-The goblin lair is this way.
Paul said pointing at a nearby hill.
-Why did you set the coordinates so far away?
Luo Mo asked.
-They have a shaman, and I didn't want him to sense our arrival.
Observing the lair from the same place Paul used earlier, everyone thought about how to approach the problem.
They didn't want to give goblins a chance to use slaves against them, but at the same time, they had no idea who was the slave master.
-Two guards at the entrance, at least two more as their chief guards, and maybe two guarding the shaman.
That's six altogether plus the shaman and the chief.
Paul said.
-Unfortunately, we have no idea how many of them are in the cave.
Xiao Han thought out loud.
-If not for the slaves, I would just throw a few bombs and be done with it, but considering humanity's strained relationship with other races, I think that freeing them could earn us some goodwill.
Paul explained.
-That might work, so how do you want to do it?
Luo Feng asked.
All three men looked at him since this was his idea.
-The entrance guards should not be a problem, an arrow each and they are done, but the next ones to die have to be the shaman and the chief.
Shaman to prevent him from using magic and the chief because he is the most likely to be the slave master.
If we are successful then the rest should be easy.
Paul explained.
The three men had decades of experience so they wanted to let him figure it out by himself and learn from this.
-Why do you want to take out the entrance guards first?
Xiao Han asked.
He liked the plan as it was simple but that was the part he could not figure out.
If it was his plan then the shaman and the chief would be the primary targets.
-Uncle, can't you see where they are standing and what's above the entrance?
Paul asked.
Only then did the three of them look closer and figure it out.
-Clever little bastards.
Luo Mo said with a bit of respect in his voice.
Above the entrance, there was a wooden platform filled with big stones and if Paul was right, at the first sign of trouble, the guards would drop them, barricading the entrance.
This of course meant that there was another exit but the idea was to buy themselves enough time to escape if they could not defeat their enemy.
-Could you not just open the passage even if they dropped it?
Luo Feng asked.
He knew already that Paul was an archmage.
-I can but it would require a lot of mana and some time to do so, and that's all they need to escape or even to order the slaves to attack us on sight.
-Ok so the guards are the first to go.
Xiao Han said, taking out his bow.
The two goblin guards were bored out of their skulls since nothing ever happened at the entrance to their cave.
They were killing time talking in their language when suddenly their heads were pierced by arrows that pinned them to the rocky wall of their home, not allowing them to even scream before they died.
The sound that the arrows made got the attention of the chief, the shaman, and their guards who were outside looking at the slaves who were instructed to build something like a wall around the entrance so they were digging a hole for the foundation right now.
Before any of them could even react another two arrows came piercing the chief through his heart and the shaman got one right through his throat.
Their guards immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave, hoping to find shelter from their assailants and barricading the entrance.
They never even got close to the entrance as more arrows came, ending their lives in an instant.
When the four humans arrived at the entrance, only the shaman was still alive but he didn't have long to live so Luo Mo ended his suffering by crushing his head with his foot.
The slaves who were digging the hole stopped their work seeing their oppressors dead and feeling their slavery contracts disappear.
All of them were stunned at this since they never even dreamed that someone could free them.
-You need to run.
A young human girl said to them.
-Why should we run?
Luo Feng asked surprised.
-Their warriors will return soon and there are many of them.
The girl said almost crying.
-You don't have to worry about them.
Paul said.
-I already killed them all so they won't be coming back or bothering anyone ever again.
Do you know how many goblins are inside?
Xiao Feng asked the girl but she just shook her head.
-There are at least five more males and a few dozen females and young inside.
Suddenly a deep and hard voice spoke.
It was one of the dwarves that were digging the hole.
-We can guide you through the cave but we want to help you kill them all in exchange.
He offered.
-Also, there are more slaves inside so I think we need to hurry.
-I accept your offer.
Paul said, taking a few hatchets from his spatial device.
-I don't have any better weapons to offer you but these should do the trick.
He said offering them to the dwarves.
-This is a lousy excuse for an axe but it will do until we get our weapons back.
The red-bearded dwarf who spoke first said taking one and appraising it with the eye of an expert.
-Diron and Ered, stay here and keep an eye on everything if some stragglers are coming back, just hack them to pieces and you do not have to do it fast this time.
The red beard ordered.
Both dwarves nodded took a cachet each and took the rest of the former slaves to one area so it would be easier to protect them.
-Here, have some.
Paul said to the people he just freed taking out some food and water for them.
Thanks to Mia and Maya he knew that these slaves must have been starving and he was right on the money since they immediately started eating and drinking.
-If you are done, then let's get a move on, I do not want to stay here for a minute longer than I have to.
The dwarf said impatiently.
-Lead the way.
Paul said walking in the direction of the cave.