked a moment later, knowing full well that Xiao Su loved parties and would not miss one for anything, at least not if she had a choice.
-She, wanted to come but was still not fully recovered so she stayed at home.
Liu Lili explained.
-It must have been hard to convince her to stay home.
Cai Mai and Cai Xiao wanted to scold her but were stopped by Xiao Han.
-No need to scold her for telling the truth.
We all know that Su loves parties, but this time she agreed to stay behind and have something called a pajama party with two new friends.
- What's a pajama party?
Everyone asked.
-Paul came up with the idea and when we were leaving for the banquet, Su and the other ladies seemed to have a lot of fun.
Lili said, making him the center of attention once again.
-I think that the explanations are unnecessary, sooner or later she will most likely invite you to one of those parties and I don't want to spoil the surprise.
He explained.
Then the topic shifted to other things.
The other guests quickly got interested in Paul, not only because of his performance but also the fact that he talked with the province lord and the city lord like they were old friends.
Paul felt many people's eyes on him and he was more than certain that as soon as the banquet ended, they would all send their servants to investigate him.
The only question was, would they decide to cause him trouble? Because there was no way that they could recruit him.
The banquet lasted till midnight, after which the guests started to leave.
Paul and Fei Fei also said their goodbyes and went home to get some rest.
-That was tiering.
Paul said when they were in the carriage on their way home.
-But it was also quite fun.
Fei Fei said with a smile.
-Yeah, it was not as bad as I thought it would be, but I think we will have a whole lot of drama to deal with soon.
He said, thinking about all the people who would want to bring him down a peg or recruit him.
That was the main reason he never wanted to stay too long in one place as dealing with all this drama would be exhausting.
-I don't think so.
Fei Fei shook her head.
-There might be some people who will try to do something about you, but most of the people at the banquet saw you talk with not only the city lord but also a province lord, not to mention calling Liu Lili, Aunt publicly and not getting slapped silly for it.
Little Su told me that a girl from an influential family tried it last year and she was slapped until her whole face was swollen.
So most of the people will most likely leave you alone, not wanting to anger the lords.
She explained her point of view.
Thinking it over for a moment, Paul had to admit that it made a lot of sense.
-I can think of at least one person who might want to create some trouble for me.
He finally said.
-You mean the girl from the Mei family?
Fei Fei asked amused.
-You heard what Uncle and Jing Su said, and the girl does not look like the type to just let it go.
- I don't care, if she won't back off then I have a lot of ways to make her regret her actions.
She said with a mischievous smile.
-In that case, I will let you deal with her if she ever shows up.
Fei Fei just laughed, but secretly she hoped for an opportunity to deal with the bitch that tried to humiliate her man and she would not be gentle when dealing with her.
Soon they arrived at the mansion and the moment they disembarked, Paul had a bad feeling as there was no one to greet them.
Usually, Nia and Lia would take turns guarding the gate but they were nowhere to be seen.
He instantly remembered what happened the last time something like that happened and was terrified at the mere thought of history repeating itself.
Fei Fei also felt that something was wrong and Paul's sudden change made her even more nervous.
Paul quickly cast the search spell to see what was going on inside the mansion and what he saw made him speechless.